Ye Olde Abandoned Realms Logs

The Trial of Kali Windbreeze: Court Report and Proceedings

posted on 2021-10-09 17:14:10
>>> First, a faithful summary of the full trial. The limelit event itself is below it for interested parties.

<SCHOLAR> Serra: The Trial of Kali Windbreeze - Court Report (part 1)
To: Consortium
The Trial of Kali Windbreeze occurred on the 8th Renewal of the Celestial of Retribution.

Present at the trial included:
Judge: Valindra Skitterwit (part 1)
Judge: Lord Davairus (part 2)
Plaintiff: Lord Solmundi
Defense attorney: Duchess Ilromie Illistarre
Defendant: Kali Windbreeze
Jury: Cunnadd Wallstomper
Jury: High Warlord Shaghroth
Jury: Lunaia
Jury: Lore Keeper Villidan
Observer and Witness: Doyen Wylsin Plindane
Observer: Gerok
Observer: Dame Leitha Dondeleon
Observer: Lord Dogran
Observer: Lord Olyn
Observer: Lord Kedaleam
Observer: Tonke
Observer: Tepyr
Observer and Court Recorder: Doyenne Serra

A spectacle for the ages, and not one we will likely forget... for unexpected
reasons. It boded oddly at the very start as the goblin Judge Skitterwit asked
for last minute bribes, to which the Duchess proffered two decades-old fish
from the bottom of her sack, a tempting offering for none. While absent, the
Collector of Secrets offered muffins from a giggling shrubbery. As participants
began to arrive and mill about aimlessly around the Traveller's Rest, the Judge
and other members of the Consortium gathered in the People's Court to prepare.
Apparently at the last moment before the trial, Doyen Wylsin recused himself
from the jury, leaving the jury box with four.

The trial proceeded with the banging of a gavel and the announcement by a tiny
wisp named Hibbadibbity. As Lord Solmundi and Duchess Ilromie took their seats,
the crowd hushed expectantly. Solmundi opened the trial by listing three charges
against the defendant Kali Windbreeze, calling him a fraud, one who attacked
those who held light dear to their hearts, and a menace to society. Ilromie
opened, strangely, by forgiving Solmundi for being a poor horse trainer.
Here Jury member Shaghroth nearly asphyxiated the entire house of attendance
with an epic release of gas only relieved by a sea breeze conjured by Lord Olyn.
Kali then spoke, to which Dogran and Solmundi made snide remarks.

Solmundi's opening statement began by proudly announcing himself as an agent
designed to rid the world of chaos, and pointed at both defendant and counsel
as causal agents of chaos. He then claimed Kali was a fraud, for having
no family members attending the trial in support, and that he had attacked
innocents and invaded the halls of Justice which Solmundi claimed was a death
sentence. He closed by saying the Duchess (whom he refused to acknowledge by
title - Objection!) was a criminal who manufactured her words to misinform
those present.

Ilromie's opening statement simply refuted the prosecutor's claim that an
absence of family members was a strike against Kali's character, called
Lord Solmundi's accusations a pure sham and he a tyrant. (Objection!)

Solmundi then began to present his evidence. The first evidence, again, was the
absence of another Windbreeze in attendance. (Objection!) He then attempted
to turn the discussion to houses of elves before Lord Davairus intervened to
steer the trial back on course with a request to hear the defendant's plea. Of
course, Kali pled innocent. Moreover, he nearly launched into an epic monologue
of the history of his ancestors before (Objection!) he was asked to sit down.

Solmundi then continued with more evidence by calling himself to the stand as
a witness to Kali offending his own gods for attacking Solmundi personally,
invading the halls of Justice and intending to kill Solmundi in cold blood.
Here the Sinister Minister Dogran attempted to offer his services as cross-
examiner but was refused by Valindra and the defense. Ilromie then started to
ask Solmundi pointed questions, accusing him of lying about being attacked by
Kali's illusions, and then talking about an entirely separate incident at an
Executioner. I felt sympathy for the jury at this, none of whom knew what she
was referring to. Again, Lord Davairus interjected, saying nothing was making
sense, but they continued impervious. Solmundi said Kali had infected his mind
and many others.

Ilromie repeated that the illusions did not attack Solmundi and that he was
never in danger, moreover that his grounds were not in fact a death sentence,
which appealed to the more criminally-inclined in the audience. Solmundi
maintained that Kali had nearly killed him and that he was the "second most
malicious person I know", to which Dogran asked with great interest, "Who's the
first?" - perhaps a rivalry in the heavens? The judge was amorously distracted
by Dogran's pasty bald complexion before Ilromie began again with her story of
an encounter at the Executioner (Objection! Relevance?) and Valindra, intrigued
by gossip, allowed her continue to describe being attacked herself by Solmundi
there (Objections! from Dogran, in the audience, as well as Solmundi). Here,
interrupting proceedings, Dogran attempted to direct the court and Valindra
wrested it back again a bit weakly. Solmundi offered to take the stand he was
already standing on. Jury Lunaia started staring at the ceiling and coughing.
Everyone in attendance started staring awkwardly in different directions hoping
something would begin to make sense. I made pancakes.

Solmundi claimed Ilromie was infected by an evil spirit by Kali and that her
goal was to demolish Justice entirely, which was why he had attacked her.
(Objection!) And THEY had lengthy criminal records and THEY had attacked him
many times and THEY attacked him personally and everything he stood for...

Ilromie was then given the opportunity to call witnesses, and she asked Wylsin
to the stand. (Objection!) Villidan leaned over to tell me he ran out of nuts.
I began making pancakes for the slowly starving audience. Wylsin recounted a
long story about collecting dragon heads and chastising Solmundi for
sacrificing their treasures (Objection!) and then following Ilromie to fine her
for wearing a chaotic weapon (OBJECTION!!) -- Here Solmundi again derailed
proceedings claiming he could not pick up a chaotic weapon. We all lost the
plot. Wylsin and I speculated that perhaps sometimes Solmundi had heard the
word "Duchess" and believed it referred to himself. Trying to correct Solmundi,
Wylsin suggested Solmundi abdicate his role (Objection!) and Solmundi attempted
to get Wylsin thrown out of the court. Desperately, Lord Davairus tried to turn
the discussion back to Kali, who was sitting forlornly and forgotten in his chair.

