Erelanidd the Holy Knight, Footman of Valour > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Erelanidd created on 28th of November 2020, and is dead and gone (21 years old, 92 hours, 19 days lifetime)

Title: the Holy Knight, Footman of Valour
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: elf paladin

Background history:

  1. Just a little off the top - posted at 2020-11-29 02:43:22
  2. Just a little off the top part 2 - posted at 2020-12-09 04:09:32
  3. Just a little off the top part 3 - posted at 2020-12-09 04:56:33
Just a little off the top
*Zing* A blade goes flying across the arena as the elven fighter disarms his opponent. As the arena draws to a big hurling roar all you hear is "wake up! Erelanidd it's time to wake up!" Erelanidd a boy elf wake up in his bed preparing for another day in the valley. He just reached the age of fourteen winters, meaning he would be off on his own if he so chooses. Suddenly a loud bell rings signaling an orc invasion from the East.


The elf before you smiles brightly with a glow that to him feels new. Fresh scent of cut grass seems to waft around him giving off aromatic ecstasy. His long silver hair is put into a thick braid, falling down to mid back the end tied off with a black band. His eyes of purple crimson flash with the fury of the fiercest storm. The right ear of this elf is clearly missing the tip of it, sheared off into a clean edge.

PK stats:

Kills: 6, Deaths: 5 (Ratio: 1.2, Efficiency: 54%)
Pinnacle Kills: 1, Pinnacle Deaths: 2 (Ratio: 0.5, Efficiency: 33%)

Kills by class:
necromancer: 2, shadow: 1, ranger: 2, dark-knight: 1,
Killed by class:
shaman: 1,

Logs mentioning Erelanidd:Mystiques mentioning Erelanidd:
Tags: #knight, #rage


  1. kento [reply]
    0 , 0 , 0 .
    Deleting after 2 pinnacled deaths? Why waste a caballed like this? Didn't even stick it out a week it feels?
      [reply to kento]
    1. After all that waiting, why delete after you make footman? Booo
        [reply to Ilromie]
      1. Dogran [reply]
        0 , 0 , 1 .
        Totally shouldn't have deleted over one death even if I did full loot you. You know darn well if the three of you had gotten me the other night that is what I had to look forward to. Shake it off and make something else I guess.
          [reply to Dogran]
        1. Davairus [reply]
          0 , 0 , 1 .
          AR is like wrestling and he's the ultimate warrior, thats why... he's badass .. he's unstable and for a while he's the best thing going. its exciting as shit until he lets you down by quitting while you still want more. He'll be back, dumping people on their asses again. Your run is over once you lose to sgt shitty slaughter
          1. Vhrael
            0 , 0 , 0 .
            That's Sergeant Sinister...
          [reply to Davairus]
        2. Thorgoth [reply]
          0 , 0 , 0 .
          Woah, kinda shocked by this.
            [reply to Thorgoth]
          1. maeve [reply]
            1 , 0 , 1 .
            trash FOTM realizes he sucks even with FOTM class. no saves vs shaman and overspamming like a scrub, well-deserved death. Gz on rage delete.
              [reply to maeve]
            1. Ceridwel [reply]
              3 , 0 , 1 .
              Seeing this delete after having the character complain about the length of time it took them to get inducted, I don't know if I should laugh or cry.
              1. Alkas
                1 , 0 , 1 .
                I don't ever try to divine who plays who. 99% of the time I have no idea. But knew this was bladefury from the first interaction. No one else would dare bitch and moan so much to a high ranking cabal member while trying to be inducted.
                But everyone deserves a chance to play the game, and I definitely never intended to not induct him. Just sucks that he ended up doing what we expected.
              2. (removed)
                1 , 0 , 0 .
              3. (removed)
                0 , 0 , 1 .
              4. (removed)
                1 , 0 , 0 .
              5. (removed)
                0 , 0 , 0 .
              6. Davairus
                1 , 0 , 0 .
                Nothing to see here.
              [reply to Ceridwel]
            2. Bladefury BANNED [reply]
              0 , 0 , 1 .
              Maeve, ozaru, and anoldsoul must all be the same person. I'm convinced. That or I really do have a bunch if haters which is even better:)
              1. Ozaru
                0 , 0 , 1 .
                no one cares about you and your gank squad.
              [reply to Bladefury]
            3. Davairus [reply]
              0 , 0 , 0 .
              I actually liked this eradication paladin. I thought it was played pretty much exactly how we'd hoped to see it played, which is as a borderline (but not totally bad) psychopath. Whether bf was rp'ing or just being himself is besides the point.. no need to judge. Maybe Knights could tighten up their screening and interviewing processes. Its so obvious, people who get fed up of waiting get into the cabal are going to get fed up of being in it later. This can't be something only I can see, surely? Don't induct them .. and there won't be rapid knight deletes.. solveable problem.
              1. I mean I get it, if you punish, or rather don't reward, the behavior then maybe it will change.
                But I don't really understand the idea that you shouldn't induct them. Like this character was obnoxious and had warning flags that he would delete or be crazy down the line. Make him wait a bit and maybe he'd decide that the extra invested time meant he shouldn't delete as soon.
                But to completely refuse to induct someone just seems so selfish and awful and unnecessary gate-keeping. Maybe I just don't understand the reasoning well enough and I'm wrong.
                But inducting Erelanidd cost nothing but the time to talk to him, which is literally just playing the game, so that isn't a cost at all. I guess it cost more time to help him level up. Also just playing the game and not really a cost at all. So when he deletes the only loss I see is that we have one less Knight. But if we never inducted him in the first place we'd still have one less Knight. So there is no loss.
                Everyone deserves the chance to play the game. He made a character that he wanted to be a Knight. Who am I to prevent him from playing the game the way he wanted?
              2. Davairus
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                Alkas, I dont mean in that way. To me its like, oh, so your RP is getting fed up of waiting? That means your RP is someone who gets fed up. This will not improve. It is how they chose to RP. Cabal application denied. They go on and play their character without a cabal.

