Ye Olde Abandoned Realms Logs

Zyron vs Kryton

posted on 2023-09-10 21:02:49
Zyron yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Kryton!'
Kryton's acidic bite MUTILATES Zyron!
Kryton's acidic bite MUTILATES Zyron!
Kryton's acidic bite MUTILATES Zyron!

Kryton is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Zyron's kicked dirt scratches Kryton.

Zyron's back fist hits Kryton.
Zyron's spin kick injures Kryton.

Zyron's tiger uppercut injures Kryton.
Zyron's tiger uppercut wounds Kryton.
Zyron's spin kick hits Kryton.
Kryton's acidic bite MUTILATES Zyron!

Kryton's bash misses Zyron.
Kryton falls flat on his face.

Zyron returns to his normal size.
Zyron crouches and stalks like a leopard.

Kryton rubs the dirt out of his eyes, but they're still watering.
Zyron evades Kryton's attack and exploits the brief opening.
Zyron's leopard paw to the kidney grazes Kryton.
Zyron evades Kryton's attack and exploits the brief opening.
Zyron's leopard paw to the kidney grazes Kryton.
Zyron's palm strike grazes Kryton.
Zyron's swipe kick injures Kryton.

Kryton phases back into existence.
Issnake the venomous king cobra phases back into existence.

Zyron has fled!
Zyron walks west.
An empty hall

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Zyron is here.

Zyron walks east.
An empty hall

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Zyron is here.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A guard of the black-tear stands ready for action.

Kryton relaxes his grip on his weapon.
Kryton wields a dagger of dragon's fire in his off-hand.

Kryton yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Zyron!'
Zyron's lunge catches Kryton off-guard!
Zyron's tiger uppercut injures Kryton.
Zyron's leopard claw devastates Kryton!
Zyron's whirlwind kick wounds Kryton.

Kryton surges with power.
Kryton strikes Zyron with his weapon and attempts to hobble him.
Kryton's hobble wounds Zyron.
Zyron clutches his leg painfully as he begins to hobble.

Zyron's palm strike grazes Kryton.
Zyron's low crescent kick devastates Kryton!
Zyron evades Kryton's attack and exploits the brief opening.
Zyron's leopard paw to the kidney grazes Kryton.
Zyron evades Kryton's attack and exploits the brief opening.
Zyron's leopard paw to the kidney scratches Kryton.

Zyron stops stalking around.
Zyron rears up and growls with the bodacity of the panda!

Kryton's eyes stop watering.
Zyron's cross punch hits Kryton.
Zyron's dragon punch injures Kryton.
Kryton's acidic bite MUTILATES Zyron!
Kryton's acidic bite devastates Zyron!

Kryton stops wielding a dagger of dragon's fire.
Kryton tightens his grip around 'Un-Rkizk', Trident of Massacre.

Zyron has fled!
Zyron bounces west.
An empty hall

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Zyron is here.

Zyron bounces east.
An empty hall

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Zyron is here.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A guard of the black-tear stands ready for action.

Zyron yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Kryton!'
Kryton's acidic bite DISMEMBERS Zyron!
Kryton's acidic bite DISEMBOWELS Zyron!

Zyron has fled!
Zyron bounces west.
An empty hall

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Zyron is here.

Zyron bounces west.
An empty hall

[Exits: north east]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Zyron is here.
Zyron stops hobbling around.

Zyron bounces north.
An Overlook

[Exits: south]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Zyron is here.
An aged soldier is here, fondly reminiscing about his past.

Zyron opens a dragonblood pleated leather backpack of evisceration.

Now streaming Kryton.

A ray of light shines down briefly nearby, then vanishes.

Kryton walks east.
At an intersection

[Exits: north east south west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
An empty hall

Kryton scans all around.

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A guard of the black-tear stands ready for action.

Kryton scans all around.

Kryton walks west.
An empty hall

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
An empty hall

[Exits: north east]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
An Overlook

[Exits: south]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
An aged soldier is here, fondly reminiscing about his past.

Kryton walks south.
An empty hall

[Exits: north east]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
An empty hall

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
An empty hall

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A guard of the black-tear stands ready for action.

Kryton walks east.
At an intersection

[Exits: north east south west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
The Barracks

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A guard of the black-tear stands ready for action.
The Groundskeeper is here keeping watch.

Kryton walks south.
The War Room

[Exits: north east west]
Some sleeves inscribed with a black tear-drop are here.
A helm stands here with a large black tear drop inscribed on it.
A girth inscribed with a black tear-drop are here.
Some leggings inscribed with a black tear-drop are here.
A large suit of heavy banded mail is here.
A pair of tough-looking leather boots is here.
A pair of worn leather gloves are on the ground.
A pair of ruby-red leather boots is here.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
A small junction

[Exits: east south west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
In the inner tunnels

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
In the inner tunnels

[Exits: east (west)]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A guard of the black-tear stands ready for action.

Kryton gets a misty potion from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Kryton quaffs a misty potion.
Kryton phases out of existence.
Issnake the venomous king cobra phases out of existence.
Kryton is surrounded by a pink outline.

Kryton walks west.
At the Main Gate

[Exits: (east) west]
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A djinni statue stands guard here.

Kryton walks west.
The main entranceway

[Exits: east west]
(Glowing) (Humming) A charred torch wrapped in chain is bolted to the wall.
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A guard of the black-tear stands ready for action.
A guard of the black-tear stands ready for action.
A guard of the black-tear throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

Kryton walks west.
The main entranceway

[Exits: north east]
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
The main entranceway

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
The main entranceway

[Exits: (north) south]
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
At the Gate

[Exits: (north) (south)]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
A Black Obelisk

[Exits: north east (south) west]
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A djinni statue stands guard here.

Kryton walks west.
Among tinder walls and stone
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.

Kryton walks west.
Among tinder walls and stone

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
A stone path

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
A stone path

[Exits: (north) east]
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
Before the Great Gates

[Exits: east (south)]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
A large gargoyle lands next to you, baring his fangs at you.
A large gargoyle lands next to you, baring his fangs at you.

Kryton walks east.

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

A magic seashell grows into a raft.
Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
Southern Lake Side

[Exits: north west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats north.
Northern Lake Side

[Exits: south west]
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A marsh giant stomps towards you.
A warrior trainee floats in.

Kryton floats west.
A warrior trainee floats west.
Murky Bog

[Exits: east west (down)]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A rather small beast cringes in terror as it notices you.

Kryton walks west.
By the Monolith

[Exits: north east west]
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A monstrous snake slithers towards you, thinking 'breakfast'.
A marsh giant stomps towards you.
An ogre stands here getting ready to beat in your face.
A warrior trainee walks in.

[Exits: north east]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Near Vegetation from Hell
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A heap of garbage shambles towards you.
A heap of garbage shambles towards you.

Kryton walks north.
Gloomy Path through the Marsh

[Exits: north south]
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A green troll attempts to get a hold on you.
A green troll attempts to get a hold on you.
A Death Slaad is standing here distraught. He seems lost.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks north.
A warrior trainee walks north.
On a Hill

[Exits: north east south]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A Marsh Hag is here.
A huge hairy beast shambles towards you with death in his eyes.
A huge hairy beast shambles towards you with death in his eyes.
A green troll attempts to get a hold on you.

Kryton walks north.
Marshy Forest

[Exits: north east south]
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
An ogre stands here getting ready to beat in your face.
A green troll attempts to get a hold on you.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks north.
A warrior trainee walks north.
Swamp's Edge

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A swamp troll charges towards you.

Now streaming Zyron.

Zyron's tiger uppercut DISMEMBERS the large hobgoblin!
Zyron performs the form, bear snaps bamboo!
Zyron's dragon punch *** DEMOLISHES *** the large hobgoblin!
The large hobgoblin is DEAD!!
The large hobgoblin's eyes are pulled out of her head.
Zyron gets 12 gold coins from the corpse of the large hobgoblin.
Zyron sacrifices the corpse of the large hobgoblin to Davairus.

Zyron gets a purple potion.

Zyron opens a dragonblood pleated leather backpack of evisceration.

Zyron puts a purple potion in a dragonblood pleated leather backpack of evisceration.

Zyron closes a dragonblood pleated leather backpack of evisceration.

Zyron bounces east.
The Tunnel

[Exits: east south west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron bounces south.
The Hole

[Exits: north up]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron bounces up.
A Collapsed Mineshaft

[Exits: west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron bounces west.
A Rough Passage

[Exits: north east south]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron bounces south.
Entrance to the Old Mine

[Exits: north up]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron bounces north.
A Rough Passage

[Exits: north east south]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron bounces north.
An Awful-Smelling Tunnel

[Exits: east south west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron bounces east.
An Awful-Smelling Tunnel

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron bounces east.
An Access Tunnel

Zyron bounces east.
An Access Tunnel

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

[Exits: north west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron bounces north.
An Access Tunnel

[Exits: south west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron bounces west.
An Access Tunnel

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron bounces west.
An Access Tunnel

[Exits: north east]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron bounces north.
An Access Tunnel

[Exits: east south]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron bounces east.
An Access Tunnel

[Exits: north west down]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron bounces down.
Bottom of a Mine Shaft

[Exits: east up]
(Glowing) (Humming) A blade with Lodur's mark lies here.
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron bounces east.
A Mine Tunnel

[Exits: east west]
A pile of gold coins.
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A small bat flutters about in the darkness.
A huge troll roams the cavern looking for something to eat.
A huge troll roams the cavern looking for something to eat.

Zyron bounces east.
A Fork in the Tunnel

[Exits: north south west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A huge troll roams the cavern looking for something to eat.

Zyron bounces north.
A Curve in the Mine Tunnel

[Exits: east south]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron bounces east.
A Curved Tunnel

[Exits: north west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A huge troll roams the cavern looking for something to eat.
A faint knocking on the cavern walls is heard from the north.

Zyron walks north.
A Curved Tunnel

[Exits: east south]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A black centipede scurries directly towards you.

Zyron walks east.
A Side Passage in the Mine Tunnel

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A huge troll roams the cavern looking for something to eat.
A faint knocking on the cavern walls is heard from the east.

Zyron sits down and begins to meditate.

A dark troll grunt walks east.

Zyron stops meditating and stands up.

Zyron sits down and begins to meditate.

Zyron stops meditating and stands up.

Zyron closes his eyes in meditation.

A healing light surrounds Zyron.

Zyron walks east.
A Side Passage in the Mine Tunnel

[Exits: south west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A huge troll roams the cavern looking for something to eat.