[Continued in part 2]

<SCHOLAR> Serra: The Trial of Kali Windbreeze - Court Report (part 2)
To: Consortium
Valindra then tried to shoo all the jury members out to make a decision,
when none of them still had any idea what was happening and Wylsin had not
finished his statement. Lunaia chimed in (literally) that she needed more
information. And so, with heavy sighs, we all sat down again. Lunaia
suddenly started lambasting Solmundi for bringing chaos himself to the
proceedings through tangents and disrespect. Wylsin and Solmundi began a
shouting match about horses. Sensing that the herd of cats in the court
were now completely out of her control, the Judge said "Whoops!" And

In the void of her absence, Wylsin claimed a mistrial. Solmundi claimed
Kali guilty, and then attempted to have Lunaia thrown out of court. Wylsin
wrung his hands looking for a judge, to which Dogran pointed to Lord
Davairus, the greatest judge of all... Gerok excitedly suggested trial by
combat, to which Dogran offered to have Ilromie and Shaghroth duel to the

Lord Davairus then took control at last, directing all parties to ask Kali
questions to clarify his version of events and related matters, which should
have happened hours prior. Wylsin attempted to continue his story and was
smited off his seat by Davairus. At last, Ilromie began to ask Kali the
questions we had all woefully been waiting for.

Duchess Ilromie: Why did you attack Solmundi that night?

Kali Windbreeze: When he killed you and did not show a single shred of
remorse, I knew he was beyond redemption. I attacked him to show him that
his actions wuld not go uncontested. I had no intent or ability to kill

DI: Were you attacked by the Commander before that event?

KW: I was attacked by the commander before, North of Seringale, with you.
When neither of us were criminals. And he nearly killed us both.

DI: Do you believe the law serves good?

KW: When appropriately carried out, the law can be a powerful force of good.
In hte wrong hands it can be a source of pain and tyranny.

DI: No further questions.

Solmundi attempted to object to this but Davairus refused to entertain any
more of them.

Commander Solmundi: Kali did you or did you not attack me with no
provocation? My mustang may have gotten a little out of hand, but I am not
a mustang, now am I?

KW: My attack on you was not an act in isolation. My action against you was
a culmination of all of the experiences we had up until that point - many
experiences that showed that you were a paladin in name alone.

CS: Kali did you attack me even though I personally did not attack you or

KW: No. I attacked you because you had attacked us and had shown numerous
times to be of evil nature and no true paladin. You were lost for a very
long time before you ascended, Solmundi. We all know it.

Lunaia then requested for my Lord Kedaleam to be queried, although he had
only just arrived on the scene and had little idea of what he was getting
himself into. By the time he finally figured which seat to sit on, Davairus
moved the trial onto closing statements.

DI: Members of the Jury, if Kali is guilty of anything, it is an excess of
passion. He has yet made a vow to maintain the light, and perhaps he has
acted against the law in times of strife. Know that what is good is to
stand against the abuses of the law and tyranny. To protect those you love.
And to act upon wrongs that you witness.

CS: Persons of the jury. I have thought long and hard about this case.
Perhaps Kali is not guilty of the charges. In fact I cannot sleep at night
knowing he was found guilty. Do yourselves and myself a favor. Find him
innocent. I officially drop my charges against him.

We all blinked at this. Davairus said the charges could not be dropped and
shooed all the jury members out to convene and return with their verdict.
The jurors marched out, all save Lunaia, who was still staring at the
ceiling. Ilromie started pacing around the desk nervously. Lunaia awoke
with a start and flew out of the room. After a short but interminably
awkward pause, the jurors returned - save Lunaia, who had gotten stuck in
the ceiling yet again somewhere in the hallway.

At last - at LONG LAST - High Warlord Shaghroth announced the jury's
verdict: a count of Not Guilty, 5 to 0 (for he could not count). Solmundi
said he was happy with the result and would sleep well that night. The
exhausted audience ran for the door. I was then charged to provide the
service of conversion, and Kali was given the task of choosing a new name
for himself. He first chose a fairly terrible one to which Wylsin and
Davairus winced, before settling on one that fits quite well, I think:
Kaelric Illistarre. With Lord Kedaleam's blessing, I then offered Kali the
path back to light we had been hoping for, and he took on the mantle of
Water as my first student.

This concludes the tumultuous events of the Trial of Kali Windbreeze,
recorded painstakingly by Serra the Paradigm of Water, Doyenne of Religion.


The skies are lit with lightning and all sound is lost in thunder.
The surge has arrived.
Event "The Trial of Kali Windbreeze" is underway!

Now streaming Serra.

The People's Courtroom
Stepping into the courtroom, you quickly come to the realization that it
extends all the way up past the fourth floor of the Rest. Thin windows let
in small rectangles of light, which slowly pass over the many rows of seats
as the day grows later. Several rows of fine mahogany benches sit behind
the marble railing which separates spectators from players in the Court. To
either side of a break in the railing sit wide desks where the accuser and
defender may sit while a smaller stand rests against the far wall, where the
witness sits while giving his testimony. A box with cushioned benches rests
to the right, waiting for a dozen bored Jurors to fill it. A final dais
rises nearly to the first story, upon which sits a tall chair with dark
purple cushions for the presiding judge.

[Exits: south]
You see 2 of a magical spring here.
A "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin is on a mahogany observation bench.
A "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin is on a mahogany observation bench.
A "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin is on a mahogany observation bench.
A "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin is on a mahogany observation bench.
A "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin is on a mahogany observation bench.
A "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin is on a mahogany observation bench.
A "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin is on a mahogany observation bench.
A "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin is on the accuser's desk.
A desk for the accusor is set here.
A desk for the defendant is set here.
The witness stand is situated next to the judge's dais.
The juror's box is situated on the eastern side of the room.
A raised dais stands here with a purple-cushioned chair on it.
(OUTCAST) Kali is here.
Ilromie is here.
(Charmed) A bloated, old bloodhound is here, plodding along beside its master.
Gerok is here.
(Charmed) A burly looking bouncer stands before you, arms crossed about his muscular chest.
Serra is resting here.
(White Aura) Leitha is here.
Lunaia is sitting in the juror's box.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Wylsin is sitting here in a stone chair.
(Charmed) A biting wolf is here, looking hungry.
Shaghroth is sitting in the juror's box.
Dogran is here.
Villidan is sitting in the juror's box with his wings folded like a cape.
(Charmed) A tiny wisp hovers here, shedding its essence as it bobs in the air.

