Benebovis the Battlemaster
Benebovis created on 17th of January 2024, and is currently 22 years old (82 hours played).

Title: the Battlemaster
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: minotaur warrior

Background history:

  1. Born of Turmoil - posted at 2024-01-21 19:26:35
Born of Turmoil
In a time characterized by incessant clashes between the forces of light and dark, emerged Benebovis from the desolation of war. Left without parents when conflict tore through his region, he was found by other survivors and brought to an orphanage in Timaran. This refuge, an amalgamation of orphans from various races, became a crucible where the convictions of the young minotaur were tempered. Benebovis grew up amidst the diverse tapestry of elves, dwarves, humans, and other forgotten offspring of conflict. The orphanage, nestled away in the relative security of Timaran, evolved into a bastion of diversity. Tales of loss and hardship bound these young souls together, many among them harboring a collective disdain for the warring factions that had left them without families. This youngling matured, as did his disillusionment with the state of the world. He bore witness to the hypocrisy of the Knights, who murdered those with different believes who wouldn't show obeisance to them. And the Legion, who callously murdered other disrupting the lives of others for their own cruel satisfaction. Marked by a burgeoning skepticism that this was merely the way of things, he began to distance himself from the simplistic dichotomy of virtue versus malevolence. Realising this was mere service given by those unwilling to take action in order for change, he knew it'd be up to his generation to correct.

Description (commended):

Its golden brown fur, soft and luxurious, covers its entire form, creating a mesmerizing contrast with the immense strength it exudes. The fur shimmers in the sunlight, giving the creature an almost regal aura. The minotaur's eyes, a piercing shade of molten amber, radiate a controlled fury. These eyes are set beneath a prominent brow, casting shadows that enhance the creature's imposing visage. Curved horns extend gracefully from the sides of its head, their color a rich blend of burnished gold and dark mahogany, ending in razor-sharp tips that glint menacingly in the light. The hooves of the minotaur are a deep, obsidian black, contrasting starkly with the golden brown fur.
