Ye Olde Abandoned Realms Logs

You lose some, you lose some more

posted on 2023-12-22 20:00:23
<809/809h 583/652m 248v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][##########]{ }>
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'
Zyron fades into existence.
Zyron's elbow slash decimates you!
Zyron's back fist mauls you.
You evade Zyron's attack and exploit the brief opening.
Your leopard paw to the kidney grazes Zyron.
Zyron has a few scratches.

<757/809h 583/652m 248v> <none balanced> <[##########][##########]{ }>
quaff purple
You must hold the potion to quaff it while being attacked.
Your jab grazes Zyron.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Zyron parries your attack with his second hand.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You dodge Zyron's back fist.
You dance around Zyron's palm strike and easily dodge it.
You dodge Zyron's roundhouse kick.
Zyron has a few scratches.

<757/809h 583/652m 248v> <none balanced> <[##########][##########]{ }>
You flee from combat!
River of Forsaken Souls
| The trees loom so high overhead that they seem to block out
| the sun. All around you are the moans and cries of the elven
| corpses that are clawing their way upstream. The river runs
| from the north and curves around to the west here.
@ |

[Exits: north east west]

<757/809h 583/652m 247v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][##########]{ }>
Dead Pool
| Water pours over the bodies that have piled up here and
| spills up and over the path you now tread. The mud is
| deep here and walking is somewhat difficult. Bodies move
| in the river, some twitching spasmodically while other
f-@ | attempt to swim upstream. Far off to the west you can
| | see buildings. The other path to follow is to plunge
f | into the river and take your chances with the undead.
| |

[Exits: east west]

<776/809h 590/652m 298v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][##########]{ }>
The Broken Bridge
| Here lies the remains of what was once a very long elfwood
| footbridge that allowed simple passage over the Lenrathil
| river. The bridge has been busted up so that only a small
| piece of its beginnings is left, collapsed into the water.
@ | You can hear a monstrous howling coming from the marketplace
| | to the west. To the east, the river can be waded into,
f | although it is filled with elf and demon bodies alike.
| | Meanwhile to the south, a path leads around the lake
f-f-f| that feeds the river.

[Exits: east south west]

<776/809h 590/652m 296v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][##########]{ }>
Dead Pool
| Water pours over the bodies that have piled up here and
| spills up and over the path you now tread. The mud is
| deep here and walking is somewhat difficult. Bodies move
| in the river, some twitching spasmodically while other
f-@ | attempt to swim upstream. Far off to the west you can
| | see buildings. The other path to follow is to plunge
f | into the river and take your chances with the undead.
| |

[Exits: east west]

<776/809h 590/652m 294v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][##########]{ }>
River of Forsaken Souls
| The trees loom so high overhead that they seem to block out
| the sun. All around you are the moans and cries of the elven
| corpses that are clawing their way upstream. The river runs
| from the north and curves around to the west here.
@ |

[Exits: north east west]

<776/809h 590/652m 291v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][##########]{ }>
River of Forsaken Souls
| The path here is well traveled, though it is wet with recent
| flooding. The waters of the river to the south are swelling
| as if something is blocking the flow. You can see where a
| bridge once stood, allowing easy passage along the river to
@ | the south, but nothing remains of it now. Bodies of elves
| fill this river as they crawl their way north against the
| current.

[Exits: north south]

<776/809h 590/652m 287v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][##########]{ }>
Organ Trail
f-o-o-o | There is a large pile of bodies here at the river's delta.
| | | | It moves with inhuman motions as the bodies fight against
o-o-o | each other, mindlessly pulling themselves out of the heap.
| | Trees narrow down around the river as it flows to the south
@ | and open up to the north where a whole field is filled with
| bodies. Evil swirls of energy spin in the air around you.

[Exits: north south (west)]
This small hovel door has moss and vines growing upon it.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Zyron the Grand Master of Seasons is here.
A demonic necrolord scans the field.

<776/809h 590/652m 284v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][##########]{ }>
Zyron walks north.

<776/809h 590/652m 284v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][##########]{ }> Masses of Dead Soldiers
o-o-o | You are standing in the southern part of a massive garden.
| | | | Plants seem to have been organized generally into rows,
f-o-o-o | but carrots have been planted between the tomatoes and herbs
| | | | littered wherever there is space. Bodies lie crushed over
o-@-o | the legumes and guts spilled over the radishes. Elves, warrior
| and commoner alike, died fighting some great evil here,
| but they do not rest in peace. The fields continue to the
| north, east, and west and a river starts to flow between
| tightly-packed trees to the south, but the massacre continues
---------+ in all directions.

[Exits: north east south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Zyron the Grand Master of Seasons is here.
A zombie stands here rotting before your eyes.

<776/809h 590/652m 282v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][##########]{ }>
Zyron scans all around.

<776/809h 590/652m 282v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][##########]{ }>
quaff purple
You quaff a purple potion.
You aren't blind.
You are surrounded by a white aura.
Zyron walks south.

<776/809h 590/652m 282v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][##########]{ }>

They aren't here.

