Saladus the Shadow Master of the Lau Kaun > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Saladus created on 15th of January 2022, and is dead and gone (30 years old, 124 hours, 1 year lifetime)

Title: the Shadow Master of the Lau Kaun
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: avian shadow

Background history:

  1. First Flight and Beyond - posted at 2023-04-08 10:50:50
First Flight and Beyond
Far west in the world as plentiful mortals know lies the beautiful city of Valour. Final resting place of Queen Victoria and a safe haven for lightwalkers at finest. The merchants and street vendors are lined up at the market to sell their goods. So is the family of this bird nested near the marketplace. At first appearance almost unnoticed by the colours of his feathers he is defined by many a beautiful creature. Mahogany yellow beak stands out clear from the rest of his kind with huge nostrils. One of the vendors young son named Saladus he is and how they call him. Born into a wealthy family he looks clean and his feathers are quite colourful from a healthy diet. He is now a scholar of the Lau Kaun clan and an apprentice of the local speciality teacher. As the majestic wings start their momentum slowly but steady gaining speed with every thrust.. At almost thirty years of age now the bird has traveled quite a lot of distance, yet still not far from home. Saladus has adapted many skills that help him for a quick getaway. He comes from a family of devoted followers of light and regular visit to the chapel is a must. His overall life so far is being a good listener and scholar of the shadow art. Saladus eyes are filled with confidence as he prudently puffs his chest out showing mighty build for a bird. When he feels that his wings will not carry him far enough he vanishes.. Into the shadows.


Beautiful light surrounds this bird as he spread his wings. Piercing green eyes carefully observe every bit of his surroundings with a natural ease. Short feathered-white hair sways with the slightest of breezes and a set of elongated ears can be seen peeking through a few loose strands. His muscles are lithe and lean and he moves rather elegantly for one who is attempting to not draw attention to himself. A smiling grin expose sharp white teeth between the beak. He flaps his wings and soars into air with dust around him moving. His feathers are clean and well taken cared of giving a shimmering hue of colors as one is exposed to the sun. The beak is mahogany yellow and looks pointed at the end of the the tip. A set of daggers is tattooed on his left cheek with everlasting paint.

PK stats:

Kills: 0, Deaths: 3 (Ratio: 0, Efficiency: 0%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 2 (Ratio: 0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:

Killed by class:

Logs mentioning Saladus:


  1. Great Times in AR!

    I did not want to ruin someone else's graveyard so I write here:

    As with Daffak and this.. and the next Storm delete after this..
    For me your hierarchy here in this game is just more than slightly of the course.

    Where one with the powers will bestow his friends more than should..

    Just don't deny it, please.

    In my around 15+ years in the game I finally reached where I wanted to be.. record breaker!

    You can erase my name now if it doesn't fit with your kneebending standards.

    My adventure here will be secure in my head enough.

    And I really take that as an insult that a 114 year old Condead with 25.000 reputation will only receive a notable.

    Do not get me wrong that I am ungrateful for your feedback and comments.
    Had lots of fun here I must admit and good memories.

    I love this game and it was one of my first ones for me..

    I don't want to leave like an outsider, but this is your decisions made in recent to six feet under.

    Farewell and goodbye!
    1. Davairus
      3 , 0 , 0 .
      Vargan, there have been very heated discussions about HoE. I know that if some player has an expectation then it isn't met, it makes sense to be disappointed and frankly, hurt. Which leads to angry or bummed out badly. I always argue for the player going in instead of not. I also know as soon as that "nomination" process started, someone types +1 Hoe a few times, expectations are set. I'm tired of saying it anymore, this time I'll just let your post be the proof that the HoE sucks the joy out of the game. And a player is at least owed an explanation. So, her it is. Your HoE vote reached 4/4 (four yes and four against) which puts me in the unenviable position of tie-breaker. The no's included "continual OOC comments( "Whois to see my age and things reputed for", or "I'm drinking wine and shouldn't be on" and stuff like that... " that's the problem. I'm sorry this is a bummer but you cannot be OOC and hall of elite even if you were 7-1 that would've still not been able to fly. Take that away, it was enough, I woulda ruled in your favor, but for the same reason as Szrevan (going totally OOC on newbie chat) you have unfortunately been disqualified. The RP must be a high standard for HoE, and this isn't even satisfactory level. All you would have to change, is not talk about your character's attributes as OOC, not talk about what you are doing IRL, and I doubt you really need to condeath the character to get that accolade. Its still a great character, just not consistently in-character. And I can assure you that not being consistently in-character has came up over and over as a reason why characters did not get into HoE. It is an entry requirement. I have asked that committee (repeatedly) that we compile a list of entry requirements and list it on the HoE page so that we set expectations properly instead of do a lot of work (and arguing) over characters which did not even qualify. Still waiting for it. Nothing else I can think to say at this point. hopefully you quitting AR is the impetus needed for that to finally get done.
    2. I must agree with you and such reply is very welcoming.
      When I used to drink heavily sometimes things like that happen that going out of roleplay occasionaly.
      But halflings are like that reading about them.. Annoy everyone! Which I sometimes did and sometimes didn't.
      And also some psychiatric problems.. everybody has problems and they are to overcome. Detailed explenation is what I got here and I guess I have to deal with it.
      I am curing my depression and sometimes things like this happen.
      But important is to understand and observe not judge first by the shell or first outburst.
      I just need some more time off.