A kobold miner walks in.

Zyron walks south.
A Side Passage in the Mine Tunnel

[Exits: north east south]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A small bat flutters about in the darkness.

Zyron walks east.
A Side Passage in the Mine Tunnels

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
Knocks on the walls are heard from the cavern to the east.

Zyron walks east.
A Side Passage in the Mine Tunnels

[Exits: north south west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron walks south.
Bottom of a Mine Shaft

[Exits: north up]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A black centipede scurries directly towards you.

Zyron walks up.
Top of a Mine Shaft

[Exits: west down]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
The cool breeze suddenly gusts with a piercing shriek, and then dies down.

Zyron walks west.
Near a Mine Shaft

[Exits: north east south]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron walks south.
Central Mine Tunnel

[Exits: north south]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron walks south.
A Curve in the Central Tunnels

[Exits: north west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A skinny kobold darts through the shadows frantically.
A massive troll patrols the caverns with a dull but focused intent.
A scrawny kobold walks north.

Zyron walks west.
A Curve in the Central Tunnels

[Exits: north east]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron walks north.
A Split in the Tunnel

Zyron walks north.
A Side Tunnel in the Central Mines

[Exits: north south west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A kobold miner digs furiously for the lost treasure.

[Exits: south west]
A rock in the cavern looks conspicuous.
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A massive troll patrols the caverns with a dull but focused intent.

[Exits: north east]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A black centipede scurries directly towards you.

Zyron walks west.
A Side Tunnel in the Central Mines

[Exits: north south west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A black centipede scurries directly towards you.

Zyron walks north.
A Fork in the Tunnel

Zyron walks west.
A Tunnel in the Central Mines

[Exits: east south west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron walks south.
Bottom of a Mine Shaft

[Exits: north up]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

The healing light fades from Zyron.

Zyron walks up.
Top of a Mine Shaft

[Exits: north down]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron walks north.
A Slope in the Tunnel

[Exits: north east south]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A dark troll shaman is here with head bowed, uttering a strange incantation.

Zyron walks east.
A Tunnel in the Upper Mines

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron walks east.
Flooded Mine Tunnel

[Exits: north west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron swims north.
Flooded Mine Tunnel

[Exits: east south]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A skinny kobold darts through the shadows frantically.
A dark troll shaman is here with head bowed, uttering a strange incantation.

Zyron swims east.
A Tunnel in the Upper Mines

[Exits: south west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron walks south.
A Bend in the Tunnel

[Exits: north east]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron walks east.
A Sharp Corner

[Exits: north west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A dark troll shaman is here with head bowed, uttering a strange incantation.

Zyron walks north.
Inside a Mine Tunnel

[Exits: north south]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A kobold miner digs furiously for the lost treasure.

Zyron walks north.
A Fork in the Tunnel

[Exits: north east south]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron walks east.
A Tunnel

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron walks east.
Entrance to an Abandoned Mine

[Exits: east west]
The freshly bloodied corpse of a fortune-hunter lies here.
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A black centipede scurries directly towards you.

Zyron walks east.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face

[Exits: north south west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron walks south.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face

[Exits: north east]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A lanky mountain troll stares at you suspiciously.

Zyron walks east.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron walks east.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron walks east.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face

[Exits: south west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A lanky mountain troll stares at you suspiciously.

Zyron walks south.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face

[Exits: north south]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron walks south.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face

[Exits: north east]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron walks east.
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron walks east.
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: north west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A lanky mountain troll stares at you suspiciously.

Zyron walks north.
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: east south]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron walks east.
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron closes his eyes in meditation.

A healing light surrounds Zyron.

Zyron walks east.
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: north west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron walks north.
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: east south]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A lanky mountain troll stares at you suspiciously.

Zyron walks east.
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) Zyron is here.

Zyron sits down and rests.

The healing light fades from Zyron.

Zyron stands up.

Zyron closes his eyes in meditation.

A healing light surrounds Zyron.

Zyron sits down and rests.

The healing light fades from Zyron.

Zyron stands up.

Zyron looks less stable.
Zyron crouches and stalks like a leopard.

Kryton walks in.
A warrior trainee walks in.
Zyron opens a dragonblood pleated leather backpack of evisceration.

Zyron gets a purple potion from a dragonblood pleated leather backpack of evisceration.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
Zyron closes a dragonblood pleated leather backpack of evisceration.

Zyron holds a purple potion in his hand.

Zyron quaffs a purple potion.
Zyron is surrounded by a white aura.

Kryton walks in.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Zyron yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Kryton!'
Kryton's acidic bite mauls Zyron.
Zyron evades Kryton's attack and exploits the brief opening.
Zyron's leopard paw to the kidney scratches Kryton.

Kryton is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Zyron's kicked dirt scratches Kryton.

Zyron evades Kryton's attack and exploits the brief opening.
Zyron's leopard paw to the kidney grazes Kryton.
Zyron evades Kryton's attack and exploits the brief opening.
Zyron's leopard paw to the kidney scratches Kryton.
Zyron's tiger uppercut hits Kryton.

Kryton surges with power.
Kryton strikes Zyron with his weapon and attempts to hobble him.
Kryton's hobble wounds Zyron.
Zyron clutches his leg painfully as he begins to hobble.

Kryton's acidic bite devastates Zyron!
Kryton's flaming bite decimates Zyron!

Zyron stops stalking around.
Zyron's body starts to enlarge into the image of a dragon.

Zyron's palm strike misses Kryton.
Zyron's whirlwind kick wounds Kryton.
Kryton's acidic bite maims Zyron!
Kryton's flaming bite maims Zyron!
Kryton's acidic bite maims Zyron!
Kryton's flaming bite maims Zyron!
Kryton's acidic bite DISEMBOWELS Zyron!

Kryton stops wielding a dagger of dragon's fire.
Kryton tightens his grip around 'Un-Rkizk', Trident of Massacre.
Zyron weakens Kryton with his nerve pressure.

Kryton sends Zyron sprawling with a powerful bash.
Kryton's bash hits Zyron.
Kryton rubs the dirt out of his eyes, but they're still watering.
Kryton's acidic bite MUTILATES Zyron!
Zyron's dragon wing mauls Kryton.
Zyron's dragon punch MUTILATES Kryton!
Zyron's dragon tail lash MUTILATES Kryton!

Zyron stops hobbling around.
Zyron's tiger uppercut wounds Kryton.
Zyron's dragon punch decimates Kryton!
Zyron's dragon thrust injures Kryton.
Kryton's acidic bite DISEMBOWELS Zyron!

Kryton's eyes stop watering.
Kryton's acidic bite DISEMBOWELS Zyron!
Kryton's acidic bite MUTILATES Zyron!
Zyron's dragon talon maims Kryton!
Zyron's dragon punch devastates Kryton!

Kryton surges with power.
Kryton sends Zyron sprawling with a powerful bash.
Kryton's bash injures Zyron.

Zyron returns to his normal size.
Zyron crouches and stalks like a leopard.
Zyron looks less wobbly on his feet.

Zyron's leopard claw maims Kryton!
Zyron's half fist punch wounds Kryton.
Kryton's riposte maims Zyron!
Kryton's acidic bite decimates Zyron!

Zyron has fled!
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: east south]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Zyron is here.
A lanky mountain troll stares at you suspiciously.

Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: north west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Zyron is here.

Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

Zyron opens a dragonblood pleated leather backpack of evisceration.

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Zyron is here.

Zyron gets a perfect potion of recall from a dragonblood pleated leather backpack of evisceration.

Zyron closes a dragonblood pleated leather backpack of evisceration.

Now streaming Kryton.

A ray of light shines down briefly nearby, then vanishes.

Kryton walks south.
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: north west]
(Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: east south]
(Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: north west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A lanky mountain troll stares at you suspiciously.

Kryton walks west.
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

[Exits: north east]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face

[Exits: north south]
(Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks north.
A warrior trainee walks north.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face

[Exits: south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A lanky mountain troll stares at you suspiciously.

Kryton walks west.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face

[Exits: north east]
(Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A lanky mountain troll stares at you suspiciously.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks north.
A warrior trainee walks north.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face

[Exits: north south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
The white aura around Kryton's body fades.

Kryton walks west.
Entrance to an Abandoned Mine

[Exits: east west]
The freshly bloodied corpse of a fortune-hunter lies here.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A black centipede scurries directly towards you.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
A Tunnel

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
A Fork in the Tunnel

[Exits: north east south]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A kobold miner digs furiously for the lost treasure.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
A Tunnel

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
Entrance to an Abandoned Mine

[Exits: east west]
The freshly bloodied corpse of a fortune-hunter lies here.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A black centipede scurries directly towards you.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face

[Exits: north south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face

[Exits: north east]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A lanky mountain troll stares at you suspiciously.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face

[Exits: south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A lanky mountain troll stares at you suspiciously.

Kryton walks south.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face

[Exits: north south]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
Redhorne Mountain, Western Face

[Exits: north east]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: north west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A lanky mountain troll stares at you suspiciously.

Kryton walks north.
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: east south]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: north west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks north.
A warrior trainee walks north.
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: east south]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.

Kryton walks east.
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A lanky mountain troll stares at you suspiciously.

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
Redhorne Mountain, Southern Face

[Exits: south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Redhorne Mountain

[Exits: north south]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
Redhorne Mountain

[Exits: north west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.

Kryton walks west.
Redhorne Mountain
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A lanky mountain troll stares at you suspiciously.

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Redhorne Mountain

[Exits: east south]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Redhorne Mountain

[Exits: north east]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A lanky mountain troll stares at you suspiciously.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
Redhorne Mountain

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
Wayfarer's path

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
Wayfarer's path

[Exits: north east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
Wayfarer's path

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
Wayfarer's path

[Exits: south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton inspects the ground for tracks.

Kryton walks south.
Wayfarer's path

[Exits: north east]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
Wayfarer's path

[Exits: east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

A warrior trainee says 'You can't defeat me! I am invincible!'
A warrior trainee writhes, screaming 'The PPppppPOOOOoooWWWwwwErrRRR!'

Kryton walks east.
Wayfarer's path

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
An outdoor marketplace

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
An outdoor marketplace

[Exits: north east south west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A citizen of Solace is here, going about his business.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
An outdoor marketplace

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
Market Central

[Exits: north east south west]
(Glowing) The Herald Bulletin Board gleams majestically in the middle of the square.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A grumpy-looking gnome is here trying to peddle wares.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
A path through the market

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Gateway to Solace

[Exits: north south]
A grand stone arch welcomes travellers to the city of Solace.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee climbs in.

