Trakon the Volcano of Infinite Rage > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Trakon created on 10th of June 2017, and is dead and gone (21 years old, 99 hours, 10 months lifetime)

Title: the Volcano of Infinite Rage
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: storm giant berserker

Background history:

  1. Trakon, the rage filled storm giant. - posted at 2017-06-27 23:55:33
Trakon, the rage filled storm giant.
Lightning lit up the night sky, as the wind howled, overturning trees and blowing up plumes of dust and dirt. "Run Trakon" screamed his father, as the very hillside they had called home began to collapse onto the jagged rocks of the sea below. The looters who had come to ransack his home chasing behind trying to capture the young giant, so that they might sell him into slavery. As the very ground they were running on began to collapse, the young giant's father caught up to the looters barreling into them and knocking them to the ground. A chasm formed between them and the young giant male was forced to watch, grief stricken as his father battled a hoard of looters upon a wavering chunk of land. His father thrashed about violently throwing all but one of the looters down into the raging sea. The last looter was a hybrid humanoid with wings of a bird. As he beat his wings and began to cross the chasm that had formed, Trakon's father lept into the air grabbing ahold of the humanoid and with his great weight, drug him down onto the jagged rocks of the sea below. Trakon ran to the edge of the newly formed cliff, only to find the bodies of his father and the looters splayed upon the jagged rocks below. As he fell to his knees he roared with such a fury that the skies above became silent, and the storm that had come about so quickly subsided within an instant. He couldn't understand why they had come to his home, why they had taken away everything from him. The young giant pondered this for many days as he walked, lost amidst his thoughts. Many days later he arrived at the walls of Seringale and sought out a guild which could help him learn to understand his new found rage. The halls of the Berserkers welcomed him into their halls where he began his training immediately.


Before you towers a figure of immense proportions. As he glances about the room his face remains free of affect, much like that of a statue. His large head is absent of hair shining as if it were covered in polish. Pale blue eyes adorn his face, his lashes coated in a light frost. A large rounded nose leads down into purpled lips that grow darker then lighter with each exchange of breath. His square jawline is covered in a rough stubble that ends upon his short stocky neck. Large vessels across his neck pulsate rhythmically much like the beating of a heart. His massive chest presses against his armor giving shape to the muscles hidden beneath. His arms and legs are long and muscular, each as round as a tree trunk at its base. His hands and feet are no exception to the rest of his body each large in size, his hands clenched tightly into fist.

PK stats:

Kills: 2, Deaths: 14 (Ratio: 0.1, Efficiency: 12%)
Pinnacle Kills: 1, Pinnacle Deaths: 7 (Ratio: 0.1, Efficiency: 12%)

Kills by class:
invoker: 2,
Killed by class:
invoker: 4, vampire: 1, warrior: 5,

Nemesis: Knabra


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