      Thanks again for the reply.
    3. Ozaru
      0 , 0 , 4 .
      If you haven't noticed- Here the basic requirements You do most of this or some combination you are in.

      1. Have an amazing K/d Ratio - Even if you puss out on fights and just kill people who are far less equipped than you.
      2. Have some sort of RP anything goes really -Speech modification, emote action after fight etc
      3. Play your character for 1 year - Even if the person has the same amount of hours in 3 months as someone in 1 year, doesn't matter 1 year is the minimum requirement.
      4. Con death
      5. Don't go OOC
      6. Be a cabal leader
      7. Even if you get killed repeatedly, keep trying ala Savanti - Probably only works if you are Knight, I can't see this happening for Legion/Warlord/Justice.
      8. Do what ever Valindra did if you are into that sort of thing
    4. Davairus
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      This list is satire I assume? Blyx had just barely 9 months of play.

      9. don't make every character you play so generically obvious you that everyone quickly knows you are playing it (an example is being that guy who has the same amount of hours in 3 months as someone in 1 year, or if every character you make is always turning out to be a full-time "jerkass")
      10. don't ever attack a buttmonkey. those guys may seem like easy pickings but due to the way Resatimm stacked the emissaries to cause karma, those players have enough emissaries to retaliate down-vote, making you the buttmonkey for downvote later on.
      (to clarify: this is satire)
    5. Ashlyn
      0 , 0 , 2 .
      Don't get me started on HoE. Its so subjective as to be ridiculous. I've basically boiled it down to you have to have amazing RP, but don't PK at all because being semi-decent but not amazing at PK will keep you from getting in; OR; Have an amazing k/d ratio never dying by never putting yourself at risk, and dont engage in small talk because it ruins the mystique.
    6. Xenyar
      6 , 0 , 0 .
      When you fall short, you can blame others...or you can focus on the betterment of yourself. Where did I fall short, Why did I fall short. What can I be better at. This relates to everything in life...not just some internet game. I'm gonna have a kid soon(first one, little girl). Look forward to teaching these values to her.
    7. Davairus
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      This is not the appropriate time for posting some empty "never give up" stuff and tell people to kick rocks. Emissaries need to stop wasting time and go create the guidelines so that they can be put on the webpage. The people who have been rejected deserve to know why. They deserve to be heard. And they deserve to be given a fair chance. The emissaries need to do their jobs and create the guidelines, and they need to do it right now.
    8. Xenyar
      1 , 0 , 0 .
      Sad. This was not an empty sentiment on my behalf. But philosophical insight. There is always time for that.
    9. twerpalina BANNED
      0 , 0 , 3 .
      Having Bladefurry in HoE is an insult to everyone who does not get inducted there. Not even going to comment further on this shit.
    10. HoE is a popularity contest, give out PG-13 back rubs, do Winter runs fully expecting nothing, or the dregs no one elses, dont make any pk'ing into long-term grudges (Xenyar demonstrated this well). Maybe slap in some sort of RP angle. And yeah, don't break OOC.
    [reply to Vargan]
  2. Ozaru [reply]
    1 , 0 , 0 .
    How do you not even know how to get to gasteride?
    1. Heavy drinkings with smoking grass and few years off so I just stood there and did not see the <exit> direction, I forgot one can walk throught there since i play a lot of different muds and returning can be sometimes more difficult.
      As do you have your issues sometimes Oz.
    [reply to Ozaru]
  3. rexaxle [reply]
    1 , 1 , 0 .
    Use mudlet, install my GUI and Map, get used to all that jazz, and then just live life on easy mode with what is there and as I update things. I was thinking that because the GUI is all based on msdp/gmcp/mssp variables entirely now that it could be used in other muds as well (not tried yet myself as I am AR all the way)
      [reply to rexaxle]
    1. Stiehl26 [reply]
      1 , 0 , 0 .
      I wonder if removing hours played or allowed an “opt out” where your characters hours don’t display, causing preconceived notions of who is playing whom?
      1. Xenyar
        3 , 0 , 0 .
        I've suggested removing the secrets tab completely. That way you can't whois playerX and see unlocked many secrets, master explorer, and so on. If you've used whois for a long time, you catch onto patterns... I don't really mean to, I just mentally log the data by nature. So if I see unlocked many secrets, for example, I already know who this character isn't, and by default reduced it to who it is. Remove everything that can indicate who plays the character. I'm down for that.
      2. Davairus
        0 , 0 , 0 .
        Its good to have a way to recognize the fire giant trying to master every skill at level 20 is actually a vet, and not some newbie
      [reply to Stiehl26]
    2. Stiehl26 [reply]
      3 , 0 , 0 .
      Since characters should know literally nothing about someone they haven’t met, I have no idea how the fire giant comment comes into play…? AR is RP first…right? There’s no google, Facebook, or 4 Chan to get info from. You shouldn’t know if someone is an experienced explorer or complete novice.
      1. Davairus
        0 , 0 , 0 .
        Mortals in AR don't need to be treated as completely anonymous. Firstly, because that would be completely tedious to try to meet every character with like "a gnome is here" and then you have to say "what is your name" and they have to reply etc. It would be a massive waste of storage space and server resources. Also, there is a compelling reason. Compared to the NPCs of the game, they are actually living legends, like Perseus or Helen of Troy etc, with idle gods meddling in their lives to amuse themselves. Even level 1 characters can already ass kick powerful monsters that the academy has been overrun with. Whatever information the game provides to you that you clearly don't have to reach far to read it (like typing WHO to see name/class), you have a way of knowing it. If you really have to have one, make one up. And if you can't think of anything, consider it magically imparted onto you by the gods. The information is given by the gods to be useful to you, and thats part of what sets you above being a happy farmer.
      2. Mogu
        0 , 0 , 0 .
        There are many clues a player could use to determine whether someone is new to the game or a vet or anywhere in between besides their secrets discovered status. I agree displaying the secrets makes it pretty easy to narrow down who is who.