Kryton climbs south.
A warrior trainee climbs south.
Twin Peaks Vale

[Exits: north east]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A black and white goat is here, looking apprehensive.

Kryton climbs east.
Shadow's Gap

[Exits: south west]
An ancient gloomy horn has been laid to rest here.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee climbs in.

Kryton climbs south.
A warrior trainee climbs south.
Outside Shadow's Gap

[Exits: north down]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A thin, rugged man covers ground quickly with his loping stride.

Kryton climbs down.
A path in the mountains

[Exits: south up]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee climbs in.

Kryton climbs south.
A warrior trainee climbs south.
A path in the mountains

[Exits: north east]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.

Kryton climbs east.
A path in the mountains
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A warrior trainee climbs in.

[Exits: west down]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
The caravan attendant is here, with caravans for hire.

Kryton climbs down.
A warrior trainee climbs down.
A path at the base of the mountain

[Exits: east up]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton climbs east.
A ravine overlooking Clearwater Lake

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
A bridge across Clearwater Lake

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
A bridge across Clearwater Lake

[Exits: north east south west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
A bridge across Clearwater Lake

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
A bridge through shallow water

[Exits: north east south west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
A cobblestone path

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
A cobblestone path

[Exits: east south west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A small hobgoblin seems to be searching for something.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
A small grove along a cobblestone path

[Exits: south west up]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
(White Aura) Laudwin stands here.

Kryton walks up.
A rock outcropping

[Exits: south west down]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
(White Aura) Dinswel the Ranger stands here.
A warrior trainee climbs in.
Dinswel searches high and low for something.

Kryton climbs west.
A warrior trainee climbs west.
A Small Clearing

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
A rock outcropping

[Exits: south west down]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
(White Aura) Dinswel the Ranger stands here.
A warrior trainee climbs in.
Dinswel searches high and low for something.

Kryton climbs south.
A warrior trainee climbs south.
North Gate of Timaran

[Exits: north south up]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
The caravan attendant is here, with caravans for hire.

Kryton walks south.
Travellers Way, near the North Gate

[Exits: north east south]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
Travellers Way

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
(White Aura) A wailing ghost of a woman wavers here in the twilight.

Kryton walks south.
Travellers Way

[Exits: north east south]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
Travellers Way
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton inspects the ground for tracks.

Kryton walks east.
Bargain Blades

[Exits: west up]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
Mrsa the Lady of dubious virtue walks around in her black stockings.
Deran's assistant is here stifling a yawn.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton inspects the ground for tracks.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Travellers Way

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
City Centre of Timaran

[Exits: north east south west]
A number of wooden benches are arranged around the fountain.
A beautiful marble fountain stands in the centre of the square.
(Glowing) The Herald Bulletin Board gleams majestically in the middle of the square.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A feral cat wanders around, looking for prey or scraps.
The Town Crier stands here, yelling the daily news.
A warrior trainee walks in.
A feral cat arches its back and hisses at Issnake the venomous king cobra!

Kryton drinks water from a marble fountain.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
Eastern Main Street

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A member of the Timaran city night watch keeps an eye out.

Kryton walks east.
Eastern Main Street

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A member of the Timaran city night watch keeps an eye out.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
Eastern Main Street

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
Eastern Main Street

[Exits: east south west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A member of the Timaran city night watch keeps an eye out.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
Eastern Square of Timaran

[Exits: north east south west]
A number of wooden benches are arranged around the fountain.
A fountain stands here, lovingly carved into a dolphin shape.
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton inspects the ground for tracks.

Kryton walks west.
Eastern Main Street

[Exits: east south west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A member of the Timaran city night watch keeps an eye out.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Eastern Main Street

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Issnake the venomous king cobra slithers around on the ground.

Kryton walks west.
Eastern Main Street

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A member of the Timaran city night watch keeps an eye out.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Eastern Main Street

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A member of the Timaran city night watch keeps an eye out.

Kryton walks west.
City Centre of Timaran

[Exits: north east south west]
A number of wooden benches are arranged around the fountain.
A beautiful marble fountain stands in the centre of the square.
(Glowing) The Herald Bulletin Board gleams majestically in the middle of the square.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A feral cat wanders around, looking for prey or scraps.
The Town Crier stands here, yelling the daily news.
A warrior trainee walks in.
A feral cat arches its back and hisses at Issnake the venomous king cobra!

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
Meadow Lane

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Meadow Lane

[Exits: north east south west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A member of the Timaran city night watch keeps an eye out.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks north.
A warrior trainee walks north.
Meadow Lane

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
City Centre of Timaran

[Exits: north east south west]
A number of wooden benches are arranged around the fountain.
A beautiful marble fountain stands in the centre of the square.
(Glowing) The Herald Bulletin Board gleams majestically in the middle of the square.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A feral cat wanders around, looking for prey or scraps.
The Town Crier stands here, yelling the daily news.
A warrior trainee walks in.
A feral cat arches its back and hisses at Issnake the venomous king cobra!

Kryton walks north.
A warrior trainee walks north.
Travellers Way

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

[Exits: north east south]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks north.
Travellers Way

Kryton walks north.
A warrior trainee walks north.
Travellers Way

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
(White Aura) A wailing ghost of a woman wavers here in the twilight.

Kryton walks north.
Travellers Way, near the North Gate

[Exits: north east south]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks north.
A warrior trainee walks north.
North Gate of Timaran

[Exits: north south up]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
The caravan attendant is here, with caravans for hire.

Kryton walks north.
A rock outcropping

[Exits: south west down]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
(White Aura) Dinswel the Ranger stands here.
A warrior trainee climbs in.
Dinswel searches high and low for something.

Kryton climbs south.
A warrior trainee climbs south.
North Gate of Timaran

[Exits: north south up]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
The caravan attendant is here, with caravans for hire.

The city clock tolls twelve times, indicating midnight has arrived.

Kryton walks south.
Travellers Way, near the North Gate

[Exits: north east south]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
Travellers Way

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
(White Aura) A wailing ghost of a woman wavers here in the twilight.

Kryton walks south.
Travellers Way

[Exits: north east south]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
Travellers Way

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
City Centre of Timaran

[Exits: north east south west]
A number of wooden benches are arranged around the fountain.
A beautiful marble fountain stands in the centre of the square.
(Glowing) The Herald Bulletin Board gleams majestically in the middle of the square.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A feral cat wanders around, looking for prey or scraps.
The Town Crier stands here, yelling the daily news.
A warrior trainee walks in.
A feral cat arches its back and hisses at Kryton!

Kryton drinks water from a marble fountain.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Western Main Street

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Western Main Street

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Western Main Street

[Exits: north east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

[Exits: east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.

Kryton walks west.
Western Main Street
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

[Exits: north east south west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Western Square of Timaran
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.

[Exits: north east south west]
A number of wooden benches are arranged around the fountain.
A fountain stands here, lovingly carved into a dolphin shape.
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
A member of the Timaran city night watch keeps an eye out.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A member of the Timaran city night watch keeps an eye out.

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A member of the Timaran city night watch keeps an eye out.

Kryton walks west.
Western Main Street
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
West Gate of Timaran
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.

[Exits: east west up]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.

Kryton walks west.
On the Outskirts of Timaran

[Exits: east west]
(Glowing) A lance of blue flame burns the ground around it.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
The Checkpoint

[Exits: north east south west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A Knight stands here, guarding the checkpoint.
A Knight stands here, guarding the checkpoint.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east south]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
On the Eastern Road

[Exits: north west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
On the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
A tall signpost has been erected here.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
On the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
On the Eastern Road

[Exits: north east]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks north.
A warrior trainee walks north.
The Dragon Statue

[Exits: south west]
A sign is here, showing what services are offered.
There is a cart here, covered by a colorful cloth.
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
The cartmaster is sitting on a trade caravan.
This young girl looks happy to guide travelers along the roads.

Kryton walks west.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
The Crossroads

[Exits: north east south west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
The caravan attendant is here, looking dejected.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
City Entrance

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Outside the East Gate

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Inside the East Gate

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A gate guard is here guarding the gates of Seringale.
A gate guard is here guarding the gates of Seringale.

Kryton walks west.
The East Common Road

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A long-haired lanky man with piercing blue eyes stands here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
The East Common Road

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
The East Common Road

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
The Eastern Monument

[Exits: east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Dangerous Alley

[Exits: north east]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
Dangerous Alley

[Exits: south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Dangerous Alley

[Exits: north east south]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
Dangerous Alley

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Dangerous Alley

[Exits: north south west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Temple Square

[Exits: east south west]
A golden fountain in the shape of a beetle spouts water from its head.
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Temple of Darkness

[Exits: north east south up down]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton inspects the ground for tracks.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
Temple Square

[Exits: east south west]
A golden fountain in the shape of a beetle spouts water from its head.
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
Dangerous Alley

[Exits: north south west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks north.
A warrior trainee walks north.
Dangerous Alley

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
Dangerous Alley

[Exits: north east south]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks north.
A warrior trainee walks north.
Dangerous Alley

[Exits: south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Dangerous Alley

[Exits: north east]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks north.
A warrior trainee walks north.
The Eastern Monument

[Exits: east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton inspects the ground for tracks.

Kryton walks east.
The East Common Road

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
The East Common Road

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
The East Common Road

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A long-haired lanky man with piercing blue eyes stands here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
The East Common Road

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
The East Common Road

[Exits: east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
The Eastern Monument

[Exits: east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Dangerous Alley

[Exits: north east]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
Dangerous Alley

[Exits: south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Dangerous Alley

[Exits: north east south]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
Dangerous Alley

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Dangerous Alley

[Exits: north south west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
The South Road

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
The South Road

[Exits: north east west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
The South Road

[Exits: north east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
The South Road

[Exits: east south west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
The South Road

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
South Square

[Exits: north east south west down]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton inspects the ground for tracks.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
The South Main Street

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
South Square

[Exits: north east south west down]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
The South Road

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

[Exits: north east south west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
The South Road

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
The South Road

Kryton inspects the ground for tracks.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.

Kryton walks east.
South Square
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
The South Main Street

[Exits: north east south west down]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
The South Main Street

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
The South Main Street

[Exits: north east south west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

[Exits: north east south]
A ruby-red adventurer's cap is here.
A rusty key crusted with dried blood lies on the ground.
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
The goblin extermination enforcer is here hunting down goblins.