                If you are looking at it as purely a numbers game (i.e. one less knight) then two things. First, is that RP? Second, before you back a persons application, you also gotta honestly ask yourself "Do I see myself wanting to be friends with this person" and say yes because at some point in the future you are going to end up annoyed, criticizing somebody in the graveyard and making them feel like a scumbag (thats how we end up having to moderate the dumb logboard - because you broke the dumb no call-outs rule). Its just my recommendation to nip it in the bud. Stop enabling shitty behavior and it doesn't lead to high profile delete / trainwreck in the graveyard.
              3. That's very true Dav. Good points I hadn't really considered. Will remember them in the future. Also I apologize for calling out the character here before he officially claimed it, I guess I didn't really realize.
              4. Personally, I never saw this guy get crazy impatient or obnoxious...nor did he ever portray that to me in any way. He was eager to fight the good battle as a Knight! He did everything I asked. Listened to me when I'd give him Knight guidance, or question him about different matters within the game. I felt like the old gal helping the youngster keep it between the lines, and thought he heeded to my words of wisdom and advice pretty well.
                Impatience doesn't doesn't have equal deny app if that's the only "issue".
                I had no reason for ME not to approve his application...which I was the first to do.
                Wish you stuck with it BF! I don't see you make a goodie very often at all! Good luck with the next!
              5. As a Knight, upholding the Virtues, (With the Sun as your guidance!), you can still be a great cabal-mate...whether you want to be great friends or not. Personality differences doesn't matter if all cabal members are adhering to the Virtues.
              6. Bladefury BANNED
                1 , 0 , 0 .
                Thanks rhoa. I showed the same tenacity and drive to want to fight evil with you as anyone else. I explicitly told ceridwel I wasn't trying to rush in response to a note that he sent. I just wanted to be rank 50 i wanted to roll with the gang and bang a little. Premature pull on delete always. But hey thats just me. On to a new month new char
              7. Yeah I agree Rhoa. I don't think you have to be besties to be successful. But it certainly helps.

