Ye Olde Abandoned Realms Logs

Kryton vs Quinace

posted on 2022-11-17 20:30:07
Now streaming Quinace.

Quinace relaxes his posture.

Quinace stops meditating and stands up.

Quinace becomes poised and ready for battle.

Quinace sits cross-legged on the ground and begins reciting his mantras.

Quinace stops meditating and stands up.

The Juggernaut yells 'Kryton has accepted Quinace's challenge.'

Quinace walks up.
A Study Chamber

[Exits: north down]
The guildhall's mission board has been set here.
Quinace is here.
Deymei the trainee meditates here concentrating on his art.

Quinace walks north.
Base of the Belltower

[Exits: east south up]
Quinace is here.
A fearless adventurer is here, asking for a group to explore the Mystic Forest.
Parn the monk monastery guardian stands on guard here.

Quinace walks east.
The Monastery Gates

[Exits: north east south west]
Quinace is here.
A fearless adventurer is here, asking for a group to explore the Mystic Forest.
A trainee monk performs a ceremonial kata diligently.

Quinace walks north.
Among the Trees

[Exits: south west]
Quinace is here.

Quinace walks west.
Among the Trees

[Exits: north east]
Quinace is here.

Quinace walks north.
North Entrance of the Park

[Exits: north south]
Quinace is here.

Quinace walks north.
The West Common Road

[Exits: east south west]
Quinace is here.
(White Aura) A Triton Watchman stands here, with purpose.

Quinace walks east.
The West Common Road

[Exits: north east west]
Quinace is here.

Quinace walks east.
The West Common Road

[Exits: north east west]
Quinace is here.

Quinace walks east.
The Western Monument

[Exits: north east south west]
Quinace is here.

Quinace walks east.
The West Common Road

[Exits: north east south west]
Quinace is here.

Quinace walks east.
The West Common Road

[Exits: north east south west]
Quinace is here.

Quinace walks east.
West of Market Square

[Exits: north south west]
Quinace is here.

Quinace drinks water from the Justice monument.

Quinace moves with the swiftness and the accuracy of the crane.

Quinace flies north.
Northwest of Market Square

[Exits: east south]
Quinace is here.

Quinace flies east.
North of Market Square

[Exits: north east west]
Quinace is here.
A stone giant citizen of Seringale wanders about.
A beggar, wearing a decaying, dirty and stinky old hat, wanders around asking for spare gold.

Quinace flies north.
The Main Street

[Exits: north east south west]
Quinace is here.
A halfling city guard of Seringale stands watch here.
A beggar, wearing a decaying, dirty and stinky old hat, wanders around asking for spare gold.

Quinace flies north.
The Main Street

[Exits: north east south west]
Quinace is here.

Quinace flies north.
The Main Street

[Exits: north south]
Quinace is here.
A beggar, wearing a decaying, dirty and stinky old hat, wanders around asking for spare gold.

Quinace flies north.
North Square

[Exits: north east south west]
A terrifying face hangs on a hook. Its tongue lolls with...candy?
(Glowing) (Humming) A brass fingerpost stands here.
(Glowing) The Herald Bulletin Board gleams majestically in the middle of the square.
Quinace is here.
A beggar, wearing a decaying, dirty and stinky old hat, wanders around asking for spare gold.

Quinace flies north.
The North Main Street

[Exits: north south west]
Quinace is here.

Quinace flies south.
North Square

[Exits: north east south west]
A terrifying face hangs on a hook. Its tongue lolls with...candy?
(Glowing) (Humming) A brass fingerpost stands here.
(Glowing) The Herald Bulletin Board gleams majestically in the middle of the square.
Quinace is here.
A beggar, wearing a decaying, dirty and stinky old hat, wanders around asking for spare gold.

Quinace gets a Wayfarer's Cake from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Quinace gets a Wayfarer's Cake from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Quinace walks south.
The Main Street

[Exits: north south]
Quinace is here.
A beggar, wearing a decaying, dirty and stinky old hat, wanders around asking for spare gold.

Quinace walks north.
North Square

[Exits: north east south west]
A terrifying face hangs on a hook. Its tongue lolls with...candy?
(Glowing) (Humming) A brass fingerpost stands here.
(Glowing) The Herald Bulletin Board gleams majestically in the middle of the square.
Quinace is here.
A beggar, wearing a decaying, dirty and stinky old hat, wanders around asking for spare gold.

Quinace's movement is no longer as accurate.
Quinace crouches and stalks like a leopard.

Quinace sits cross-legged on the ground and begins reciting his mantras.

A beggar walks west.

Quinace relaxes his posture.

Quinace stops meditating and stands up.

Quinace becomes poised and ready for battle.

Quinace eats a Wayfarer's Cake.

Quinace drinks water from a silver chalice ornamented with pearls.

Quinace gets a Wayfarer's Cake from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Quinace crouches and stalks like a leopard.

Quinace relaxes his posture.