Kryton walks south.
A Small Bridge

[Exits: north south down]
A pair of gilded golden gargoyles oversee each side of the bridge.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A drow city guard of Seringale stands watch here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
The South Main Street

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton inspects the ground for tracks.

Kryton walks south.
Inside the South Gate

[Exits: north south up]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A gate guard is here guarding the gates of Seringale.
A gate guard is here guarding the gates of Seringale.
A warrior trainee walks in.
A gate guard steps aside and allows you to pass him.
A gate guard steps aside and allows you to pass him.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
Outside the South Gate

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton closes the gates north of you.

Kryton walks south.
Atop a small hillock

[Exits: north south]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
Along a marked path

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
A cobbled path

[Exits: north east south west]
(Glowing) (Glowing) A post on the bridge has been illuminated with a fire torch.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks north.
A warrior trainee walks north.
Along a marked path

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
A cobbled path

[Exits: north east south west]
(Glowing) (Glowing) A post on the bridge has been illuminated with a fire torch.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

[Exits: north south west down]
A short pump juts out of the ground, a layer of rust covering it.
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
A cobbled path
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.

Kryton walks south.
Old Stables

[Exits: north south]
A realistic-looking wooden horse has been set up here.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
Irion the Wordbearer rests next to the "horse".

Kryton walks north.
A warrior trainee walks north.
A cobbled path
A warrior trainee walks in.

[Exits: north south west down]
A short pump juts out of the ground, a layer of rust covering it.
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton inspects the ground for tracks.

Kryton walks north.
A cobbled path

[Exits: north east south west]
(Glowing) (Glowing) A post on the bridge has been illuminated with a fire torch.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton inspects the ground for tracks.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
A muddy wetland

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
Dark wings carry this bat swooping back and forth through the darkness.
Dark wings carry this bat swooping back and forth through the darkness.
There is a goblin here, lazing behind a pile of recently gathered stones.
There is a goblin here, lazing behind a pile of recently gathered stones.

Kryton walks east.
The Miden'nir

[Exits: north east south west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
Dark wings carry this bat swooping back and forth through the darkness.
There is a goblin here, lazing behind a pile of recently gathered stones.
There is a goblin here, lazing behind a pile of recently gathered stones.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton inspects the ground for tracks.

Kryton scans all around.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
The Eastern Miden'nir

[Exits: north east south west]
Two large stakes have been driven into the ground, in front of a narrow path.
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
There is a goblin here, lazing behind a pile of recently gathered stones.
There is a goblin here, lazing behind a pile of recently gathered stones.

Kryton walks east.
A Path through the Mountains

[Exits: (north) east west]
This simple shack door has been crafted from deadfall.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks east.
A warrior trainee walks east.
A Worn Path into the Mountain

[Exits: south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
A Path through the Mountains

[Exits: (north) east west]
This simple shack door has been crafted from deadfall.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
The Eastern Miden'nir

[Exits: north east south west]
Two large stakes have been driven into the ground, in front of a narrow path.
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
There is a goblin here, lazing behind a pile of recently gathered stones.
There is a goblin here, lazing behind a pile of recently gathered stones.

Kryton walks west.
The Miden'nir

[Exits: north east south west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
Dark wings carry this bat swooping back and forth through the darkness.
There is a goblin here, lazing behind a pile of recently gathered stones.
There is a goblin here, lazing behind a pile of recently gathered stones.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
The Miden'nir

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A little duckling wanders around aimlessly.
A hungry-looking nanny goat forages for food here.
There is a goblin here, lazing behind a pile of recently gathered stones.
There is a goblin here, lazing behind a pile of recently gathered stones.

Kryton walks south.
The base of a mountain path

[Exits: north east south west]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A boar is here, searching through the mud.
A warrior trainee climbs in.

Kryton climbs south.
A warrior trainee climbs south.
Path on the mountain

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton inspects the ground for tracks.

Kryton climbs south.
Path on the mountain

[Exits: north east west]
A very large WARNING sign has been posted here.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee climbs in.

Kryton climbs west.
A warrior trainee climbs west.
Path on the mountain

[Exits: east up]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
An ocelot is sleeping here, resting for its next hunt.

Kryton climbs up.
East of a bridge

[Exits: west down]
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee climbs in.

Kryton climbs west.
A warrior trainee climbs west.
A bridge between two mountains

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A bearded vulture is perched on the bridge.

Kryton climbs west.
A bridge between two mountains

[Exits: east west]
An engraving has been scratched onto the keystone of the bridge.
(Pink Aura) Kryton is here.
A bearded vulture is perched on the bridge.
A warrior trainee climbs in.
The pink aura around Kryton fades away.

Kryton climbs west.
A warrior trainee climbs west.
West of a bridge

[Exits: north east down]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.

Kryton climbs north.
View of a valley
Kryton is here.
A mountain lion walks around carefully here.

[Exits: south down]
Kryton is here.
A mountain lion walks around carefully here.
A warrior trainee climbs in.

Kryton climbs down.
A warrior trainee climbs down.
Down into a valley

[Exits: north up]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.

Kryton climbs north.
A fertile valley

[Exits: south west]
Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
A rocky mountain path

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.
A white mountain goat jumps from cliff to cliff here.

Kryton scans all around.

Kryton walks west.
A rocky mountain path

[Exits: east west]
Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
A rocky mountain path

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.
A white mountain goat jumps from cliff to cliff here.

Kryton walks west.
A rocky mountain path

[Exits: east west]
Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
The base of the mountain

[Exits: east south]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
The base of the mountain

[Exits: north south]
Kryton is here.
A young bear is here, looking for something to eat.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
The base of the mountain

[Exits: north west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.

Kryton inspects the ground for tracks.

Kryton walks west.
A beaten trail

[Exits: east west]
Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
A beaten trail

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
A lush valley

[Exits: north east south west]
Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
A lush valley

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.
A black wasp flies aimlessly about.

Kryton walks west.
A lush valley

[Exits: north east south west]
Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
Along a small stream

[Exits: north east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.
A wild horse rears up at you.
A water snake slithers on by.

Kryton swims west.
Along a small stream

[Exits: north east west]
Kryton is here.
A wild horse rears up at you.
A warrior trainee swims in.

Kryton swims west.
A warrior trainee swims west.
Along a small stream

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.

Kryton swims west.
A dried up riverbed

[Exits: east south west (down)]
Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
A high grassland

[Exits: east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
A high grassland

[Exits: east south west]
Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
A high grassland

[Exits: east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.
A giant bombardier is here.

Kryton walks west.
Along the foothills

[Exits: east south west]
Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Along the foothills

[Exits: east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.
A giant footman is here, ready for battle.
A giant footman is here, ready for battle.

Kryton walks south.
A lighter area

[Exits: north east south west]
Kryton is here.
A tough looking guard is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
A muddy ground

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
A muddy ground

[Exits: east south]
Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
A muddy ground

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
A muddy ground

[Exits: east south west]
Kryton is here.
A giant footman is here, ready for battle.
A warrior trainee walks in.

[Exits: east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
A muddy ground
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
The dirt field

[Exits: east south west]
Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

[Exits: east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
The dirt field
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.
A vicious warrior is here, sneering at you.

Kryton walks west.
The dirt field

[Exits: (north) east south west]
Kryton is here.
A tough looking guard is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
The dirt field

[Exits: east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.
A tough looking guard is here.

Kryton walks west.
The dirt field

[Exits: (north) east south west]
Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
Near the Trench

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
North End of the Trench

[Exits: east south]
Kryton is here.
A dwarf is here, dug deep into the trench.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks south.
A warrior trainee walks south.
Center of the Trench

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.
A dwarf is here, dug deep into the trench.

Kryton walks south.
South End of the Trench

[Exits: north west]
Kryton is here.
A dwarf is here, dug deep into the trench.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
A Trail Outside the Dwarven Encampment

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
A Trail Outside the Dwarven Encampment
A warrior trainee walks in.

[Exits: east west]
Kryton is here.
A tired looking dwarf is here, trying not to lean on anything.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
A Branching Trail in the Dwarven Encampment

[Exits: east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
Kryton is here.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.

Kryton walks west.
The Dwarven Encampment Junction

[Exits: north east west]
Kryton is here.
A tired looking dwarf is here, trying not to lean on anything.

Kryton walks west.
A warrior trainee walks west.
A Dry Trail
A warrior trainee walks in.

[Exits: east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
The Dwarven Encampment Junction

[Exits: north east west]
Kryton is here.
A tired looking dwarf is here, trying not to lean on anything.
A warrior trainee walks in.
A dwarven watchman stretches luxuriously. Kinda makes you want to doesn't it?
A dwarven watchman hums a tired tune.

Kryton walks north.
A warrior trainee walks north.
A Lane Through the Upper Dwarven Encampment

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A warrior trainee is here, ready for action.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
A Lane Through the Upper Dwarven Encampment

[Exits: north east south west]
Kryton is here.
A warrior trainee walks in.

Now streaming Far Above Serin.

Now streaming Kryton.

Kryton walks east.
Temple of Davairus

[Exits: north west]
A marble statue depicts Davairus executing an outlaw.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
A Bridge of Fire

[Exits: north east south]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A fire drake flies about here with flames spewing from its nostrils.

Kryton walks north.
A Bridge of Fire

[Exits: north south]
A pair of worn leather boots are on the ground.
A worn leather helmet is on the floor.
Some worn leather leg plates are on the floor.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
The outer caverns

[Exits: east south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
The outer caverns

[Exits: east west]
A girth inscribed with a black tear-drop are here.
Some worn leather arm plates lie on the ground.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
The outer caverns

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
A hallway

[Exits: north west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
A hallway

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
A small junction

[Exits: east south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
In the inner tunnels

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
In the inner tunnels

[Exits: east (west)]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A guard of the black-tear stands ready for action.

Kryton walks west.
At the Main Gate

[Exits: (east) west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A guard of the black-tear stands ready for action.
A djinni statue stands guard here.

Kryton walks west.
The main entranceway

[Exits: east west]
(Glowing) (Humming) A charred torch wrapped in chain is bolted to the wall.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
The main entranceway

[Exits: north east]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A guard of the black-tear stands ready for action.

Kryton walks north.
The main entranceway

[Exits: north south]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
The main entranceway

[Exits: (north) south]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
At the Gate

[Exits: (north) (south)]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
A Black Obelisk

[Exits: north east (south) west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A djinni statue stands guard here.