<776/809h 590/652m 282v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][##########]{ }>
Organ Trail
f-o-o-o | There is a large pile of bodies here at the river's delta.
| | | | It moves with inhuman motions as the bodies fight against
o-o-o | each other, mindlessly pulling themselves out of the heap.
| | Trees narrow down around the river as it flows to the south
@ | and open up to the north where a whole field is filled with
| bodies. Evil swirls of energy spin in the air around you.

[Exits: north south (west)]
This small hovel door has moss and vines growing upon it.
A demonic necrolord scans the field.

<776/809h 590/652m 280v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][##########]{ }>
They aren't here.

<776/809h 590/652m 280v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][##########]{ }>
River of Forsaken Souls
| The path here is well traveled, though it is wet with recent
| flooding. The waters of the river to the south are swelling
| as if something is blocking the flow. You can see where a
| bridge once stood, allowing easy passage along the river to
@ | the south, but nothing remains of it now. Bodies of elves
| fill this river as they crawl their way north against the
| current.

[Exits: north south]

<776/809h 590/652m 277v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][##########]{ }>

They aren't here.

<776/809h 590/652m 277v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][##########]{ }>
You no longer stalk around like a leopard.
Your body enlarges as you unlock the spirit of the dragon.

<776/909h 590/652m 277v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][####======]{ }>
Zyron swims in.

<776/909h 590/652m 277v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][####======]{ }>
Zyron swims north.

<776/909h 590/652m 277v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][####======]{ }>
Zyron swims in.

<776/909h 590/652m 277v> <no opponent no opponent> <[##########][####======]{ }>
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Zyron!'
You turn Zyron's attack against him.
Your palm strike injures Zyron.
Zyron's back fist hits you.
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
Zyron has a few scratches.

<764/909h 565/652m 277v> <none balanced> <[##########][####======]{ }>
There isn't any dirt to kick.
Zyron has a few scratches.

<764/909h 565/652m 277v> <none balanced> <[##########][####======]{ }>
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Your dragon punch maims Zyron!
Zyron dodges your roundhouse kick.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You dance around Zyron's dragon punch and easily dodge it.
You parry Zyron's attack with your second hand.
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
Zyron has a few scratches.

<764/909h 565/652m 277v> <none balanced> <[##########][####======]{ }>
Zyron weakens you with his nerve pressure.
Zyron has a few scratches.

<764/909h 565/652m 277v> <none balanced> <[##########][####======]{ }>
You summon the spirit of the dragon.
Your kick devastates Zyron!
Your double kick hits Zyron.
Zyron has a few scratches.

<764/909h 565/652m 277v> <none balanced> <[##########][#####=====]{ }>
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
Zyron's elbow slash misses you.
Zyron's dragon punch maims you!
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
Your jab grazes Zyron.
Your dragon punch mauls Zyron.
Zyron dodges your lightning kick.
Zyron has some small wounds and bruises.

<730/909h 565/652m 277v> <none balanced> <[##########][#####=====]{ }>

Your tiger uppercut injures Zyron.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Your whirlwind kick mauls Zyron.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
You dodge Zyron's back fist.
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
Zyron has some small wounds and bruises.

<730/909h 565/652m 277v> <none balanced> <[##########][#####=====]{ }> You weaken Zyron with your nerve pressure.
Zyron has some small wounds and bruises.

<730/909h 565/652m 277v> <none balanced> <[##########][#########=]{ }>
Zyron returns to his normal size.
Zyron crouches and stalks like a leopard.
Zyron has a few scratches.

<730/909h 565/652m 277v> <none defensive> <[##########][#########=]{ }>
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You stumble and barely manage to dodge Zyron's back fist.
Zyron's elbow smash wounds you.
Zyron's whirlwind kick misses you.
Zyron dodges your tiger uppercut.
Your elbow slash injures Zyron.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Zyron has a few scratches.

<712/909h 565/652m 277v> <none defensive> <[##########][#########=]{ }>

Zyron's kick misses you.
Zyron has a few scratches.

<720/909h 569/652m 330v> <none defensive> <[##########][#########=]{ }>
Your dragon punch decimates Zyron!
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You dodge Zyron's elbow slash.
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
Zyron has some small wounds and bruises.

<720/909h 569/652m 330v> <none defensive> <[##########][#########=]{ }> You no longer possess the spirit of the dragon.
You crouch and stalk your prey with the stealthiness of the leopard.
Zyron has some small wounds and bruises.

<720/809h 569/652m 330v> <none defensive> <[======####][#########=]{ }>
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You evade Zyron's attack and exploit the brief opening.
Your leopard paw to the kidney grazes Zyron.
You dodge Zyron's palm strike.
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Zyron dodges your knee thrust.
Zyron has some small wounds and bruises.

<720/809h 569/652m 330v> <none defensive> <[======####][#########=]{ }>
You kick with the ferocity of the leopard.
Your kick decimates Zyron!
You kick with the ferocity of the leopard.
Your double kick hits Zyron.
Zyron has some small wounds and bruises.