                My first interaction with Erelanidd I thought maybe he was a bit hasty and tiny bit disrespectful, but I can't honestly give a concrete reason why. Just his attitude seemed flippantly confident. Which isn't a bad thing and I didn't judge him for it. In fact it seemed like reasonable RP for an elf pally given the circumstances of the game lol. I even asked him some pretty hard hitting questions and he answered them all better than I expected, so I was happy.

                My second interaction though he came right to me and said he was tired of waiting and demanded to know why he wasn't inducted yet and that he had nothing left to do and that he was tired of waiting at level 30 and that he wasn't having fun. And that even though I suggest he keep waiting for Ceridwel's approval he said he was going to level up anyways, even knowing he shouldn't. Just that attitude was impatient and poor. But again none of it was a big enough deal to me to call off his induction. It was all handled in a pretty good IC way, I thought. Ceridwel approved and so I did too.
                After that every interaction with him was excellent. He did a wonderful job at being a Knight and I think it was the makings of a really excellent character. So good job bladefury. It is just a bummer it didn't last longer, but I get the feeling. Sometimes you just gotta delete.
              8. Davairus
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                My advice depends on what you guys are eventually going to do when it hits the graveyard.

                If the player who inducted knows they are able to exercise restraint and won't eventually air someone's dirty laundry in public, which I understand is mainly from venting frustrations, they could go ahead and do the "mr. nice guy" thing. I think when it leads to calling-out people on the board its looking for a reaction from them, pushing buttons and honestly looks very manipulative to me, we know the offended player will erupt hostile immediately and becomes very confrontational. Others jump in and we are off on another shitstorm. I don't believe that requires a crystal ball to know that is going to happen or much common sense that it turns people off from the board. You guys know how incendiary these boards always get. Its being nicer to just thumbs down on the application... its not insult, its just a well-reasoned no thank you.

                In terms of the Knights being selfish, I think there is always a fair justification for quality control on the basis of the Knight's conduct reflects poorly on the cabal leadership. If your guys quickly delete, or you end up just blowing up on them after they delete, it looks kinda ...strange. Like the question is "hmm whats up with the knight cabal". As an analog, consider if the Immortals just stopped bothering to review anyones descriptions, and just told them their desc sucks after they deleted. Is that the time to bring it up? And doesnt bad descs reflect poorly on the job the imms are doing too anyway? We have had some colorful conversations about that behind closed doors I assure you. It don't matter if we lose a player over us telling him his description is unsatisfactory and he decides to take his ball and go home over that. Its just petty. It'd be good riddance. But, an Imm holding it over the player in the graveyard is something I dont wanna see either. I'd rather read the bad desc than read that. We can nip things in the bud.
              [reply to Davairus]
            4. Bladefury BANNED [reply]
              1 , 0 , 0 .
              hardest part about this char was not condeming someone in the arena. i also added flavor to my condemn my saying something first so you knew i meant to condemn you entirely. fun fun blah blah on i go. *shrug
              1. That was a little annoying at first, but after I got over that it felt like you were one of those boss mobs proccing over and over again and I started to have fun with it.
              2. Bladefury BANNED
                0 , 0 , 2 .
                I also changed it a few times. Enclave of three moons condemns you was my last one. My first one was vanilla. You ate condemned. I did it to avoid entirely getting outlasted for using it since it was questioned of me before. I just wanted to avoid the demonnelf/outcast aspect of this char entirely. Success if you ask me.
              3. I agree: success. It's little touches like that which make a character memorable.
              4. Davairus
                3 , 0 , 0 .
                "would you like an apple pie with that" *condemn in the face*
              5. Bladefury BANNED
                0 , 0 , 1 .
                Lmao yesss
              [reply to Bladefury]
            5. Bladefury BANNED [reply]
              0 , 0 , 0 .
              Fuck auto correct.
                [reply to Bladefury]
              1. Gonna miss you buddy.
                  [reply to Yrlssa]

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