Kryton walks west.
Among tinder walls and stone

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Among tinder walls and stone

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
A stone path

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
A stone path

[Exits: (north) east]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
Before the Great Gates

[Exits: east (south)]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A large gargoyle lands next to you, baring his fangs at you.
A large gargoyle lands next to you, baring his fangs at you.

Kryton walks east.

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

A magic seashell grows into a raft.
Kryton walks east.
Southern Lake Side

[Exits: north west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats north.
Northern Lake Side

[Exits: south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A marsh giant stomps towards you.

Kryton floats west.
Murky Bog

[Exits: east west (down)]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A rather small beast cringes in terror as it notices you.

Kryton walks west.
By the Monolith

[Exits: north east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A monstrous snake slithers towards you, thinking 'breakfast'.
A marsh giant stomps towards you.

Kryton walks west.
Near Vegetation from Hell

[Exits: north east]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A heap of garbage shambles towards you.
A heap of garbage shambles towards you.

Kryton walks north.
Gloomy Path through the Marsh

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
An ogre stands here getting ready to beat in your face.
A green troll attempts to get a hold on you.
A green troll attempts to get a hold on you.
A Death Slaad is standing here distraught. He seems lost.

Kryton walks north.
On a Hill

[Exits: north east south]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A Marsh Hag is here.
A huge hairy beast shambles towards you with death in his eyes.
A huge hairy beast shambles towards you with death in his eyes.
A green troll attempts to get a hold on you.

Kryton walks north.
Marshy Forest

[Exits: north east south]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A rather small beast cringes in terror as it notices you.
An ogre stands here getting ready to beat in your face.
A green troll attempts to get a hold on you.

Kryton walks north.
Swamp's Edge

[Exits: north south]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A swamp troll charges towards you.

Kryton walks north.
Muddy Path

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
A small path on the river bank in the deep, dark forest

[Exits: north east south]
A long, grey branch rests heavily on the ground.
A stone outcropping with traces of ore is here.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest

[Exits: north south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
This creature looks like a wolf, but its rotten flesh hangs too loosely on its bones.

Kryton walks north.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest

[Exits: east south]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A ferocious warg is here, snarling angrily at you.
A ferocious warg is here, snarling angrily at you.

Kryton walks east.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest

[Exits: north east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A large black wolf is here, glaring hungrily at you.
A large black wolf is here, glaring hungrily at you.

Kryton walks north.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest

[Exits: north south]
Some blackberries grow on a bush nearby.
A large toadstool grows nearby.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
This creature looks like a wolf, but its rotten flesh hangs too loosely on its bones.

Kryton walks north.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest

[Exits: north east south]
A bulbous plant is here.
A small pine tree stands here.
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
This creature looks like a wolf, but its rotten flesh hangs too loosely on its bones.
This creature looks like a wolf, but its rotten flesh hangs too loosely on its bones.
The bulbous plant grows larger.

Kryton walks east.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest

[Exits: east west]
A small pine tree stands here.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest

[Exits: north south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
This creature looks like a wolf, but its rotten flesh hangs too loosely on its bones.

Kryton walks north.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest

[Exits: north east south up]
A colossal tree blocks the way westwards.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton scans all around.

Kryton walks east.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A treant stands here in defense of the forest.

Kryton walks east.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest

[Exits: east south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
A trail through the dense forest

[Exits: east south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
A trail through the dense forest

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
A trail through the light forest

[Exits: east south west]
A stone outcropping with traces of ore is here.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
A trail through the light forest

[Exits: north east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
The caravan attendant is here, with caravans for hire.

Kryton walks east.
A trail through the light forest

[Exits: east west]
A small pine tree stands here.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A fearless adventurer is here, asking for a group to explore the Mystic Forest.

Kryton walks east.
A trail through the light forest

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
A trail through the light forest

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
The edge of the forest

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
Someone holds out his hands entreatingly.
Someone says 'Do you have any nuts?!'

Kryton walks east.
Outside the West Gate

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A dwarven city guard of Seringale stands watch here.
An avian city guard of Seringale stands watch here.

Kryton walks east.
Inside the West Gate

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A duergar city guard of Seringale stands watch here.
A half-elf citizen of Seringale wanders about rather aimlessly.
A gnomish city guard of Seringale stands watch here.
A drow city guard of Seringale stands watch here.
A gate guard is here guarding the gates of Seringale.
A gate guard is here guarding the gates of Seringale.

Kryton walks east.
The West Common Road

[Exits: east south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A half-elf city guard of Seringale stands watch here.

Kryton walks east.
The West Common Road

[Exits: north east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A halfling city guard of Seringale stands watch here.

Kryton walks east.
The West Common Road

[Exits: north east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
The Western Monument

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
The West Common Road

[Exits: north east south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
The West Common Road

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
West of Market Square

[Exits: north south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Southwest of Market Square

[Exits: north east]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A filthy beggar is here asking for your spare gold.

Kryton walks east.
South of Market Square

[Exits: east south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A filthy beggar is here asking for your spare gold.
A filthy beggar is here asking for your spare gold.

Kryton walks east.
Southeast of Market Square

[Exits: north west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
East of Market Square

[Exits: north east south]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
The East Common Road

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A filthy beggar is here asking for your spare gold.

Kryton walks east.
The East Common Road

[Exits: north east south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
The Eastern Monument

[Exits: east south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
The East Common Road

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
The East Common Road

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
The East Common Road

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A long-haired lanky man with piercing blue eyes stands here.

Kryton walks east.
Inside the East Gate

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A gate guard is here guarding the gates of Seringale.
A gate guard is here guarding the gates of Seringale.

Kryton walks east.
Outside the East Gate

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
City Entrance

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
The Crossroads

[Exits: north east south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
The caravan attendant is here, looking dejected.

Kryton walks east.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
The Dragon Statue

[Exits: south west]
A sign is here, showing what services are offered.
There is a cart here, covered by a colorful cloth.
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
The cartmaster is sitting on a trade caravan.
This young girl looks happy to guide travelers along the roads.

Kryton walks south.
On the Eastern Road

[Exits: north east]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
On the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
On the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
A tall signpost has been erected here.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
On the Eastern Road

[Exits: north west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east south]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
The Checkpoint

[Exits: north east south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A Knight stands here, guarding the checkpoint.
A Knight stands here, guarding the checkpoint.

Kryton walks south.
Truncated Path to the Village

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Truncated Path to the Village

[Exits: north east]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
Truncated Path to the Village

[Exits: south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Entrance to Gnome Village

[Exits: north east]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
A Nameless Road

[Exits: north east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton scans all around.

Kryton walks east.
An Intersection of Two Nameless Roads

[Exits: north east south west]
A wishing well sits at the center of the intersection.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton scans all around.

Kryton walks south.
A Nameless Road

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
A Nameless Road

[Exits: north east south]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A female gnome is here.

Kryton walks south.
Path by a Stream

[Exits: north south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
At the stream's end

[Exits: north east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims west.
On the Stream

[Exits: north east south]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A mouse swordsman stands here, one paw on the hilt of his rapier.

Kryton swims south.
On the Stream

[Exits: north east]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims east.
On a Quiet Stream

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims east.
On a Quiet Stream

[Exits: south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims south.
On a Quiet Stream

[Exits: north east]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims east.
On a Quiet Stream

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims east.
On a Quiet Stream

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims east.
A Quickening Stream

[Exits: south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims south.
A Quickening Stream

[Exits: north east]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims east.
A Quickening Stream

[Exits: south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

A magic seashell grows into a raft.
Kryton swims south.
The River Adelon

[Exits: north east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats east.
The River Adelon East

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats east.
The River Adelon East

[Exits: north west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats north.
The River Adelon East

[Exits: east south]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats east.
The River Adelon East

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats east.
The River Adelon East

[Exits: east south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats east.
The River Adelon East

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats east.
A Widening River

[Exits: north west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats north.
A Widening River

[Exits: east south]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats east.
A Widening River

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats east.
Under an Old Bridge

[Exits: east west up]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

[Exits: north south down]
You see 3 of an old boat here.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats up.
A Wooden Bridge South of Timaran

Kryton walks north.
South Gate of Timaran

[Exits: north south up]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.

Kryton walks north.
Meadow Lane

[Exits: north east south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
Cyril the gardener is here, admiring his hard work.

Kryton walks north.
Meadow Lane

[Exits: north south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
Meadow Lane

[Exits: north south]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
Kryton phases back into existence.
Issnake the venomous king cobra phases back into existence.

Kryton walks north.
Meadow Lane

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
Meadow Lane

[Exits: north east south west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
Padding about aimlessly, a stray puppy barks now and again.

Kryton walks north.
Meadow Lane

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
City Centre of Timaran

[Exits: north east south west]
A number of wooden benches are arranged around the fountain.
A beautiful marble fountain stands in the centre of the square.
(Glowing) The Herald Bulletin Board gleams majestically in the middle of the square.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
A feral cat wanders around, looking for prey or scraps.
The Town Crier stands here, yelling the daily news.
A feral cat arches its back and hisses at Issnake the venomous king cobra!

Kryton walks north.
Travellers Way

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
Travellers Way

[Exits: north east south]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
Travellers Way

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
Travellers Way, near the North Gate

[Exits: north east south]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
North Gate of Timaran

[Exits: north south up]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
The caravan attendant is here, with caravans for hire.

Kryton walks north.
A rock outcropping

[Exits: south west down]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
(White Aura) Dinswel the Ranger stands here.
Dinswel searches high and low for something.

Kryton climbs west.
A Small Clearing
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A small fox is here.

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.

Kryton walks west.
A Beautiful Clearing

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
A Large Cave

[Exits: north east]
A long-extinguished firepit is here, with something glittering in it.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Gi'astu the spirit of the forest is here.

Gi'astu walks east.

Kryton walks north.
A Wide Path

[Exits: north south west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A small orange fox is here.

Kryton walks north.
A Wide Path

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
A Moss Covered Path

[Exits: east south west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A brown nkni is here, wandering lazily about.

Kryton walks south.
A Wide Path

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
A Wide Path

[Exits: north south west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A small orange fox is here.

Kryton walks north.
A Wide Path

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
A Moss Covered Path

[Exits: east south west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A brown nkni is here, wandering lazily about.

Kryton walks east.
A Moss Covered Path

[Exits: north east west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
A Moss Covered Path

[Exits: south west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
A Moss Covered Path

[Exits: north east]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A small orange fox is here.
A small orange fox is here.

Kryton walks east.
A Moss Covered Path

[Exits: east south west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
An Old and Overgrown Path

[Exits: north east]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A small orange fox is here.

