<MYSTIC> Foggledonk the Sage of Arcane Power, Abecedarian of Physical
Foggledonk created on 29th of November 2021, and is currently 68 years old (751 hours played).

Title: the Sage of Arcane Power, Abecedarian of Physical
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: gnome invoker

Background history:

  1. A Vexing Most Perplexing - posted at 2022-01-10 15:36:06
  2. A Curse-Reverse Earring of Gnomish Engineering - posted at 2022-05-18 17:37:16
A Vexing Most Perplexing
Foggledonk's earliest childhood memories are fond ones. He remembers being brought up in a village of curious little gnomes surrounded by towering mushrooms. A mushroom forest with rolling hills, rocky outcroppings, and mushrooms as far as the eye could see. Unfortunately, the name and location of this fungal forest are lost to him. One day while out gathering roots and fizzlesticks, Foggledonk came across a small alcove under a particularly large mushroom. He heard a voice whisper to come nearer. Naturally, inquiring as a curious gnome will, he leaned in without second thought. He was greeted by the tiniest little thaddlewhack he had ever seen! Little did he know this was no thaddlewhack; this was a nasty little imp! The imp, grinning wickedly, whispered an incantation in Foggledonk's ear, poked a finger in his eye, and plucked a particularly long nose hair all in one fluid motion. He stumbled back, tripped on a fflewderdue, and landed on his back. The imp vanished in a wisp of smoke leaving Foggledonk dumbfounded. After collecting himself, he headed back to his village but found it empty. Abandoned. Everything looked untouched and exactly as it had been but life lacked. Silence. Foggledonk began to call out, hoping it might be some sort of ruse, but his tongue was not entirely his own. He felt compelled to rhyme, and rhyme he did! Rhyming brought him joy. But to be compelled to rhyme to his dying day? Not if this gnome has a say! That wily little thaddlewhack must be caught without delay! With villagers vanished, Foggledonk decided he must embark upon a sojourn to break his cursed tongue. Where would he wind up? He would let the Fates decide. Moments later he winked once, snorted twice, wiggled his bottom and uttered, "A curse I must reverse! Destination imprecise, Fates allowing, roll the dice!" He vanished without a trace.


You see a plump little fellow, roughly three feet tall. He is a curious gnome with various trinkets and gadgetry adorning his garments. His hair is a faded brown-grey, thinning on top with one of the worst comb-overs you have seen. His thinning scalp is further accentuated by a long, white billy goat beard narrowing to a fine point just shy of his waist. His wrinkled skin is underscored by pockmarked cheeks and a broad oversized nose, red with inflammation. The crow's feet extending from his eyes give the impression he spends hours upon hours squinting in deep concentration.

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