Ilromie stands at the defender's desk.

Gerok says to Leitha 'Oy... ye think them muffins 'r' up fer grabs?'

Serra says 'All yours, Judge Skitterwit.'

Gerok coughs loudly.
A tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity makes her way to the center of the courtroom, managing an impressive aura despite her diminutive frame.

Gerok sits down and rests.

Ilromie's hunger mauls her.

Serra says to Gerok 'They are indeed, sir.'

Ilromie gets a "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin from the accuser's desk.

Ilromie eats a "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin.

Gerok beams broadly!

Gerok utters in a thick, rolling brogue 'Don' mind iffa do 'en...'

A tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity says 'Hear ye, Hear ye! Court is in session! The Honorable Valindra Skitterwit Presiding!'

Gerok gets a "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin from a mahogany observation bench.

Gerok eats a "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin.

Shaghroth gets a slab of beef from a Loot Sack.

Shaghroth eats a slab of beef.

Someone removes something from her head.
Someone's hair twists up into powdered curls.

Kali stands at the defender's desk.

Solmundi walks in.

Solmundi walks south.

Solmundi walks in.

Ilromie utters the words, 'oculoinfra uizug'.

Leitha looks at Solmundi.

Solmundi says 'Well, well, well.'

Someone clenches her gavel.

Someone stands on a dais.
The white aura around Leitha fades.

Solmundi says 'Quite the crowed.'

A tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity says 'You are late.'

Solmundi closes the door south of you.

Valindra fades into existence.

Solmundi says 'I think I'm right on time. Wisp.'

Wylsin phases back into existence.

Valindra twirls in her judge drag before ascending the dais.

Valindra strikes the gavel sharply, bringing order to the court.

Valindra says 'Order in the court. Order. Let us begin.'

Solmundi says 'So, Shall we begin?'

Ilromie bows as Valindra passes.

Leitha closes her eyes momentarily.

Valindra brandishes a stubby emerald finger toward Solmundi.

Davairus sits down in the juror's box.

Valindra says to Solmundi 'You sit in the Chair of Reproach. What charges do you bring before my court, Darksworn?'

Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound pounces around menacingly.

Valindra bats tiny, toad-like eyes at Davairus as she fingers her gavel.

Solmundi says 'A few charges, your honor. Would you like them listed?'

Lightning strikes the ground nearby, revealing Olyn, the Lord of the Sands.

The white aura around Wylsin fades.

Valindra says to Solmundi 'Enumerate them then.'

Ilromie nods.

Kali eats some bread with raisins.

Kali eats some bread with raisins.

Kali drinks water from a magical spring.

Wylsin closes a dragonblood pleated leather backpack of evisceration.

Shaghroth drinks water from a gigantic gold chalice.

Wylsin closes a deflective pleated leather backpack of turning.

Shaghroth snorts derisively.

Solmundi says 'Well your honor. The defendent is a fraud. He is not who he says he is. In fact he has pulled the wool of many an eye. that is the first charge.'

Wylsin raises an eyebrow.

Ilromie blinks innocently.

Ilromie nods, taking note.

Kali frowns and raises an eyebrow at Solmundi.

Valindra nods at Solmundi.

Villidan eats a handful of nuts.

Villidan drinks water from a water jug.

Gerok opens a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok gets a barrel from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok drinks water from a barrel.

Solmundi says 'The second charge agains the defendent is that he has attacked those who hold the light dear to their hearts. He has gone against his elven blood and in fact has disrespected sacred halls.'
Gerok drinks water from a barrel.

Gerok drinks water from a barrel.

Gerok puts a barrel in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok closes a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Kali whispers something to Ilromie.

Cunnadd yells 'Can I come?'

Valindra nods officiously, her chins wobbling.

Cunnadd arrives from a puff of smoke.

Cunnadd scans all around.

Cunnadd smiles happily.

Cunnadd sits down and rests.

Ilromie whispers something to Kali.

Valindra gestures for silence with a stubby emerald hand.

Valindra says to Solmundi 'Is there a third charge?'

Valindra drinks water from a magical spring.

Wylsin whispers something to Cunnadd.

Cunnadd stands up.

Cunnadd sits on a mahogany observation bench.

Solmundi says 'The third charge is that he is a menance to society. Not only has he attacked an innocent. He brings chaos into our very lands.'

Solmundi says 'I'll speak more on all charges during opening statements your honor.'

Ilromie drinks water from a silver chalice ornamented with pearls.

Ilromie grins evilly.

Wylsin drinks water from a magical spring.

Valindra nods, her chins wobbling.

Serra's skin returns to normal.

Shaghroth drinks water from a magical spring.

Wylsin gets a "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin from a mahogany observation bench.

Wylsin eats a "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin.

Cunnadd drinks water from a magical spring.

Valindra says 'Very well. We have heard the charges. Soon we will proceed with opening statements from the Darksworn. Does the Defense wish to register a word before we proceed?'

Ilromie nods.

Ilromie says 'I would your honor, thank you.'

Ilromie steps off the defender's desk.

Valindra nods officiously, her chins wobbling.

Serra slowly floats to the ground.

Ilromie says 'Your honor, I wish to announce that I can no longer bear a grudge in my heart for the accusor's actions on that day.'

The white aura around Cunnadd fades.

Valindra arches an emerald eyebrow.

Dogran covers his mouth.

Dogran snickers softly.

Ilromie says to Solmundi 'I forgive you for mistraining your horse in such a away that it lead to my death.'

Ilromie inclines her head to Solmundi.

A magical spring dries up.

Gerok throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

Leitha drinks water from a magical spring.

Shaghroth lets off a real rip-roarer ... a greenish cloud envelops Shaghroth!

Gerok coughs loudly.

Gerok says 'Sorry'

Solmundi says 'I turned him to glue if that makes you feel any better, Illi.'