Kryton walks east.
An Old and Overgrown Path

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
An Old and Overgrown Path

[Exits: south west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A brown nkni is here, wandering lazily about.

Kryton walks south.
Fortress Gate

[Exits: north (east)]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A gate guard stands here guarding the gates.
The gate guard snaps to attention.
A gate guard says 'Move along, before you get yourself in trouble.'

Kryton gets a misty potion from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Kryton quaffs a misty potion.
Kryton phases out of existence.
Issnake the venomous king cobra phases out of existence.

Kryton walks east.
West Prison Yard

[Exits: north east south (west)]
A heavy lever hangs next to the giant gates.
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A medic stands here, ready to tend to the wounded prisoners.
A guard stands here watching over the prisoners.

Kryton scans all around.

Kryton walks east.
Central Prison Yard

[Exits: north east south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A sergeant stands here, watching over the guards.

Kryton scans all around.

Kryton walks east.
East Prison Yard

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A guard stands here watching over the prisoners.

Kryton scans all around.

Kryton walks east.
Entrance to the Prison Yard

[Exits: north east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A master guard stands here watching over others.

Kryton scans all around.

Zyron walks in.

Zyron yells 'Help! Kryton is bashing me!'
Kryton sends Zyron sprawling with a powerful bash.
Kryton's bash hits Zyron.

A master guard walks in.
Kryton's acidic bite misses Zyron.
Kryton's flaming bite decimates Zyron!
Zyron's dragon punch maims Kryton!
Kryton's riposte maims Zyron!

The healing light fades from Zyron.
Kryton's acidic bite maims Zyron!
Kryton's flaming bite decimates Zyron!
Kryton's flaming bite devastates Zyron!
Zyron raises his forearm to block Kryton's attack.
Kryton's acidic bite wounds Zyron.

Zyron looks less wobbly on his feet.

Kryton sends Zyron sprawling with a powerful bash.
Kryton's bash injures Zyron.

Kryton's acidic bite DISEMBOWELS Zyron!
Kryton's acidic bite MUTILATES Zyron!
Zyron raises his forearm to block Kryton's attack.
Kryton's acidic bite wounds Zyron.
Zyron's tiger uppercut misses Kryton.
Zyron performs the form, dragon terrorizes the village!
Zyron's dragon wing buffet DISEMBOWELS Kryton!

Kryton's riposte decimates Zyron!
Zyron performs the form, dragon terrorizes the village!
Zyron's dragon talon DISMEMBERS Kryton!
Zyron's dragon tail lash injures Kryton.
Kryton's acidic bite MUTILATES Zyron!

Zyron has fled!
Zyron walks east.
Entrance to Fortress Hallway

[Exits: north south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Zyron is here.
A medic stands here, ready to tend to the wounded prisoners.
A guard stands here watching over the prisoners.
Zyron looks less wobbly on his feet.

Zyron rises back to his feet.

Now streaming Far Above Serin.

Now streaming Kryton.

Kryton walks west.
A Moss Covered Path

[Exits: north east]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A small orange fox is here.

Kryton walks north.
A Moss Covered Path

[Exits: south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A small orange fox is here.

Kryton walks west.
A Moss Covered Path

[Exits: north east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
A Moss Covered Path

[Exits: east south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A brown nkni is here, wandering lazily about.

Kryton walks south.
A Wide Path

[Exits: north south]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
A Wide Path

[Exits: north south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
A Large Cave

[Exits: north east]
A long-extinguished firepit is here, with something glittering in it.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
A Beautiful Clearing
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Gi'astu the spirit of the forest is here.

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Gi'astu walks west.
A small fox is here.

Kryton walks east.
A Small Clearing

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
A rock outcropping

[Exits: south west down]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
(White Aura) Dinswel the Ranger stands here.
Dinswel searches high and low for something.

Kryton climbs south.
North Gate of Timaran

[Exits: north south up]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
The caravan attendant is here, with caravans for hire.

Kryton walks south.
Travellers Way, near the North Gate

[Exits: north east south]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Travellers Way

[Exits: north east south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Travellers Way

[Exits: north east south]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Travellers Way

[Exits: north east south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
City Centre of Timaran

[Exits: north east south west]
A number of wooden benches are arranged around the fountain.
A beautiful marble fountain stands in the centre of the square.
(Glowing) The Herald Bulletin Board gleams majestically in the middle of the square.
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.
A feral cat wanders around, looking for prey or scraps.
The Town Crier stands here, yelling the daily news.
A feral cat arches its back and hisses at Kryton!

Kryton drinks water from a marble fountain.

Kryton walks west.
Western Main Street

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.

Kryton walks west.
Western Main Street

[Exits: north east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Western Main Street

[Exits: east south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Western Main Street

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A member of the Timaran city day watch keeps an eye out.

Kryton walks west.
Western Square of Timaran

[Exits: north east south west]
A number of wooden benches are arranged around the fountain.
A fountain stands here, lovingly carved into a dolphin shape.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A large, filthy looking rat scurries around.

Kryton walks west.
Western Main Street

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A large, filthy looking rat scurries around.
A large, filthy looking rat scurries around.

Kryton walks west.
West Gate of Timaran

[Exits: east west up]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.
A giant gate guard stands here, checking people who walk by.

Kryton walks west.
On the Outskirts of Timaran

[Exits: east west]
(Glowing) A lance of blue flame burns the ground around it.
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
The Checkpoint

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
A Knight stands here, guarding the checkpoint.
A Knight stands here, guarding the checkpoint.

Kryton walks west.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east south]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
On the Eastern Road

[Exits: north west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
On the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
A tall signpost has been erected here.
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
On the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
On the Eastern Road

[Exits: north east]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
On the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
On the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
A tall signpost has been erected here.
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
On the Eastern Road

[Exits: north west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.
Kryton phases back into existence.
Issnake the venomous king cobra phases back into existence.

Kryton walks north.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east south]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
Along the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
The Checkpoint

[Exits: north east south west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A Knight stands here, guarding the checkpoint.
A Knight stands here, guarding the checkpoint.

Kryton walks south.
Truncated Path to the Village

[Exits: north south]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Truncated Path to the Village

[Exits: north east]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
Truncated Path to the Village

[Exits: south west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Entrance to Gnome Village

[Exits: north east]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
A Nameless Road

[Exits: north east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
An Intersection of Two Nameless Roads

[Exits: north east south west]
A wishing well sits at the center of the intersection.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
A Nameless Road

[Exits: north east south west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
A Nameless Road

[Exits: north east south]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A female gnome is here.

Kryton walks south.
Path by a Stream

[Exits: north south west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
At the stream's end

[Exits: north east west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims west.
On the Stream

[Exits: north east south]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A mouse swordsman stands here, one paw on the hilt of his rapier.

Kryton swims south.
On the Stream

[Exits: north east]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims east.
On a Quiet Stream

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims east.
On a Quiet Stream

[Exits: south west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims south.
On a Quiet Stream

[Exits: north east]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton relaxes his grip around his weapon.

Kryton swims east.
On a Quiet Stream

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims east.
On a Quiet Stream

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims east.
A Quickening Stream

[Exits: south west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims south.
A Quickening Stream

[Exits: north east]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims east.
A Quickening Stream

[Exits: south west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

A magic seashell grows into a raft.
Kryton swims south.
The River Adelon

[Exits: north east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats west.
The River Adelon

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats west.
The River Adelon

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats west.
The River Adelon

[Exits: east south]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats south.
The River Adelon

[Exits: north west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats west.
The River Adelon

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats west.
The River Adelon

[Exits: north east]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats north.
The River Adelon West

[Exits: south west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats west.
The River Adelon West

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats west.
The River Adelon West

[Exits: east south west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats west.
The River Adelon West

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats west.
The River Adelon West
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.

Kryton floats west.
The River Adelon West

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats west.
On a Calm River

[Exits: north east]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats north.
On a Calm River

[Exits: south west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats west.
On a Calm River

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats west.
On a Calm River

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats west.
On a Calm River

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats west.
Under a Small Bridge

[Exits: east west up]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims up.
A Small Bridge

[Exits: north south down]
A pair of gilded golden gargoyles oversee each side of the bridge.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
The South Main Street

[Exits: north south]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A drow city guard of Seringale stands watch here.

Kryton walks south.
Inside the South Gate

[Exits: north south up]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A gate guard is here guarding the gates of Seringale.
A gate guard is here guarding the gates of Seringale.

Kryton walks south.
Outside the South Gate

[Exits: north south]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Atop a small hillock

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Along a marked path

[Exits: north south]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
A cobbled path

[Exits: north east south west]
(Glowing) (Glowing) A post on the bridge has been illuminated with a fire torch.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton inspects the ground for tracks.

Kryton walks south.
A cobbled path

[Exits: north south west down]
A short pump juts out of the ground, a layer of rust covering it.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks down.
A shallow river

[Exits: west up]
(Glowing) A wooden sign reading 'Gone Fishin' is here, with a note attached.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A small boy sits here, licking his wounds.

Kryton swims west.
A turn in the river

[Exits: north east west]
A long sword has been left here.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A dark horseman is here, mounted on his black steed.

Kryton swims west.
A Nameless River

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims west.
A turn in the river

[Exits: east south]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims south.
Along the river

[Exits: north west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims west.
A down turn in the river

[Exits: north east down]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims north.
A turn in the river

[Exits: south west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims west.
Along the river

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims west.
A dark river

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims west.
A dark river

[Exits: north east]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims north.
A dark river

[Exits: south west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims west.
A dark river

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims west.
A dark river

[Exits: north east]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims north.
A dark river

[Exits: north south west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims north.
A dark river

[Exits: south west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims west.
A dark river

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims west.
A dark river

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims west.
A dark river

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims west.
A dark river

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims west.
A dark river

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims west.
A dark river

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims west.
A dark river

[Exits: east west]
A helmet with sharp black horns sits here.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims west.
A dark river

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton swims west.

[Exits: north east south]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks north.
A copse of ancient trees

[Exits: south west up]
A small pine tree stands here.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
A junction on the river bank in the deep, dark forest

[Exits: north east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
This creature looks like a wolf, but its rotten flesh hangs too loosely on its bones.

Kryton walks west.
A small path on the river bank in the deep, dark forest

[Exits: north east south]
A long, grey branch rests heavily on the ground.
A stone outcropping with traces of ore is here.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Muddy Path

[Exits: north south]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
Swamp's Edge

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A rather small beast cringes in terror as it notices you.
A swamp troll charges towards you.