<720/809h 569/652m 330v> <none defensive> <[====######][##########]{ }>
Zyron stops stalking around.
Zyron undulates his leading hand like the head of a snake.
Zyron has some small wounds and bruises.

<720/809h 569/652m 330v> <none offensive> <[====######][##########]{ }>
Your palm strike hits Zyron.
Zyron stumbles and barely dodges your elbow slash.
Zyron dodges your jump kick.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You evade Zyron's attack and exploit the brief opening.
Your leopard paw to the kidney grazes Zyron.
Zyron's sinuous hand movement distracts you from dodging.
Zyron's palm strike hits you.
You evade Zyron's attack and exploit the brief opening.
Your leopard paw to the kidney grazes Zyron.
Zyron has some small wounds and bruises.

<710/809h 569/652m 330v> <none offensive> <[====######][##########]{ }>
Zyron focuses chii to perform 'spear hand strike'.
Zyron's spear hand strike decimates you!
You start limping.
Zyron has some small wounds and bruises.

<682/809h 569/652m 330v> <none offensive> <[====######][##########]{ }>
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
Zyron's snake bite injures you.
Zyron's palm strike hits you.
Zyron's sinuous hand movement distracts you from dodging.
Zyron's snake lash hits you.
Zyron dodges your jab.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Zyron parries your attack with his second hand.
Zyron has some small wounds and bruises.

<645/809h 569/652m 330v> <none offensive> <[====######][##########]{ }>
You no longer stalk around like a leopard.
Your body enlarges as you unlock the spirit of the dragon.
Zyron has some small wounds and bruises.

<645/909h 569/652m 330v> <none offensive> <[====######][####======]{ }>

Your tiger uppercut wounds Zyron.
Your dragon wing injures Zyron.
You perform the form, dragon terrorizes the village!
Your lightning kick wounds Zyron.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
Zyron's snake bite injures you.
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
You block Zyron's attack with your forearm.
Zyron's jump kick misses you.
Zyron has some small wounds and bruises.

<630/909h 569/652m 330v> <none offensive> <[====######][####======]{* }> You summon the spirit of the dragon.
Your kick DISEMBOWELS Zyron!
Your double kick injures Zyron.
Zyron has quite a few wounds.

<630/909h 569/652m 330v> <none offensive> <[===#######][#####=====]{* }>
Zyron stops moving sinuously.
Zyron crouches and stalks like a leopard.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
Zyron's palm strike grazes you.
Zyron's half fist punch hits you.
Zyron performs the form, leopard stalks over thin ice!
Zyron's oblique kick wounds you.
Zyron stumbles and barely dodges your tiger uppercut.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Your whirlwind kick wounds Zyron.
Zyron has quite a few wounds.

<595/909h 569/652m 330v> <none defensive> <[===#######][######====]{* }>
You no longer possess the spirit of the dragon.
You move with the swiftness and the accuracy of the crane.
You stop limping.
Zyron evades your attack and exploits the brief opening.
Zyron's leopard paw to the kidney hits you.
You perform the form, crane flies from grass!
Your crane peck hits Zyron.
Zyron evades your attack and exploits the brief opening.
Zyron's leopard paw to the kidney hits you.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You manage to dodge Zyron's palm strike with a lot of effort.
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
You dodge Zyron's roundhouse kick.
Zyron has quite a few wounds.

<576/809h 569/652m 330v> <none defensive> <[========##][######====]{** }>

Zyron stops stalking around.
Zyron rears up and growls with the bodacity of the panda!
Zyron has quite a few wounds.

<576/809h 569/652m 330v> <none balanced> <[========##][######====]{** }>
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
Zyron's cross punch hits you.
Zyron's thundermaker mauls you.
You dodge Zyron's whirlwind kick.
Your dragon punch wounds Zyron.
Your rapid wing strike hits Zyron.
Your lightning kick injures Zyron.
Zyron has quite a few wounds.

<540/809h 569/652m 330v> <none balanced> <[========##][######====]{** }> You perform the form, crane flying through lightning!
Your kick wounds Zyron.
Your lightning kick scratches Zyron.
Your lightning kick scratches Zyron.
Your lightning kick scratches Zyron.
Your lightning kick grazes Zyron.
Your double kick grazes Zyron.
Zyron has quite a few wounds.

<540/809h 569/652m 330v> <none balanced> <[======####][########==]{** }>
Your back fist grazes Zyron.
Your jab grazes Zyron.
Your knee thrust grazes Zyron.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You dodge Zyron's jab.
You block Zyron's attack using your crane wing technique.
Zyron performs the form, bear snaps bamboo!
Zyron's whirlwind kick MANGLES you!
Zyron has quite a few wounds.