Shaghroth apologizes profusely.

Cunnadd vomits on the ground.

Davairus says 'Whew, that stinks.'

Serra opens the door south of you.

Ilromie sits down at the defender's desk.

Serra wafts the air out weakly.

Gerok claps at Serra's performance.

Valindra peers at the exchange from her perch behind the dais with narrowed eyes.

Leitha closes her eyes momentarily.
A fresh garden salad suddenly appears.

Dogran peers around himself intently.

Dogran closes the door south of you.

Leitha gets a fresh garden salad.

Leitha eats a fresh garden salad.

Valindra says 'That is all then?'

Kali says 'I'd also like to say a word, if I may?'

Olyn summons a sea breeze to clear the air.

Kali looks to Valindra with an arched eyebrow.

Serra thanks Olyn heartily.

Valindra peers intently at Kali.

Valindra says 'The Chimera would speak. Let us hear it then.'

Ilromie looks at Kali.

Ilromie gets a "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin from a mahogany observation bench.

Ilromie eats a "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin.

Valindra eats a "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin.

Kali looks around at all of those assembled.

Kali says 'Thank you all for coming to hear and pass judgement.'

Valindra says to Kali 'Step carefully now.'

Villidan disappears into the void.

Villidan has returned from the void.

Kali says 'It warms my heart to see so many friends and old enemies.'

Kali says 'I would like to say that I forgive Solmundi as well.'

Dogran lets out a hearty laugh.

Solmundi says 'Objection. The defendent should not speak unless he is on the stand.'

Dogran says to Solmundi '.'

Kali says 'My time studying under Serra has helped to enlighten me.'

Dogran says to Solmundi 'Hear that? He forgives you for trying to kill you.'

Dogran peers around himself intently.

Valindra nods, her chins wobbling.

Solmundi grins evilly at Dogran.

Kali says 'One must be fluid, willing to change their views and opinions.'

Valindra says 'I do not think it is in your best interest, Chimera, to address the jury before we hear remarks.'

Kali says 'And I see that it was not his intent that Ilromie died that day.'

Ilromie nods at Kali.

Kali says to Solmundi 'So for her death that day, I forgive you.'

Valindra says 'Enough.'

Gerok whispers something to Shaghroth.

Dogran chuckles quietly behind his hand.

Valindra says 'Darksworn, I will hear your opening statement.'

Ilromie whispers something to Kali.

Kali sits down at the defender's desk.

Serra drinks water from a magical spring.

Villidan drinks water from a magical spring.

Solmundi says 'Persons of the jury please raise your hand so that I may count that you are in fact paying attention.'

Solmundi paces the room.

Villidan raises a hand.

Ilromie snorts derisively.

Cunnadd raises his hand.

Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound pounces around menacingly.

Lunaia raises her hand.

Ilromie glances towards the jury.

Shaghroth whispers something to Gerok.

Cunnadd burps loudly.

Gerok throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

Valindra peers intently at Shaghroth.

Gerok says 'Oy, we're 'ere ain' we! GEDDON WIDDIT!!'

Shaghroth raises his hand

Wylsin stands up.

Wylsin bows his head in worship of Denadlyr.

Wylsin utters the words, 'oculoinfra uizug'.

Valindra says 'Gerok, if you disrupt my court once more, you shall watch from a scrying glass.'

Wylsin sits on a stone chair.

A tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity flexes her muscles impressively.

Wylsin sits down on the ground.

Gerok sighs.

Gerok says 'Yes, Gran.'

Gerok stands up.

Gerok raises his hand reluctantly.
Valindra says 'Darksworn, proceed, or yield your time.'

Serra's hunger hits her.
A magical spring dries up.

Serra eats a stack of pancakes.

Lunaia eats a roast chicken.

Solmundi says 'Interesting. Allow me to introduce msyelf to you before the proceedings begin. I am Solmundio. Solmundi for short or Mundi if you want to be friendly.'

Solmundi paces to the other side of the room.

Solmundi says 'I am an agent designed to rid this realm of chaos. Every time blood pulses through my body it is for the law.'

Solmundi says 'And let me tell you. The defendent and the counsel wants to bring chaos into the realms.'

Dogran says 'Hear hear!'

Shaghroth glares around icily.

Solmundi says 'And by that I mean his council.'

Ilromie smiles slightly.

Solmundi says 'He claims to be of the windbreeze blood, but do you see another windbreeze here? His family does not support him? Look upon the audience with your own eyes.'

Solmundi says 'There are not here because he is not one of them.'

Dogran peers around himself intently.

Valindra looks upon the audience with her own eyes.

Gerok gets a "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin from a mahogany observation bench.

Gerok eats a "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin.

Villidan eats a "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin.

Villidan gets a "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin from a mahogany observation bench.

Solmundi says 'Persons of the jury he is a fraud.'

Wylsin raises an eyebrow at Solmundi's weird actions.

Valindra taps her lip thoughtfully.

Lunaia drinks water from a tin canteen.

Lunaia drinks water from a tin canteen.

Lunaia drinks water from a tin canteen.

Lunaia blinks innocently.

Serra stands up.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.
A magical spring flows from the ground.

Serra sits down and rests.

Gerok drinks water from a magical spring.

Solmundi says 'One who has even pulled Illi into his entrapment. She doesn't even know who she is defending.'

Ilromie says 'Your honor, I object.'

Cunnadd drinks water from a magical spring.

Ilromie says 'The accusor will address me with my title.'

Wylsin gets a "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin from a mahogany observation bench.

Wylsin eats a "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin.

Solmundi says 'Added to that he has attacked innocents- Your honor, if I may continue.'

Valindra says 'I care not for the feud between you. Let us continue, but with respect.'

Cunnadd stands up.

Cunnadd closes his eyes momentarily.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

Cunnadd gets a magic mushroom.

Cunnadd eats a magic mushroom.

Cunnadd closes his eyes momentarily.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

Solmundi says 'Yes with respect, Illi.'
Cunnadd closes his eyes momentarily.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

Cunnadd sits on a mahogany observation bench.

Dogran snickers with Solmundi about their shared secret.

Solmundi says 'Anyway, He has attacked innocents. He lets his own emotions get to him and is a danger to society.'