Kryton walks south.
Marshy Forest

[Exits: north east south]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A green troll attempts to get a hold on you.
A huge hairy beast shambles towards you with death in his eyes.
An ogre stands here getting ready to beat in your face.

Kryton walks south.
On a Hill

[Exits: north east south]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A Marsh Hag is here.
A huge hairy beast shambles towards you with death in his eyes.
A green troll attempts to get a hold on you.

Kryton walks south.
Gloomy Path through the Marsh

[Exits: north south]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
An ogre stands here getting ready to beat in your face.
A green troll attempts to get a hold on you.
A Death Slaad is standing here distraught. He seems lost.

Kryton walks south.
Near Vegetation from Hell

[Exits: north east]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A green troll attempts to get a hold on you.
A heap of garbage shambles towards you.
A heap of garbage shambles towards you.

Kryton walks east.
By the Monolith

[Exits: north east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A monstrous snake slithers towards you, thinking 'breakfast'.
A marsh giant stomps towards you.

Kryton walks east.
Murky Bog

[Exits: east west (down)]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A rather small beast cringes in terror as it notices you.

Kryton opens the door below you.

Kryton walks down.
Swallowed by quicksand

[Exits: up]
A small pocket in the quicksand seems to hold something glittery.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton gets a sandy keep key from a sand pocket.

Kryton swims up.
Murky Bog

[Exits: east west down]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A rather small beast cringes in terror as it notices you.

A magic seashell grows into a raft.
Kryton walks east.
Northern Lake Side

[Exits: south west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A marsh giant stomps towards you.

Kryton floats south.
Southern Lake Side

[Exits: north west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton floats west.

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks west.
Before the Great Gates
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A large gargoyle lands next to you, baring his fangs at you.

[Exits: east (south)]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
A large gargoyle lands next to you, baring his fangs at you.

Kryton unlocks the fortress gate.

Kryton opens the fortress gate south of you.

Kryton walks south.
A stone path

[Exits: north east]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton gives a sandy keep key to Issnake the venomous king cobra.

Kryton walks east.
A stone path

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
Among tinder walls and stone

[Exits: east west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
Among tinder walls and stone

[Exits: east west]
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks east.
A Black Obelisk

[Exits: north east (south) west]
(White Aura) Kryton is here.
A djinni statue stands guard here.

Kryton gets a misty potion from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Kryton quaffs a misty potion.
Kryton phases out of existence.
Issnake the venomous king cobra phases out of existence.

Kryton walks south.
At the Gate

[Exits: (north) (south)]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton walks south.
The main entranceway

[Exits: (north) south]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Kryton is here.

Kryton's hunger scratches him.
The white aura around Kryton's body fades.

Kryton walks south.
The main entranceway

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) Kryton is here.
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A guard of the black-tear stands ready for action.

Kryton walks south.
The main entranceway

[Exits: north east]
(Translucent) Kryton is here.
A guard of the black-tear stands ready for action.

Kryton walks north.
The main entranceway

[Exits: north south]
(Charmed) (Translucent) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
(Translucent) Kryton is here.
(Translucent) Zyron is here.
A guard of the black-tear stands ready for action.

Zyron yells 'Help! Kryton is bashing me!'
Kryton sends Zyron sprawling with a powerful bash.
Kryton's bash mauls Zyron.

The healing light fades from Zyron.
Kryton's acidic bite MANGLES Zyron!
Kryton's acidic bite MASSACRES Zyron!
Zyron performs the form, dragon terrorizes the village!
Zyron's dragon claw DISEMBOWELS Kryton!
Zyron's lightning kick mauls Kryton.

Zyron's tiger uppercut devastates Kryton!
Kryton's acidic bite MASSACRES Zyron!
Kryton's acidic bite MASSACRES Zyron!
Kryton stops short of a killing blow.
Zyron slumps to the ground.

Zyron looks less wobbly in the air.

Kryton looks at Zyron.

Kryton says 'Well fought, monk.'

A guard of the black-tear walks south.

Kryton says 'The Dark Lord will be pleased.'

Kryton says 'Human blood, always a welcome taste.'

Kryton's hunger hits him.

Kryton lets out a loud angry hiss at everyone in the room.

Kryton stands up.

Kryton takes a razor to his wrists and bleeds everywhere.

Kryton looks at Zyron.

Zyron yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Kryton!'
Kryton's acidic bite DISMEMBERS Zyron!

Now streaming Far Above Serin.

Now streaming Zyron.

Zyron crawls west.
The South Road

[Exits: east south west]
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls west.
The South Road

[Exits: east south west]
Zyron is here.
A fearless adventurer is here, asking for a group to explore the Mystic Forest.
A duergar city guard of Seringale stands watch here.

Zyron crawls west.
The South Road

[Exits: east west]
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls west.
Western Wall and South Road Junction

[Exits: north east]
Zyron is here.
A dwarven city guard of Seringale stands watch here.
An avian city guard of Seringale stands watch here.
A gnomish perimeter guard of Seringale is here, watching out for known criminals.

Zyron crawls north.
Along the Western Walls

[Exits: north south]
Zyron is here.
A homeless animal roams the streets alone.
A half-elf city guard of Seringale stands watch here.
A half-elf city guard of Seringale stands watch here.
A stray dog suddenly starts barking at Zyron crazily.

Zyron crawls north.
Along the Western Walls

[Exits: north south]
Zyron is here.
A fearless adventurer is here, asking for a group to explore the Mystic Forest.

Zyron crawls north.
Along the Western Walls

[Exits: north south]
Zyron is here.
A human city guard of Seringale stands watch here.
A half-elf city guard of Seringale stands watch here.
A half-elf citizen of Seringale wanders about rather aimlessly.

Zyron crawls north.
Along the Western Walls

[Exits: north south]
Zyron is here.
Zephyrus the displaced minstrel is here, seeking a new line of work.
A drow city guard of Seringale stands watch here.
A human perimeter guard of Seringale is here, watching out for known criminals.

Zyron crawls north.
Inside the West Gate

[Exits: north east south west]
Zyron is here.
A duergar city guard of Seringale stands watch here.
A dwarven city guard of Seringale stands watch here.
A human city guard of Seringale stands watch here.
A gnomish city guard of Seringale stands watch here.
An avian city guard of Seringale stands watch here.
A halfling city guard of Seringale stands watch here.
A drow city guard of Seringale stands watch here.
A gate guard is here guarding the gates of Seringale.
A gate guard is here guarding the gates of Seringale.
A gnomish city guard steps distractedly around Zyron.
A gate guard steps aside and allows you to pass him.

Zyron crawls west.
Outside the West Gate

Zyron crawls west.
The edge of the forest

[Exits: east west]
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls west.
A trail through the light forest

[Exits: east west]
Zyron is here.

[Exits: east west]
Zyron is here.
Someone holds out his hands entreatingly.
Someone says 'Do you have any nuts?!'

Zyron crawls west.
A trail through the light forest

[Exits: east west]
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls west.
A trail through the light forest

[Exits: east west]
A small pine tree stands here.
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls west.
A trail through the light forest
The caravan attendant is here, with caravans for hire.

[Exits: north east west]
Zyron is here.
A fearless adventurer is here, asking for a group to explore the Mystic Forest.

Zyron crawls west.
A trail through the light forest

[Exits: east south west]
A stone outcropping with traces of ore is here.
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls west.
A trail through the dense forest

[Exits: east west]
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls west.
A trail through the dense forest

[Exits: east south west]
Zyron is here.

Zyron tries to run too fast and stumbles.

Zyron crawls west.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest

[Exits: east west]
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls west.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest

[Exits: east south west]
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls west.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest

[Exits: east west]
Zyron is here.
A treant stands here in defense of the forest.

Zyron crawls west.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest

[Exits: north east south up]
A colossal tree blocks the way westwards.
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls south.
A narrow trail through the deep, dark forest

Zyron crawls south.
A small path in the deep, dark forest

[Exits: north south west]
Zyron is here.

[Exits: north east]
Zyron is here.
A large grey wolf is here, glaring hungrily at you.

Zyron crawls east.
A junction in the deep, dark forest

[Exits: east south west]
Zyron is here.
A large grey wolf is here, glaring hungrily at you.
A large grey wolf is here, glaring hungrily at you.

Zyron crawls south.
A junction in the deep, dark forest

[Exits: north east west]
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls west.
A small path in the deep, dark forest

[Exits: east south]
Zyron is here.
A treant stands here in defense of the forest.

Zyron crawls south.
A small path in the deep, dark forest

[Exits: north west]
Zyron is here.
A vicious warg is here, snarling angrily at you.
A vicious warg is here, snarling angrily at you.

Zyron crawls west.
A junction in the deep, dark forest

[Exits: north east west]
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls west.
A small path in the deep, dark forest

[Exits: east south]
A large toadstool grows nearby.
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls south.
A junction on the river bank in the deep, dark forest

[Exits: north east west]
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls west.
A small path on the river bank in the deep, dark forest

[Exits: north east south]
A long, grey branch rests heavily on the ground.
A stone outcropping with traces of ore is here.
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls south.
Muddy Path

Zyron crawls south.
Swamp's Edge

[Exits: north south]
Zyron is here.
A swamp troll charges towards you.

[Exits: north south]
Zyron is here.
A rather small beast cringes in terror as it notices you.

Zyron crawls south.
Marshy Forest

[Exits: north east south]
Zyron is here.
A green troll attempts to get a hold on you.
A huge hairy beast shambles towards you with death in his eyes.
An ogre stands here getting ready to beat in your face.

Zyron crawls south.
On a Hill

[Exits: north east south]
Zyron is here.
A Marsh Hag is here.
A green troll attempts to get a hold on you.
A huge hairy beast shambles towards you with death in his eyes.

Zyron crawls south.
Gloomy Path through the Marsh

[Exits: north south]
Zyron is here.
An ogre stands here getting ready to beat in your face.

Zyron crawls south.
Near Vegetation from Hell

[Exits: north east]
Zyron is here.
A marsh giant stomps towards you.
A green troll attempts to get a hold on you.
A green troll attempts to get a hold on you.
A heap of garbage shambles towards you.
A heap of garbage shambles towards you.

Zyron crawls east.
By the Monolith

[Exits: north east west]
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls east.
Murky Bog

[Exits: east west down]
Zyron is here.
A rather small beast cringes in terror as it notices you.