<454/809h 569/652m 330v> <none balanced> <[======####][########==]{** }>
Your kick mauls Zyron.
Your double kick injures Zyron.
Zyron's kick MUTILATES you!
Zyron's double kick misses you.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<415/809h 569/652m 330v> <none balanced> <[====######][##########]{** }>
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You block Zyron's attack using your crane wing technique.
Zyron performs the form, bear snaps bamboo!
Zyron's cross punch injures you.
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
Zyron raises his forearm to block your attack.
Your jab scratches Zyron.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
The night is about to end.
The white aura around your body fades.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<409/809h 572/652m 383v> <none balanced> <[====######][##########]{** }>

Zyron raises his forearm to block your attack.
Your back fist grazes Zyron.
Your back fist grazes Zyron.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
Zyron's palm strike decimates you!
Zyron's stomach kick wounds you.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<364/809h 572/652m 383v> <none balanced> <[====######][##########]{** }>
quaff purple
You flee from combat!
Organ Trail
f-o-o-o | There is a large pile of bodies here at the river's delta.
| | | | It moves with inhuman motions as the bodies fight against
o-o-o | each other, mindlessly pulling themselves out of the heap.
| | Trees narrow down around the river as it flows to the south
@ | and open up to the north where a whole field is filled with
| bodies. Evil swirls of energy spin in the air around you.

[Exits: north south (west)]
This small hovel door has moss and vines growing upon it.
A demonic necrolord scans the field.

<364/809h 572/652m 381v> <no opponent no opponent> <[====######][##########]{** }> You quaff a purple potion.
You aren't blind.
You are surrounded by a white aura.

<364/809h 572/652m 381v> <no opponent no opponent> <[====######][##########]{** }>

Zyron bounces in.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<364/809h 572/652m 381v> <none balanced> <[====######][##########]{** }> You no longer have the swiftness and agility of the crane.
You crouch and stalk your prey with the stealthiness of the leopard.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<364/809h 572/652m 381v> <none balanced> <[==========][##########]{** }>
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You dodge Zyron's back fist.
You parry Zyron's attack with your second hand.
You dodge Zyron's whirlwind kick.
Your elbow smash hits Zyron.
Your dragon punch wounds Zyron.
Your roundhouse kick misses Zyron.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<364/809h 572/652m 381v> <none balanced> <[==========][##########]{** }>

A healing light surrounds Zyron.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<364/809h 572/652m 381v> <none balanced> <[==========][##########]{** }> You kick with the ferocity of the leopard.
Your kick decimates Zyron!
You kick with the ferocity of the leopard.
Your double kick injures Zyron.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<364/809h 572/652m 381v> <none balanced> <[========##][##########]{** }>
Your palm strike misses Zyron.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Your lightning kick hits Zyron.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You parry Zyron's attack with your second hand.
You parry Zyron's attack with your second hand.
Zyron's jumping double front kick injures you.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<348/809h 572/652m 381v> <none balanced> <[========##][##########]{** }>

Zyron looks less stable.
Zyron undulates his leading hand like the head of a snake.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<348/809h 572/652m 381v> <none offensive> <[========##][##########]{** }>
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You evade Zyron's attack and exploit the brief opening.
Your leopard paw to the kidney grazes Zyron.
You evade Zyron's attack and exploit the brief opening.
Your leopard paw to the kidney grazes Zyron.
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
Your dragon punch decimates Zyron!
Zyron raises his forearm to block your attack.
Your tiger uppercut grazes Zyron.
Zyron raises his forearm to block your attack.
Your lightning kick grazes Zyron.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<348/809h 572/652m 381v> <none offensive> <[=======###][##########]{** }> You trip Zyron with a leg sweep and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Zyron.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<348/809h 572/652m 381v> <none offensive> <[=======###][##########]{** }>
The healing light fades from Zyron.
Your elbow smash hits Zyron.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Your oblique kick hits Zyron.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You evade Zyron's attack and exploit the brief opening.
Your leopard paw to the kidney grazes Zyron.
You evade Zyron's attack and exploit the brief opening.
Your leopard paw to the kidney grazes Zyron.
You evade Zyron's attack and exploit the brief opening.
Your leopard paw to the kidney hits Zyron.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<348/809h 572/652m 381v> <none offensive> <[=======###][##########]{** }>
Zyron has fled!
Zyron walks north.

<348/809h 572/652m 381v> <no opponent no opponent> <[=======###][##########]{** }>
You no longer stalk around like a leopard.
You move with the swiftness and the accuracy of the crane.

<348/809h 572/652m 381v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][##########]{** }>
You aren't fighting anyone.

<348/809h 572/652m 381v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][##########]{** }>
You concentrate to control your flow of chii.

<348/809h 532/652m 371v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][##########]{** }>
Players near you in The Battlezone:
<PK> Amanthi Organ Trail
<PK> Zyron The Guard House

<348/809h 532/652m 371v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][##########]{** }>
A healing light surrounds you.

<348/809h 532/652m 371v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][##########]{** }>
You feel a little better.

<371/809h 532/652m 371v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][##########]{** }>

You are affected by the following:
Skill: healing : lasts for 5 rounds
Skill: accuracy of the crane: lasts for 0 rounds
Skill: crane style : modifies hitroll by 25 for 12 hours
: modifies damroll by -5 for 12 hours
Spell: sanctuary : lasts for 1 hours
Skill: chii bolt (2) : lasts for 11 hours
Skill: nerve : modifies strength by -3 for 3 hours
Skill: sense motion : lasts for 0 hours

<371/809h 532/652m 371v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][##########]{** }>
You feel relieved as the tension drains from your muscles.
The day has begun.
It starts to rain.
Your awareness diminishes.