Quinace becomes poised and ready for battle.

A beggar walks in.

A beggar walks south.

Quinace sits cross-legged on the ground and begins reciting his mantras.

A beggar walks in.

A beggar walks south.
A beggar walks in.

A beggar walks south.

Quinace stops meditating and stands up.

The smell of pumpkin candy wafts out of some of the shops.

Quinace waits patiently.

Kryton walks in.
A snotty old rottweiler walks in.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Quinace yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Kryton!'
Quinace turns Kryton's attack against him.
Quinace's tiger uppercut mauls Kryton.
Kryton's thrust decimates Quinace!

Kryton is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Quinace's kicked dirt scratches Kryton.

Quinace's palm strike hits Kryton.
Quinace's back fist hits Kryton.
Quinace executes the form, swirling sandstorm!
Quinace's kicked dirt misses Kryton.
Quinace's spin kick injures Kryton.
Kryton's thrust misses Quinace.

Kryton adopts a defensive posture.

Quinace evades Kryton's attack and exploits the brief opening.
Quinace's leopard paw to the kidney grazes Kryton.
Quinace's tiger uppercut injures Kryton.
Kryton's riposte mauls Quinace.

Quinace's kick wounds Kryton.
Quinace's double kick wounds Kryton.
Kryton rubs the dirt out of his eyes, but they're still watering.
Kryton's thrust mauls Quinace.
Quinace performs the form, leopard stalks over thin ice!
Quinace's elbow smash DISMEMBERS Kryton!
Kryton's riposte wounds Quinace.
Quinace's whirlwind kick wounds Kryton.

Kryton stops wielding the Centurion's polearm.
Kryton wields 'Un-Rkizk', Trident of Massacre.

Kryton wields something in his off-hand.

Kryton returns to his aggressive posture.
Kryton surges with power.
Kryton strikes Quinace with his weapon and attempts to hobble him.
Kryton's hobble wounds Quinace.
Quinace clutches his leg painfully as he begins to hobble.

Quinace's whirlwind kick wounds Kryton.
Quinace evades Kryton's attack and exploits the brief opening.
Quinace's leopard paw to the kidney grazes Kryton.

Quinace stops stalking around.
Quinace hooks his fingers and begins rocking like the mantis.

Kryton's acidic bite DISMEMBERS Quinace!
Kryton's pierce decimates Quinace!
Quinace executes the form, dragon whipping its tail!
Quinace's hook punch hits Kryton.

Kryton stops wielding something.
Kryton tightens his grip around 'Un-Rkizk', Trident of Massacre.
Quinace's kick mauls Kryton.
Quinace hops towards Kryton.
Quinace hops towards Kryton.
Quinace's grasshopper kick mauls Kryton.
Quinace's double kick misses Kryton.

Kryton's eyes stop watering.
Quinace's palm strike hits Kryton.
Quinace's palm strike hits Kryton.
Kryton's riposte DISMEMBERS Quinace!
Kryton's acidic bite DISEMBOWELS Quinace!
Kryton's acidic bite DISEMBOWELS Quinace!

Kryton sends Quinace sprawling with a powerful bash.
Kryton's bash decimates Quinace!

Quinace's dragon punch mauls Kryton.
Kryton's riposte DISEMBOWELS Quinace!
Quinace's knee thrust hits Kryton.
Kryton's acidic bite DISEMBOWELS Quinace!
Kryton's acidic bite DISMEMBERS Quinace!

Quinace stops hobbling around.
Quinace's back fist misses Kryton.
Quinace's elbow slash mauls Kryton.
Quinace's roundhouse kick grazes Kryton.
Kryton's acidic bite MUTILATES Quinace!
Kryton's acidic bite MUTILATES Quinace!

Kryton surges with power.
Kryton sends Quinace sprawling with a powerful bash.
Kryton's bash decimates Quinace!

Quinace relaxes his posture.

Quinace's tiger uppercut hits Kryton.
Quinace's dragon punch wounds Kryton.
Quinace's knee thrust grazes Kryton.
Quinace lightly taps a point on Kryton's shoulder.
Kryton grunts as he begins to struggle with his belongings.
Kryton's acidic bite MASSACRES Quinace!
Kryton's acidic bite MANGLES Quinace!

Quinace stops rocking like the mantis.
Quinace crouches and stalks like a leopard.
Quinace looks less wobbly on his feet.

Kryton's acidic bite DISEMBOWELS Quinace!
Kryton's acidic bite DISEMBOWELS Quinace!
Kryton's acidic bite DISEMBOWELS Quinace!
The Juggernaut yells 'Quinace has been defeated by Kryton.'
The Juggernaut yells 'The duel lasted 7 minutes and 31 seconds.'
Quinace is mortally wounded!!

Kryton stands up.

Kryton looks at Quinace.

Now streaming Far Above Serin.


  1. So that’s what getting hit by a dump truck looks like.
      [reply to Thorgoth]

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