Zyron crawls east.
Northern Lake Side

[Exits: south west]
Zyron is here.
A marsh giant stomps towards you.

Zyron floats south.
Southern Lake Side

[Exits: north west]
Zyron is here.

Zyron floats west.

[Exits: east west]
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls west.
Before the Great Gates

[Exits: east south]
Zyron is here.
A large gargoyle lands next to you, baring his fangs at you.
A large gargoyle lands next to you, baring his fangs at you.

Zyron crawls south.
A stone path

[Exits: north east]
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls east.
A stone path

[Exits: east west]
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls east.
Among tinder walls and stone

[Exits: east west]
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls east.
Among tinder walls and stone

[Exits: east west]
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls east.
A Black Obelisk

[Exits: north east (south) west]
Zyron is here.
A djinni statue stands guard here.

Zyron crawls south.
At the Gate

[Exits: (north) (south)]
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls south.
The main entranceway

[Exits: (north) south]
Zyron is here.

Zyron crawls south.
The main entranceway

[Exits: north south]
A blood shrine has been raised here from the carnage of Zyron's mutilated body.
Zyron is here.
(Charmed) A venomous king cobra is here, ready to strike.
Kryton is here.

Kryton drops an Ancient Banner of Illisidar.

Kryton gets striped sleeves of the tiger from the corpse of Zyron.

Zyron gets an Ancient Banner of Illisidar.

Zyron gets a dark satin vest from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a wraith band from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a wraith band from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a pair of blood soaked gloves from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a pair of leopard print leggings from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a beautiful gown of white samite from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets prayer beads from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a dragonblood pleated leather backpack of evisceration from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a small wooden canoe from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a ring of closed minds from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a ring of closed minds from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a fiery dragonling from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a blackened fingernail from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets the Eye of Nhalthos from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets an eagle's eye from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a Burning Sheath of Acid from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets an antlered helm from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a minor globe of invulnerability from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a dragonwing iron-black choker of unerring flight from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a dragonblood iron-black choker of evisceration from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a silver chalice ornamented with pearls from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a deflective iron-black choker of turning from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a deflective iron-black band of defiance from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a blackened crystal rose from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a dragonblood iron-black band of evisceration from the corpse of Zyron.
Zyron gets a pair of feathered earrings from the corpse of Zyron.

Zyron wears a pair of feathered earrings on his ears.
Zyron wears a dragonblood iron-black band of evisceration on his left finger.
Zyron lights a blackened crystal rose.
Zyron wears a deflective iron-black band of defiance on his right finger.
Zyron wears a deflective iron-black choker of turning around his neck.
Zyron holds a silver chalice ornamented with pearls in his hand.
Zyron wears a dragonblood iron-black choker of evisceration around his neck.
Zyron wraps a minor globe of invulnerability about his body.
Zyron wears an antlered helm on his head.
Zyron fastens a Burning Sheath of Acid about his waist.
Zyron releases an eagle's eye to float next to him.
Zyron wraps prayer beads loosely over his wrist.
Zyron wears a pair of leopard print leggings on his legs.
Zyron slips a pair of blood soaked gloves onto his hands.
Zyron wears a wraith band around his left wrist.
Zyron wears a wraith band around his right wrist.
Zyron wears a dark satin vest over his torso.

Kryton's hunger wounds him.

Zyron sits down and thinks deeply.

Kryton says 'Swift with your movements you are.'

Zyron stops holding a silver chalice ornamented with pearls in his hand.

Zyron says 'Aye... it will get me only so far though against one of your power.'

Zyron looks at Kryton.

Zyron whistles appreciatively.

Kryton's hunger scratches him.

Zyron says 'Ah, that's where the other cloaks of mist are.'

Kryton says 'Take the slippers from our feet, as a gift from the Dark Lord and The Hand.'

Kryton drops some spider-climbing slippers.

Zyron nods.

Kryton nods.

Zyron gets some spider-climbing slippers.

Zyron wears some spider-climbing slippers on his feet.
Zyron takes the translucent shape of the Wraith.

Zyron says 'Better.'

Kryton says 'The other items you can purchase.'

Kryton wields a huge iron sword in his off-hand.
Kryton's hunger grazes him.

Zyron says 'Shouldn't be too hard, I think.'

Kryton says 'Now, something to east. Battle has made us...hungry.'

Kryton drinks blood from a blood shrine.
Zyron says 'I see now, the power that is lent to legion. At least, held amongst their chief.'

Kryton drinks blood from a blood shrine.

Kryton drinks blood from a blood shrine.

Kryton sits down and rests.

Zyron drinks blood from a blood shrine.

Zyron says 'Hmmm.'

Kryton says 'The blood fills us up.'

Kryton stands up.

Kryton yells out his warcry.
Kryton yells 'Dark Lord of Shadow, empower us to consume all with your unholy power!'
Kryton surges with power.

Kryton says 'Quite tasty.'

Kryton sits down and rests.
Zyron says 'I've tasted my blood many times ovver.'

Kryton says 'Yes, power indeed.'

Zyron says 'That is nique.'

Zyron says 'Ahem, unique.'

Zyron removes a deflective iron-black band of defiance from his finger.

Zyron removes a deflective iron-black choker of turning from his neck.

Zyron wears a blackened fingernail on his right finger.

Zyron unwraps a minor globe of invulnerability from around his body.
Zyron wraps a beautiful gown of white samite about his body.
Zyron takes the translucent shape of the Wraith.

Zyron stops using a blackened crystal rose.
Zyron lights an Ancient Banner of Illisidar.

Kryton says 'What is your purpose in this life, Zyron?'
Tags: #legion


  1. twerpalina BANNED [reply]
    0 , 0 , 0 .
    Heh, put on my headset when starting to read the log as if it has audio
      [reply to twerpalina]
    1. twerpalina BANNED [reply]
      0 , 0 , 0 .

      "Zyron opens a dragonblood pleated leather backpack of evisceration.

      Zyron puts a purple potion in a dragonblood pleated leather backpack of evisceration.

      Zyron closes a dragonblood pleated leather backpack of evisceration.

      Having 2 extra (useless) commands is the best way to get yourself killed in clutch situations.
      1. Not useless. There was a change made to bags.
      2. twerpalina BANNED
        0 , 0 , 0 .
        ok but during pk its deathwish
      3. Its surprising to see any complacency like that against Kryton. Have a few potions loose for instant quaffing and you arent risking losing 300+ hp in one round. That's what is at stake there, its just that simple
      4. Valid point. As soon as the engagement begins ust pull several out knowing you're about to use them. The number of times I've gone for a purple/recall only to find out it evaporated is too many.
      [reply to twerpalina]
    2. twerpalina BANNED [reply]
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      Zyron opens a dragonblood pleated leather backpack of evisceration.

      [Exits: east west]
      (Translucent) (White Aura) Zyron is here.

      Zyron gets a perfect potion of recall from a dragonblood pleated leather backpack of evisceration.

      Zyron closes a dragonblood pleated leather backpack of evisceration.

      Now streaming Kryton.

      A ray of light shines down briefly nearby, then vanishes.

      big yikes
        [reply to twerpalina]
      1. These are fair critiques, I'll just say at the end there that I had run out of movement and I was at about 300hp, whereas I knew Kryton was at much higher. So the last bit was me just accepting my fate, and not 'whoops didn't hit that purp fast enough'.

        I'll just say that this fight was both fun and frustrating. Monks are supposed to be able to beat warriors with attrition, not in a straight fight when all things are equal. Which is why I think this fight went well enough for me at the beginning. But even with 700 movement and fly scrolls, I did not have enough movement to maintain the attrition game against someone who hits that hard and has unlimited movement (the latter being more of the problem here). I challenge any monk to beat a decently-geared giant warrior (let alone Kryton).
        1. I've also had problems with movement as a monk. Flight is practically a necessity if you're doing an extended fight as you'll otherwise get sapped eventually.

          Kryton ambushed me yesterday (well done predicting where I would go btw), and most of our fight consisted of me running around like a headless chicken. He eventually lost me, by which point Mepheus had logged on and he broke off engaging with me to hunt Mepheus instead.
        2. Ashlyn played monks done better against me, and by a wide margin. Any advice to the other monks from the Grandmistress herself?
        3. I'd wager you've never lost to a monk, Kryton. Not Ashlyn's or any other monks. So you're 'wide margin' comment doesn't really hold on any water, because warlord monks or monks with just different EQ builds are going to approach the fight differently. No monk is going to beat you in a straight up fight (and apparently not in a battle of attrition either). I know where the fight was going in my favor against you, and I know where it went awry.

          But sure, if Ashlyn is willing to offer some advice, I'll read it.
        4. It wasn't meant to be a slight in any way. She has a ton of hours with monks, and we've fought many many times. By default, just out of the amount of battles we've had, she's going to have those battles that go her way. Zyron v Kryton has only happened once... so not a lot to go off between us.
          You are right, no losses to a monk.
        5. Monk against Warrior is kind of a bullshit fight. Harder when you have to juggle purples in between style swaps. Really all you can do is swap between crane and leopard and try to maintain a neutral/superior combat style. He has made mistakes, though very rare. Stay alive and keep fighting long enough you can get a win.
        6. Considering that class runs on RNG (chakra strike) I would think either HP or hitroll would be valuable, the HP to last longer (more opportunities to chak strike) or the hitroll to increase the odds of seeing it and of successfully connecting it. Once that uber dragon punch comes out, having more damroll is great, but its just a big fail if that gets completely parried and rendered useless. I think luck gear would be pretty great on monks as well, just a really good attribute. I'd be interested in monks experience fighting with lady luck going their way versus just having piss poor luck.
        7. I have over 300 monk combat logs posted, Chakra strikes have happened on maybe 1% of them. With all anatomies fully mastered and hitroll stacked. Chakra strike is nice, but not remotely reliable as a class that "runs" on it. I never considered it a part of the class other than an occasional "Oh, that's a thing".
        8. What I'm referring to includes all the stuff thats like, leopard stalks over thin ice, crane flying through grass etc (i.e. the crap that builds chii and enables healing, I think also making form active without typing it). Those attacks can also fluke a regular dragon punch into a giant "KO" dragon punch just like they would in a real fight, the chances of which itself is further improved by hitroll. Performing a form requires a combat advantage, which of course limits how much you can reliably do it, but the dragon punch is special and does not check the combat advantage. However, before you can even get there, you need hitroll to successfully strike. All of that, besides just the cool high damage dragon punch, is a good reason to find more hitroll on your monk.
        [reply to Zyron]

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