<586/809h 471/652m 404v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][##########]{** }>
Your accuracy fades.

<586/809h 471/652m 404v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][##########]{** }>
You feel a little better.

<609/809h 471/652m 404v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][##########]{** }>

You feel a little better.

<631/809h 471/652m 404v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][##########]{** }> Masses of Dead Soldiers
o-o-o | You are standing in the southern part of a massive garden.
| | | | Plants seem to have been organized generally into rows,
f-o-o-o | but carrots have been planted between the tomatoes and herbs
| | | | littered wherever there is space. Bodies lie crushed over
o-@-o | the legumes and guts spilled over the radishes. Elves, warrior
| and commoner alike, died fighting some great evil here,
| but they do not rest in peace. The fields continue to the
| north, east, and west and a river starts to flow between
| tightly-packed trees to the south, but the massacre continues
---------+ in all directions.

[Exits: north east south west]
A zombie stands here rotting before your eyes.

<631/809h 471/652m 402v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][##########]{** }> Fields of Blood
f | You are standing in the middle of a massive garden. Plants
| | seem to have been organized generally into rows, but carrots
o-o-o | have been planted between the tomatoes and herbs littered
| | | | wherever there is space. Bodies lie crushed over the legumes
f-o-@-o | and guts spilled over the radishes. Elves, warrior and commoner
| | | | alike, died fighting some great evil here, but they do not
o-o-o | rest in peace.

[Exits: north east south west (down)]
There is a crimson carrot here, gorged with blood.
This small hovel door has moss and vines growing upon it.

<631/809h 471/652m 400v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][##########]{** }>
You no longer have the swiftness and agility of the crane.
Your body enlarges as you unlock the spirit of the dragon.

<631/909h 471/652m 400v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][####======]{** }>

The healing light fades.

<631/909h 471/652m 400v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][####======]{** }> Players near you in The Battlezone:
<PK> Amanthi Fields of Blood
<PK> Zyron Lenrathil, Northern Quarter

<631/909h 471/652m 400v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][####======]{** }>
Masses of Dead Soldiers
o-o-o | You are standing in the southern part of a massive garden.
| | | | Plants seem to have been organized generally into rows,
f-o-o-o | but carrots have been planted between the tomatoes and herbs
| | | | littered wherever there is space. Bodies lie crushed over
o-@-o | the legumes and guts spilled over the radishes. Elves, warrior
| and commoner alike, died fighting some great evil here,
| but they do not rest in peace. The fields continue to the
| north, east, and west and a river starts to flow between
| tightly-packed trees to the south, but the massacre continues
---------+ in all directions.

[Exits: north east south west]
A zombie stands here rotting before your eyes.

<631/909h 471/652m 398v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][####======]{** }>
Organ Trail
f-o-o-o | There is a large pile of bodies here at the river's delta.
| | | | It moves with inhuman motions as the bodies fight against
o-o-o | each other, mindlessly pulling themselves out of the heap.
| | Trees narrow down around the river as it flows to the south
@ | and open up to the north where a whole field is filled with
| bodies. Evil swirls of energy spin in the air around you.

[Exits: north south (west)]
This small hovel door has moss and vines growing upon it.
A demonic necrolord scans the field.

<631/909h 471/652m 396v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][####======]{** }>
River of Forsaken Souls
| The path here is well traveled, though it is wet with recent
| flooding. The waters of the river to the south are swelling
| as if something is blocking the flow. You can see where a
| bridge once stood, allowing easy passage along the river to
@ | the south, but nothing remains of it now. Bodies of elves
| fill this river as they crawl their way north against the
| current.

[Exits: north south]

<631/909h 471/652m 394v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][####======]{** }> River of Forsaken Souls
| The trees loom so high overhead that they seem to block out
| the sun. All around you are the moans and cries of the elven
| corpses that are clawing their way upstream. The river runs
| from the north and curves around to the west here.
@ |

[Exits: north east west]

<631/909h 471/652m 391v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][####======]{** }>
The river water pushes you back.

<631/909h 471/652m 391v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][####======]{** }>
Shadowed Sphere
| The smell of sulphur and brine filter up around you. This
| area is pitch black, but something squelches beneath your
| feet. The area feels tight, confined, almost like a tunnel
| or a cave entrance, but you can touch nothing around you.
@ | From the north you can feel a chill wind, as harsh whispers
| fill your ears.

[Exits: north west]
(White Aura) A skittish ferryman stands here peddling his wares.

<631/909h 471/652m 390v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][####======]{** }>
But you aren't in combat!

<631/909h 471/652m 390v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][####======]{** }>
Zyron walks in.