Ilromie nods at Valindra.

Solmundi says 'I think most among us know it is a death sentence to invade the halls of Justice. Think on tht.'

Lunaia coughs delicately in the direction of Solmundi.

Solmundi says 'That.'

Kali disappears into the void.

An Immortal lets out a hearty laugh.

Kali has returned from the void.
Kali whispers something to Ilromie.

Leitha says 'Wow.'

Valindra arches an emerald eyebrow.

The door south of you opens.
Ilromie whispers something to Kali.

Solmundi says 'What kind of. uh. What kind of behavior justifies that kind of action?'

The brown fox walks in.

Shaghroth chuckles at Solmundi's joke.

Leitha scans all around.

Tonke leaps out of the body of the brown fox.
Dogran looks at Tonke.

Leitha looks at the brown fox.

Tonke pats the brown fox on her head.

Tonke smiles happily.

Gerok looks at the brown fox.

Ilromie raises an eyebrow.

Wylsin closes the door south of you.

Valindra strikes the gavel sharply, bringing order to the court.

Valindra strikes the gavel sharply, bringing order to the court.

Valindra strikes the gavel sharply, bringing order to the court.

Ilromie says 'Do you add another charge?'

Valindra says 'I will have order.'

Shaghroth gets a slab of beef from a Loot Sack.

Wylsin nicely asks Tonke to be more quiet.

Shaghroth eats a slab of beef.

Tonke nods at Wylsin.

Ilromie says 'In fact, murder was not one of the charges listed earlier.'

Ilromie stands up.

Ilromie utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A raspberry flan suddenly appears.
A raspberry flan suddenly appears.

Ilromie gets a raspberry flan.

Solmundi says 'The defense will argue that it is out of love, but it is not. It is well known that many criminals use that as an excuse and only the most ignorant of us accept it.'
Ilromie eats a raspberry flan.

Ilromie sits down at the defender's desk.

Solmundi says 'Please, Illi. I'm speaking.'

Wylsin whispers something to Tonke.

Lunaia coughs delicately in the direction of Solmundi.

Tonke sits on a mahogany observation bench.

Valindra nods officiously, her chins wobbling.

Wylsin smiles at Tonke.

Valindra utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A plate of liver and onions suddenly appears.
A plate of liver and onions suddenly appears.

Valindra gets a plate of liver and onions.

Valindra eats a plate of liver and onions.

Villidan gets a plate of liver and onions.

Valindra says to Solmundi 'Do you near a conclusion?'

Gerok sits on a mahogany observation bench.

Solmundi says 'What you will hear from the defense are words manufactured for your ears. Maybe they will persent images for your eyes, but they are designed to misinform your mind.'

Serra blinks innocently.

Solmundi says 'Keep your mind independent from this attack and you will reach a reasonable conclusion.'

The brown fox sniffs the ground.

Solmundi says 'I conclude my opening statement.'

Valindra taps her lip thoughtfully with the wrong end of her gavel.

Valindra says to Ilromie 'Duchess, we will hear your salvo now.'

Ilromie chuckles politely.

Ilromie stands up.

The door south of you opens.

Ilromie says 'Your Honor.'

Someone flies in.

Gerok looks very uncomfortable around someone.

Gerok opens a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok gets a clear potion from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok closes a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok quaffs a clear potion.

Valindra utters the words, 'oculoinfra uizug'.

Leitha closes her eyes momentarily.

Wylsin closes the door south of you.

Serra stands up.

Valindra strikes the gavel sharply, bringing order to the court.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.

Valindra strikes the gavel sharply, bringing order to the court.

Ilromie says 'Respectable members of the Jury.'

Valindra strikes the gavel sharply, bringing order to the court.

Serra sits down and rests.

Ilromie says to Solmundi 'Commander.'

Kali stands up.

Kali utters the words, 'ouaih ghcandusiohp'.
Kali looks relieved as he begins to manage his belongings.
Kali's eyes tear up from the mist of onions.
Kali's muscles surge with heightened power.

Kali gets a raspberry flan.

Kali eats a raspberry flan.

Kali sits down at the defender's desk.

Villidan drinks water from a magical spring.

Ilromie says 'Do any of you stand here alone, with those who love you yet at home hoping you will return?'

Wylsin whispers something to someone.

Ilromie says 'Have you lost those close to you?'

The bark covering Tonke's skin flakes off.

Gerok gets a "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin from a mahogany observation bench.

Gerok eats a "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin.

Someone opens the door south of you.

Ilromie says 'That we might stand here today with none observing our very location does not imply that we are not whom we say we are.'

Someone flies south.

Someone flies in.

Someone looks at Gerok.
Tepyr's eyes tear up from the mist of onions.

Someone flies south.

The door south of you closes.
Ilromie utters the words, 'oculoinfra uizug'.

Kali drinks water from a magical spring.

Cunnadd stands up.

Cunnadd closes his eyes momentarily.

Cunnadd sits on a mahogany observation bench.

Shaghroth stands up.

Shaghroth looks more enlightened.

Ilromie says 'The accusations laid at the feet of Kali Windbreeze are a pure sham, and yet another attempt of the Commander of Justice to use Tyranny to strike down those who question him.'

Shaghroth sits down in the juror's box.

Ilromie says 'This I will prove to you this day.'

The brown fox sniffs the ground.

Ilromie nods.

Ilromie sits down at the defender's desk.

Valindra drinks water from a magical spring.

Solmundi says 'Objection your honor.'

<HERALD> Odile the Crier: 'Serra is no longer in the limelight.'

Kali smiles at Ilromie as she sits, before returning his attention back to the court.

<HERALD> Odile the Crier: 'Valindra is basking in the limelight!'

Cunnadd peers around himself intently.

Serra stands up.

Wylsin raises an eyebrow.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.
Serra phases out of existence.

The brown fox searches for something to kill and eat.

Serra walks south.

Solmundi says 'That is a personal attack and if I were a tyrant I wouldn't be in this court, now would I?'

Ilromie drinks water from a silver chalice ornamented with pearls.

Serra walks in.

Serra sits down and rests.

Dogran winks at Ilromie.

Wylsin mutters 'Can one object to an opening statement?'