        This leaves a player with the following options:
        1. Do nothing. Vets will likely figure out who the player is behind the character over time (especially if played by another vet).
        2. Remove the status. This removes the learning bonus. Hard pass.
        3. Don't associate your character with an account. This seems counterproductive.
        4. Create an alternate account with a different secrets status. This also seems counterproductive.
      3. Also knowing that you are there when you log in.. spotting buy "whe character" and sending tell from another map location into your guild via "tell" how does another one know I am in the other side of the map?
      4. Davairus
        0 , 0 , 0 .
        Every player thinks they can tell who is playing who, but it's all just guesswork. The quest string, the mannerisms, it's all just looking at the tea leaves. There is no way someone is going to look at your "unlocked many secrets of the world" quest string and just know who is playing the character.
      [reply to Stiehl26]
    3. I suggest those voted Vargan down give it a go and run a 1800 hour character without breaking ever from roleplay, I really don't get it how i didn't fit since halflings are just like that and most of the time I was being just me and it fits roleplay well.
      History was made and that is all I care.. I did it! Goodluck guys!
      1. Xenyar
        1 , 1 , 0 .
        Going OOC regularly is breaking Roleplay.
      2. I dont know what you mean regularly ooc? Answering at newbie channel is ooc for you? Im just so done i find another place where they can appreciate time and virtues. Bet I could find ooc from other characters too if dig hard enough. Dont have to be a rocket scientist to understand how things are here.
      3. Davairus
        1 , 0 , 0 .
        Vargan, no need to make accusations at the other players of the game for going OOC, that's really not fair and they were not the one's being analyzed for the hoe, you were. This definitely isn't about answering questions in the newbie channel, that is silly too. I think you are actually just underestimating how passionate the AR players are about their RP, and you are very incorrect assuming other players cannot run 1800 hours without breaking RP. They absolutely could, if they were able to run 1800 hrs. This amount of time is a grand achievement and you should be proud of it, nobody can take it away. As far as RP goes, it does sound like you are reaching to find rationalizations, . We had some discussions after this thread, I suggest just stay around a while longer and see if you want to stay after you find out what happens.
      4. I agree.. My roleplay does suck, but I hope one day I will get that golden trophy! I take some time off, cause it is needed. Take care all!
      [reply to Vargan]
    4. Vargan also donated 500k+ to the coffers. Thank you!
        [reply to Vok]

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