<631/909h 471/652m 390v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][####======]{** }>
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Zyron!'
You turn Zyron's attack against him.
Your tiger uppercut mauls Zyron.
Zyron's elbow slash injures you.
Zyron's spin kick injures you.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<602/909h 446/652m 390v> <none offensive> <[---=======][####======]{** }>
Your kicked dirt misses Zyron.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<602/909h 446/652m 390v> <none offensive> <[---=======][####======]{** }>
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You dodge Zyron's elbow slash.
You block Zyron's attack with your forearm.
Zyron's jab scratches you.
You dodge Zyron's roundhouse kick.
Your tiger uppercut mauls Zyron.
You perform the form, dragon terrorizes the village!
Your dragon punch DISEMBOWELS Zyron!
Zyron parries your attack with his second hand.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<598/909h 446/652m 390v> <none offensive> <[---=======][####======]{***}>
Zyron stops moving sinuously.
Zyron crouches and stalks like a leopard.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<598/909h 446/652m 390v> <none defensive> <[---=======][####======]{***}>

Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Zyron dodges your palm strike.
Zyron evades your attack and exploits the brief opening.
Zyron's leopard paw to the kidney grazes you.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You nimbly dodge Zyron's dragon punch with a practiced maneuver.
Zyron's elbow smash mauls you.
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<571/909h 446/652m 390v> <none defensive> <[---=======][####======]{***}>

Zyron trips you with a leg sweep and you go down!
Zyron's trip scratches you.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<570/909h 446/652m 390v> <none defensive> <[---=======][####======]{***}>
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
Zyron's leopard claw wounds you.
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
Zyron's whirlwind kick injures you.
Your tiger uppercut wounds Zyron.
Zyron evades your attack and exploits the brief opening.
Zyron's leopard paw to the kidney grazes you.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<528/909h 446/652m 390v> <none defensive> <[---=======][####======]{***}>
The white aura around your body fades.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<535/909h 449/652m 404v> <none defensive> <[---=======][####======]{***}>
Zyron has fled!
Zyron walks north.
You feel less wobbly on your feet.

<535/909h 449/652m 404v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---=======][####======]{***}>
You rise back to your feet.
You no longer possess the spirit of the dragon.
You move with the swiftness and the accuracy of the crane.

<535/809h 449/652m 404v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---------=][####======]{***}>
Zyron walks in.

<535/809h 449/652m 404v> <no opponent no opponent> <[---------=][####======]{***}>
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Zyron!'
Zyron's lunge catches you off-guard!
You turn Zyron's attack against him.
Your tiger uppercut mauls Zyron.
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<535/809h 424/652m 404v> <none defensive> <[---------=][####======]{***}> You release your stored chii at Zyron!
Your chii bolt devastates Zyron!
Zyron has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

<535/809h 424/652m 404v> <none defensive> <[---------=][####======]{ }>
Zyron evades your attack and exploits the brief opening.
Zyron's leopard paw to the kidney injures you.
Your crane peck grazes Zyron.
You perform the form, crane flies from grass!
Your front kick grazes Zyron.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
Zyron's tiger uppercut MUTILATES you!
You stumble and barely manage to dodge Zyron's back fist.
Zyron's oblique kick MUTILATES you!
Zyron looks pretty hurt.

<441/809h 424/652m 404v> <none defensive> <[--------==][####======]{* }>

Zyron stops stalking around.
Zyron rears up and growls with the bodacity of the panda!
Zyron looks pretty hurt.

<441/809h 424/652m 404v> <none balanced> <[--------==][####======]{* }> You trip Zyron with a leg sweep and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Zyron.
Zyron looks pretty hurt.

<441/809h 424/652m 404v> <none balanced> <[--------==][####======]{* }>
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
Zyron's palm strike decimates you!
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
Zyron's whirlwind kick *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Your dragon punch wounds Zyron.
Your tiger uppercut mauls Zyron.
Zyron raises his forearm to block your attack.
Your butterfly kick grazes Zyron.
Zyron looks pretty hurt.

<310/809h 424/652m 404v> <none balanced> <[--------==][####======]{* }>

Zyron raises his forearm to block your attack.
Your tiger uppercut hits Zyron.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
Zyron's cross punch mauls you.
You block Zyron's attack using your crane wing technique.
Zyron's lightning kick maims you!
Zyron looks pretty hurt.

<253/809h 424/652m 404v> <none balanced> <[--------==][####======]{* }> You flee from combat!
Dimmed Tunnels
| You are clearly in a tunnel or mineshaft of sorts. The walls
| are earth and stone, veins of some strange metal that emits
| a purple glow around you. Supporting the tunnel around you
| are lacquered wooden posts holding the ceiling of this tunnel
@ | up. Torchlight beckons from the north, while darkness greets
| you to the south.

[Exits: north south]

<253/809h 424/652m 403v> <no opponent no opponent> <[--------==][####======]{* }>
quaff purple
You quaff a purple potion.
You aren't blind.
You are surrounded by a white aura.

<253/809h 424/652m 403v> <no opponent no opponent> <[--------==][####======]{* }>
Zyron bounces in.
Zyron looks pretty hurt.

<253/809h 424/652m 403v> <none balanced> <[--------==][####======]{* }>
No way! You are still fighting!
Zyron looks pretty hurt.