Valindra says 'You have shown remarkable restrain in your appearance, Darksworn.'

Valindra says 'Let us continue.'

Shaghroth drinks water from a magical spring.

Wylsin drinks water from a magical spring.

Villidan eats a "Mama Vev's specialty" meatless muffin.

Cunnadd sticks his hands on his hips and puffs out his chest proudly.

Ilromie stands up.

Ilromie says 'I request the accusor present his evidence.'

Valindra nods officiously, her chins wobbling.

Valindra says 'Very well. Let us get on with this farce. Darksworn, what evidence do you present?'

Solmundi says 'The first piece of evidence is the audience, your honor. Look upon them and count the family of the windbreeze clain.'

Solmundi clear his throught.

Solmundi says 'Clan.'
Ilromie says 'Objection!'

Ilromie says 'Such a claim is baseless.'

Kali frowns.

Leitha drinks water from a tin canteen.

Leitha drinks water from a tin canteen.

Wylsin gets a magic mushroom.

Wylsin eats a magic mushroom.

Valindra arches an eyebrow.

Valindra says 'Oh?'

Solmundi says 'I assure you it's part of the trial, your honor.'

Ilromie shakes her head.

Valindra says 'Proceed.'

Lunaia disappears into the void.

Lunaia has returned from the void.

Kali whispers something to Ilromie.

Leitha gets a magic mushroom.

Leitha eats a magic mushroom.

Ilromie nods at Kali.

Solmundi says 'Thank you, your honor.'

Ilromie whispers something to Kali.

Solmundi says 'So the defendent claims to be part of the Windbreeze family, yet none of them are here.'

Lunaia blinks innocently.

Solmundi says 'He has a lot of claims that are false. What family. Particuarly one of the elves would miss this?'

Ilromie says 'Those who have died.'

Lunaia starts mouthing words to herself and scanning the ceiling with a furrowed brow.

Valindra says 'Family, or a lack, is not enough to condemn, Darksworn.'

Valindra says 'Continue.'

Serra phases back into existence.

Ilromie places her hand on Kali's.

Solmundi says 'We'll get to the hard evidence soon, your honor.'

Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound pounces around menacingly.

Kali clenches his jaw at Solmundi's remarks.

Valindra nods officiously, her chins wobbling.

Kali relaxes his jaw at Ilromie's touch.

Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound barks loudly.

Wylsin nicely asks Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound to be more quiet.

Serra drinks water from a magical spring.

Leitha drinks water from a magical spring.

Leitha fills a tin canteen with water from a magical spring.

Solmundi says 'I just find it strange that there are not many sitting on the defendents side. Especially with the Windbreeze name.'

Cunnadd pats Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound on his head.

Solmundi says 'Regardless.'

Gerok drinks water from a magical spring.

Solmundi says 'Persons of the jury. Do you know who his council is? An Illistarre.'

Davairus says 'I think we should hear a plea of innocent or guilty before we start rolling out all the evidence so he can weigh how bad it all looks.'

Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound nuzzles up to Cunnadd's leg and plops down heavily.

Tonke looks in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Valindra strikes the gavel sharply, bringing order to the court.

Serra stands up.

Valindra says 'Very well.'

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.
A stack of pancakes suddenly appears.

Ilromie nods.

Serra sits down and rests.

Cunnadd ruffles Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound's hair playfully.

Valindra says 'Kali Windbreeze, Rebuked Chimera, you stand accused.'

Tonke gets a blue herb from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Valindra says 'How do you plead?'

Tonke stands up.

Tonke chants softly.

Tonke chants softly.
A blue herb cooks quickly into a delicious smelling treat.

Kali looks directly at Davairus.

Tonke eats a blue herb.

Tonke drinks water from a magical spring.

Kali says 'I.'

Tonke sits on a mahogany observation bench.

Ilromie nods at Kali.

Kali says 'Am.'

Kali says 'Innocent.'

Cunnadd peers around himself intently.

Kali looks away from Davairus.

A tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity flaps from her perch on the goblin's shoulder and buzzes about the room frenetically.

Kali says 'I am who I say I am.'

Kali says 'I am Kali Windbreeze.'
Ilromie nods.

Valindra strikes the gavel sharply, bringing order to the court.

Kali says 'Shall I recall the tales of my ancestors?'

Solmundi says 'That's enough from the defendent.'

Kali says 'Back to Kalist the first?'

Valindra says 'Order. Order in the court.'

Solmundi says 'Unless he is on the stand.'

Kali says 'No, Solmundi, I would be happy to!'

Ilromie whispers something to Kali.

Solmundi says 'Your honor he is acting in contempt.'

Kali looks to Ilromie and then takes several deep breaths and sits once more.

Valindra says 'Let us continue.'

Serra gets a stack of pancakes.

Serra stands up.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.
A stack of pancakes suddenly appears.

Serra sits down and rests.

Valindra says 'Your plea is noted, Windbreeze.'

Gerok opens a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok gets magic dust from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok closes a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok eats magic dust.

Valindra says 'The Darksworn may present the rest of his evidence or call witnesses.'

Serra eats a stack of pancakes.

Tonke looks at Lunaia.
Tonke's eyes tear up from the mist of onions.

Lunaia gets a stack of pancakes.

Lunaia eats a stack of pancakes.

Solmundi says 'Thank you, your honor.'

Lunaia looks at Tonke.
Lunaia's eyes tear up from the mist of onions.

Valindra utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A plate of liver and onions suddenly appears.
A plate of liver and onions suddenly appears.

Serra stands up.

Solmundi says 'So there are no other Windbreeze here defending him. Fine, let us move on to other evidence.'

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.
A stack of pancakes suddenly appears.

Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound pounces around menacingly.

Serra sits down and rests.

Shaghroth gets a plate of liver and onions.

Shaghroth thanks Valindra heartily.

Shaghroth eats a plate of liver and onions.

Lunaia drinks water from a magical spring.

The brown fox searches for something to kill and eat.

Serra blinks innocently at the brown fox.

Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound growls at the brown fox. Better leave the room before the fighting starts.

Ilromie takes a few more notes on a parchment.

Tonke blinks innocently.

Tonke blushes.

