"Immortals" refers to players who have reached the highest attainable levels in the game. Here at the Abandoned Realms, anyone of level 51 or higher is an Immortal. Immortals are here to preserve game mechanics, facilitate game flow and oversee game progression, generally by answering questions from mortals or enforcing the rules of the realm. Since Immortals can wreak havoc with game balance, we here at the Abandoned Realms choose our Immortals very carefully. An absolute rule of Immortal behavior is that no Immortal can aid or assist any player without explicit permission from the higher ranks; in other words, please don't ask an Immortal to help you kill a mob, gather equipment, etc, or you'll likely be either politely or rudely refused.

60Davairus the Implementor of DisasterEvening 7pm-1am PT. (5am-9am UTC). Weekends = all day.
60Olyn the Lord of the SandsOne eye on AR from 8am-9pm ET (12pm-1am UTC)
55Ceridwel the Champion of Dawn, Paragon of the Sun
54Phostan , Tallyman of Conflict
53Avenar the Oracle of the Stars
53Dogran the Sinister Minister
52Solmundi the Vanguard of the Covenant
51Pipkin the Warden of the Whispering Glades

Immortal Emeritus

The following list are Immortals who are no longer actively involved in the game. Each of their contributions is immeasurable.
60Stryth the Overlord of Thera
60Virgil the PDP Implementor
60Rodyn the Purge-bringer
60Zafrin the Nexus of Chaos
60Odoacer the Sovereign of Law
60Denadlyr the Ethereal Fizzling Gnome
60Lodur the Implementor of Chaos
60Burzuk the Voice of Doom
60Vanisse the Myth Weaver
60Eldorian the Newbie Avenger
60Nycticora the Princess of Chaos
60Avindus the New Horizon
58Jeradan, Sovereign of Eternal Order
57Nhalthos the Forger of Reality
57Vevier the Collector of Secrets
56Lydana the Bringer of Harmony
56Torkalen the Observer of Low Folk, Heraldic Guide of Thera
55Vhrael the Reanimated Arcanist, Exemplar of Nihilism
54Aberdour the Lion of Sanctity
54Groq the President of Eternal Agony, Inc.
53Gorgwath the Paragon of Virtue, Executor of Valour
53Kaetan the Angel of Invokation, Executor of Valour
53Soluminus the Angel of Light, Executor of Valour
53Thorgoth the Conqueror of Serin, Usurper of Legion
52Ardoryn the High General of Thera
52Clesa the Cicerone of Understanding
52Eloret the Chancellor of Infinite Gnome Justice
52Meriando the Cleric of Divine Order
52Niusan the Begotten of the Astral Plane, Cigar Connoisseur
52Ronus the Pirate
52Sethronu the Frozen Hearted Warrior
51Brennan the Scribe of the Shadows
51Elimelech the Chaotic Master of Song and Dagger
51Galhea the Warden of the Unproven
51Grimlak the Enraged, Conqueror of Mortine
51Malenfaler the Psychokinetic Incantrix of Phase, Curator of Erudition
51Tayku the Devil of Night, Guardian of the Ether
51Zrakalon the Overmind of the Underdark