<253/809h 424/652m 403v> <none balanced> <[--------==][####======]{* }>
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You block Zyron's attack using your crane wing technique.
You dodge Zyron's dragon punch.
You dodge Zyron's lightning kick.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Your rapid wing strike hits Zyron.
Your butterfly kick injures Zyron.
Zyron looks pretty hurt.

<253/809h 424/652m 403v> <none balanced> <[--------==][#####=====]{* }>
Zyron's kick maims you!
Zyron's double kick injures you.
Zyron looks pretty hurt.

<203/809h 424/652m 403v> <none balanced> <[--------==][#####=====]{* }>
You trip Zyron with a leg sweep and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Zyron.
Zyron looks pretty hurt.

<203/809h 424/652m 403v> <none balanced> <[--------==][#####=====]{* }>
Your palm strike grazes Zyron.
Zyron raises his forearm to block your attack.
Your tiger uppercut misses Zyron.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
Zyron's dragon punch decimates you!
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
Zyron's jumping double front kick devastates you!
Zyron looks pretty hurt.

<145/809h 424/652m 403v> <none balanced> <[--------==][#####=====]{* }>
Zyron looks less wobbly on his feet.
Zyron looks pretty hurt.

<145/809h 424/652m 403v> <none balanced> <[--------==][#####=====]{* }>
You no longer have the swiftness and agility of the crane.
Your body enlarges as you unlock the spirit of the dragon.
Zyron looks pretty hurt.

<145/909h 424/652m 403v> <none balanced> <[--------==][=========-]{* }>
Zyron has fled!
Zyron limps north.

<145/909h 424/652m 403v> <no opponent no opponent> <[--------==][=========-]{* }>
The Shrine of Dogran
| This room is perfectly spherical. Veins of a purple ore swirl
| around this spherical room lighting it enough to allow you
| to see the altar placed perfectly in the center. The altar
| is made of the strange purpled ore perfectly square in shape.
@ | Within the altar a sphere of total blackness rests within,
| chill demonic whispers emanating from the darkness.

[Exits: south]
A massive altar of pure onyx basks in its own darkness.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Zyron the Grand Master of Seasons is here.
(White Aura) An agitated shadowdemon is here, its eyes glowing with feral light.

<145/909h 424/652m 402v> <no opponent no opponent> <[--------==][=========-]{* }> Zyron yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Amanthi!'
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Zyron parries your attack with his second hand.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
You dodge Zyron's palm strike.
Zyron's stomach kick hits you.
Zyron looks pretty hurt.

<135/909h 424/652m 402v> <none balanced> <[--------==][=========-]{* }>

Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Your dragon talon decimates Zyron!
Your whirlwind kick mauls Zyron.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
Zyron's hammer fist injures you.
You dodge Zyron's back fist.
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
Zyron is in awful condition.

<119/909h 424/652m 402v> <none balanced> <[-------===][=========-]{* }> You flee from combat!
Dimmed Tunnels
| You are clearly in a tunnel or mineshaft of sorts. The walls
| are earth and stone, veins of some strange metal that emits
| a purple glow around you. Supporting the tunnel around you
| are lacquered wooden posts holding the ceiling of this tunnel
@ | up. Torchlight beckons from the north, while darkness greets
| you to the south.

[Exits: north south]

<119/909h 424/652m 401v> <no opponent no opponent> <[-------===][=========-]{* }>
The Shrine of Dogran
| This room is perfectly spherical. Veins of a purple ore swirl
| around this spherical room lighting it enough to allow you
| to see the altar placed perfectly in the center. The altar
| is made of the strange purpled ore perfectly square in shape.
@ | Within the altar a sphere of total blackness rests within,
| chill demonic whispers emanating from the darkness.

[Exits: south]
A massive altar of pure onyx basks in its own darkness.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Zyron the Grand Master of Seasons is here.
(White Aura) An agitated shadowdemon is here, its eyes glowing with feral light.
Fighting with Zyron continues.
Zyron is in awful condition.

<119/909h 424/652m 400v> <none balanced> <[-------===][=========-]{* }>

Zyron looks less stable.
Zyron crouches and stalks like a leopard.
Zyron is in awful condition.

<119/909h 424/652m 400v> <none defensive> <[-------===][=========-]{* }> No way! You are still fighting!
Zyron is in awful condition.

<119/909h 424/652m 400v> <none defensive> <[-------===][=========-]{* }>
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
Zyron's elbow smash injures you.
You stumble and barely manage to dodge Zyron's dragon punch.
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
Zyron parries your attack with his second hand.
Zyron evades your attack and exploits the brief opening.
Zyron's leopard paw to the kidney grazes you.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Zyron is in awful condition.

<98/909h 424/652m 400v> <none defensive> <[-------===][=========-]{* }>
You summon the spirit of the dragon.
Your kick MUTILATES Zyron!
Your double kick wounds Zyron.
Zyron is in awful condition.

<98/909h 424/652m 400v> <none defensive> <[------====][==========]{* }>

Zyron's kick mauls you.
Zyron's double kick misses you.
Zyron is in awful condition.