Solmundi says 'So-called Kali has offended his own gods by attacking me personally. Then invaded upon the halls of justice that I were to guard with my own life. His intent was to kill me in cold blood.'

Solmundi says 'Now if I need to take the stand regarding that, so be it.'

Cunnadd drinks water from a magical spring.

Leitha drinks water from a magical spring.

Valindra nods, her chins wobbling.

Solmundi says 'In fact maybe I should call myself as my own witness.'

Leitha gets a stack of pancakes.

Leitha eats a stack of pancakes.

Wylsin raises an eyebrow.

Wylsin stands up.

Wylsin utters the words, 'oculoinfra uizug'.

Shaghroth peers intently at Solmundi.

Wylsin bows his head in worship of Denadlyr.

Wylsin sits down on the ground.

Valindra says 'You may answer the Duchess's questions if you wish, Darksworn, but there is no one else to ask.'

Dogran says 'I volunteer to cross examine the witness for the prosecution.'

Valindra says 'But me.'

Ilromie snorts derisively.

Gerok gets a plate of liver and onions.

Gerok eats a plate of liver and onions.

Kali frowns at what Dogran did.

Ilromie says to Dogran 'In fact, that would ensure this trial be a sham.'

Valindra says 'Duchess, ask him your questions.'

Solmundi says 'Okay ...Illi. What questions would you like to ask regarding this event?'

Ilromie says 'Commander.'

Ilromie nods at Solmundi.

Lunaia coughs delicately in the direction of Solmundi.

Valindra nods to Solmundi, her chins wobbling.

Cunnadd stands up.

The brown fox searches for something to kill and eat.

Ilromie says 'You claim that Kali invaded with intent to kill you?'

Cunnadd closes his eyes momentarily.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

Villidan drinks water from a magical spring.
Cunnadd closes his eyes momentarily.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

Cunnadd gets a magic mushroom.

Cunnadd eats a magic mushroom.

Cunnadd sits on a mahogany observation bench.

Ilromie says 'Have you fought against him before?'

Solmundi says 'Definitely. I saw the murderous intent in his own eyes. In fact I feared for my life.'

Wylsin scoffs at the idea being presented.

Ilromie says 'You were afraid of him?'

Kali scoffs at the idea being presented.

Ilromie raises an eyebrow.

Cunnadd giggles.

Tonke chuckles politely.

Ilromie says 'Have you fought against him before?'

A magical spring dries up.

Serra stands up.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.
A magical spring flows from the ground.

Serra sits down and rests.

The brown fox searches for something to kill and eat.

Ilromie utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A raspberry flan suddenly appears.
A raspberry flan suddenly appears.

Cunnadd bites his lip contemplatively.

Ilromie gets a raspberry flan.

Kali gets a raspberry flan.

Solmundi says 'I have.'

Ilromie examines her flan, then eats it in two bites.

Ilromie eats a raspberry flan.

Gerok opens a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok puts a flame lance in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Ilromie says 'What was your experience, regarding his illusions?'

Gerok stops wielding a pitch-black flaming longsword.
Gerok wields a broadsword with a dragonbone hilt.

Gerok stops wielding a fiery dagger.
Gerok wields a hunting knife in his off-hand.
Valindra eyes a flan longingly.

Gerok puts a pitch-black flaming longsword in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok puts a fiery dagger in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok gets a vial of monster resistance from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok gets a vial of monster resistance from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Serra stands up.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.
A stack of pancakes suddenly appears.

Gerok puts a vial of monster resistance in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok puts a vial of monster resistance in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Serra sits down and rests.

Gerok gets a pair of blue steel greaves from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok gets a pair of blue steel vambraces from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok removes beautiful golden vambraces of refinement from his arms.
Gerok wears a pair of blue steel vambraces on his arms.
Ilromie says to the jury 'An illusionist's illusions provide no small amount of his strength in combat.'

Gerok removes superior silver greaves of perfection from his legs.
Gerok wears a pair of blue steel greaves on his legs.

Valindra utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.

Solmundi says 'They infected my mind with malicious intent. In fact I think they were trying to poison my own soul.'

Valindra utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A plate of liver and onions suddenly appears.
A plate of liver and onions suddenly appears.

Valindra gets a plate of liver and onions.

Valindra eats a plate of liver and onions.

Ilromie says 'Did they attack you?'

Solmundi says 'Of course they attacked. They were the work of Kali.'

Gerok gets a thick black robe with a wyvern's head from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok gets a wyvern-marked bracer from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok gets a wyvern-marked bracer from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Ilromie says 'Lies!'

The brown fox sniffs the ground.

Gerok removes a teeth necklace from his neck.

Gerok removes a teeth necklace from his neck.

Gerok gets a wyvern's tongue from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok gets a wyvern's tongue from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Shaghroth is OBVIOUSLY intoxicated... he burps loudly and passes out!

Gerok removes a pair of blue steel greaves from his legs.
Gerok wears superior silver greaves of perfection on his legs.

Gerok puts a pair of blue steel greaves in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Valindra peers intently at Gerok.

Gerok removes a pair of blue steel vambraces from his arms.
Gerok wears beautiful golden vambraces of refinement on his arms.

Gerok coughs loudly.

Serra nicely asks Gerok to be more quiet.

Valindra strikes the gavel sharply, bringing order to the court.

Solmundi says 'Objection. How is that a lie?'

Villidan eats a plate of liver and onions.

Solmundi says 'Clearly the defendent intended to murder me.'

Ilromie says 'You said you were afraid due to the strength of his illusions?'

Kali frowns at what Solmundi did.

Wylsin whispers something to Gerok.

Valindra arches an eyebrow at Solmundi.
Ilromie says 'Yet they did not attack you.'

Wylsin opens the door south of you.

Ilromie says 'Would you describe to the members of the jury how your first battle with Kali Windbreeze began?'

Ilromie says 'I am speaking of the time we stood at the Executioner, just north of town.'

Solmundi says 'I want to first describe how they did attack me.'

Ilromie says 'No.'

Ilromie says 'In fact, I am asking the questions.'

Wylsin closes the door south of you.

Shaghroth drinks water from a magical spring.