<75/909h 424/652m 400v> <none defensive> <[------====][==========]{* }>
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Zyron parries your attack with his second hand.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
Zyron performs the form, leopard stalks over thin ice!
Zyron's half fist punch injures you.
Zyron's oblique kick mauls you.
Zyron is in awful condition.

<40/909h 424/652m 400v> <none defensive> <[------====][==========]{* }> Your kick mauls Zyron.
You summon the spirit of the dragon.
Your double kick injures Zyron.
Zyron is in awful condition.

<48/909h 427/652m 404v> <none defensive> <[----======][##========]{* }>
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You dodge Zyron's jab.
You manage to dodge Zyron's jab with a lot of effort.
You parry Zyron's attack with your first hand.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Zyron evades your attack and exploits the brief opening.
Zyron's leopard paw to the kidney grazes you.
Zyron is in awful condition.

<41/909h 427/652m 404v> <none defensive> <[----======][##========]{* }>

Zyron's kick mauls you.
Zyron's double kick injures you.
Zyron is in awful condition.

<4/909h 427/652m 404v> <none defensive> <[----======][##========]{* }>
Zyron dodges your elbow slash.
Zyron parries your attack with his first hand.
Zyron dodges your spin kick.
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
Zyron's elbow smash wounds you.
You manage to dodge Zyron's back fist with a lot of effort.
You dodge Zyron's jump kick.
You slump to the ground as Zyron stops short of a killing blow.
You have been incapacitated!!
You are too hurt to do anything for a while.

<1/909h 1/652m 404v> <no opponent no opponent> <[----======][##========]{* }> You are too hurt to do anything.

<1/909h 1/652m 404v> <no opponent no opponent> <[----======][##========]{* }>
Zyron stands up.

<1/909h 1/652m 404v> <no opponent no opponent> <[----======][##========]{* }>
Zyron whistles appreciatively.

<1/909h 1/652m 404v> <no opponent no opponent> <[----======][##========]{* }>
Zyron says 'I have 4% health 85% mana and 100% movement.'

<1/909h 1/652m 404v> <no opponent no opponent> <[----======][##========]{* }>
Zyron says 'Very close, but not close enough.'

<1/909h 1/652m 404v> <no opponent no opponent> <[----======][##========]{* }>
Zyron closes his eyes in meditation.

<1/909h 1/652m 404v> <no opponent no opponent> <[----======][##========]{* }>
Zyron looks at you.

<1/909h 1/652m 404v> <no opponent no opponent> <[----======][##========]{* }>
A healing light surrounds Zyron.

<1/909h 1/652m 404v> <no opponent no opponent> <[----======][##========]{* }>
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Zyron!'
Zyron's lunge catches you off-guard!
Zyron's jab hits you.
You are mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.

<-9/909h 1/652m 404v> <no opponent no opponent> <[----======][##========]{* }>
The white aura around your body fades.
You regain your strength.
You are mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.

<-10/909h 1/652m 404v> <no opponent no opponent> <[----======][##========]{* }>
You have been KILLED!!

The link with your cabal power has been severed!
The link with your cabal power has been severed!
You turn into an invincible ghost for a few minutes.
As long as you don't attack anything.

<1/803h 1/652m 394v> <no opponent no opponent> <[ ][ ]{ }>


  1. This fight was so close, I was watching, and totally thought you might pull it off for a second.
      [reply to Dogran]
    1. very very close fight, keep at it Amanthi. An good on you as well Zyron the catchup was nice.
        [reply to varliv]
      1. Going dragon style seems to be a mistake, its disadvantaged to cold and leopard is advantage against holy. If you go panda or mantis you probably win this easily when he switched to leopard.
          [reply to Ozaru]
        1. There is no point to trip straight after getting kicked, you cannot lag them because they already are. That is a situation you'd have enough time to flee/murder, then trip, or at the least return with a kick of your own, or shit, try grapple for better damage than "scratch" .
          1. Looks like Amanthi was hoping to get the trip off before Zyron input a skill, but was a fraction of a second too late. I doubt they purposefully tripped after seeing that kick go through.
          2. If they had the kick scouted then it'd definitely be better to just wait for the kick and then trip before they can do another; or switch up or activate style, then trip. If you are going to just spam in skills then you might as well be playing an invoker and spam something that kicks ass. This is really a very heavy self pwn because he had kicked for sweet damage and the response is then to just self-lag with a scratch of damage for it. Anyway, just offering a pointer. I'm not the one out their fighting Zyron so I don't mean to condemn it or anything. But if that was a warlord I would absolutely say "that is what cost you the fight"
          3. For sure, it was a waste and only brought self induced lag. Gotta be precise with those command inputs.
            Missing sanc for 3-4 rounds was a big swing in the battle, and the point Zyron evened things up, enabling him to go down to the wire for the win.
          4. its kinda nice that we can talk about fine points like that instead of it just being because of massive gear difference / no purples or something equally dumb to be honest.
          [reply to Davairus]
        2. It was hard to see past the enormous set of balls on both of you (sorry Amanthi I know you're female) but this was a fantastic fight, neither one running, going for the kill instead. Love it.
            [reply to Mogu]

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