Valindra watches the exchange as another might a sporting match. She's found a muffin somewhere, which she nibbles on discreetly.

Kali eats a raspberry flan.

Davairus says 'Arent you supposed to ask the defendant the questions? This isn't really making sense.'

Solmundi says 'Well. He used his foul magic to create a machination of a creature that then raised a weapon against me. I had to use my shield to block it's blows then try to find the so called- real kali behind his own mirrors.'

Valindra giggles at Davairus, her chins wobbling.

Ilromie says to Davairus 'He put himself on the stand.'

Valindra whispers something to Davairus.

Solmundi says 'He infected my mind.'

Valindra whispers something to Davairus.

Solmundi says 'As he as infected many others. Including yours.'

Valindra runs a stubby emerald finger along the hem of her crimson robes.

Solmundi says 'Is he not a professional illusionist?'

Ilromie says to the jury 'Let the record show that Kali's illusions never once attacked Commander Solmundi.'

Valindra drinks water from a magical spring.

Kali stands and pounds a fist against the defendant's desk.

Kali says 'He is lying!'

Davairus says 'I have the record if anyone wants to see it.'

Solmundi says 'Uh. Can you see me? Can you here me? HE ATTACKED ME WITH HIS FOUL MAGIC.'

Valindra eyes narrow darkly at Kali.

Solmundi clears his throat.
Ilromie says 'He attacked you with naught but his elven strength.'

Lunaia eyes Kali with an arched brow and a downward glance.

Solmundi says 'Hear.'

Ilromie drinks water from a silver chalice ornamented with pearls.

Kali quickly calms and smiles at Valindra as he sits down again.

Valindra says 'Let us have some decorum.'

Wylsin drinks water from a magical spring.

Ilromie says 'You were never in any danger. You claim that any who attack your 'sacred' grounds must die?'

Valindra smiles at Kali as a toad might.

Ilromie says 'Who here has stepped foot upon the grounds of Justice and lived?'

Kali's thirst mauls him.
Cunnadd disappears into the void.

Valindra utters the words, 'oculoinfra uizug'.

Shaghroth points at himself proudly.

Cunnadd has returned from the void.

Serra chuckles politely.

Dogran says 'I have, several times.'

Solmundi says 'I can answer that question Yngfre and Globag have lived.'

Solmundi says 'Perhaps Zakzaer.'

Serra stands up.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.

Dogran winks at Solmundi.

Serra sits down and rests.

Solmundi says 'In fact mahy have lived.'

Valindra says 'The Minister.'

Serra drinks water from a magical spring.

Ilromie says 'In fact, both you and Kali lived through the events of the night.'

Kali's thirst wounds him.
Kali grunts as he begins to struggle with his belongings.

Leitha drinks water from a magical spring.

Valindra bats her eyes at Dogran.

Ilromie says 'As have many others.'

Dogran smiles at Valindra.
Ilromie nods at the speakers.

Kali's thirst injures him.

Leitha says 'I believe.'

Solmundi says 'I only lived because I took defensive measures. Kali had me close to death with his torterous ways.'

Leitha says 'Solmundi has also walked in and out and lived.'

Ilromie says 'Another lie.'

Solmundi says 'In fact he is the second most malicious person I know,'

Kali's thirst injures him.

Dogran says 'Who's the first?'

Dogran peers intently at Solmundi.

Serra chuckles politely.

Kali drinks water from a magical spring.

Solmundi says 'Your honor. Why is the audience asking me questions?'

Ilromie says 'Your honor, I have asked the witness on the stand to describe the time he attacked the defendant and me at the executioner.'

Wylsin gets a magic mushroom.

Valindra says 'He's so handsome.'

Wylsin eats a magic mushroom.

Valindra blinks.

Dogran winks at Valindra.

Valindra says 'Describe, Darksworn, describe!'

Gerok throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

Wylsin looks at Dogran.

Ilromie says to Solmundi 'Do you not recall when I stood before you, after paying my fine for wearing a 'wild' weapon?'

Solmundi says 'Objection.'

*thwock!* Shaghroth slaps Gerok!

Dogran adjusts the skull on his head.

Valindra makes the universal sign for 'hurry up' with the wrong end of her gavel.

Serra muffles a laugh into her sleeve.

Shaghroth whispers something to Gerok.

Solmundi says 'What the counsel is saying has not relevence to this case.'

Ilromie says 'In fact, it is exactly relevant.'

Valindra says 'Oh?'

Valindra says 'This is getting good.'

Gerok whispers something to Shaghroth.

Valindra says 'I mean--continue, Duchess.'

Ilromie says 'Specifically to the claim that Kali attacked someone who "held the light near to their heart".'

Ilromie says to the jury 'It surprises me not that he wishes this story not to be told.'

Solmundi says 'Oh I want it to be told, Illi.'

Solmundi says 'You want to bring that to light? Let's bring it to the light.'

Ilromie says to the jury 'We stood before him. I was weaponless, having removed my rod in preparation to return to town. Solmundi followed us to the Executioner.'

Dogran says 'Objection.'

Lunaia coughs delicately in the direction of Solmundi.

Valindra nods at Dogran.

Ilromie says 'Solmundi drove himself to anger and struck us both.'

Solmundi says 'Objection.'

Dogran says 'Ilromie is the defense, and not a witness. She doesn't get to tell her side unless she herself is on the stand being asked to.'

Solmundi says 'Your honor please gain control of your court.'

Valindra juts a stubby emerald finger.

Shaghroth looks at a dead human wrapped in steel chains.

Valindra says 'You wanted to play kangaroo court by taking the stand, Darksworn. Step down and call your witnesses if you wish.'

Shaghroth mulls over the idea at hand. Please be patient.

Solmundi says 'Forgive me your honor.'

Solmundi says 'I'll gladly take the stand.'

Dogran covers his face.

Valindra says 'Aren't you already?'

Ilromie peers intently at Solmundi.

Gerok drinks water from a magical spring.

Wylsin raises an eyebrow.

Gerok gets a barrel from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.
Kali says to Solmundi 'You are already on the stand...'

Gerok fills a barrel with water from a magical spring.

Gerok puts a barrel in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok closes a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Solmundi says 'I am ready.'

Cunnadd drinks water from a magical spring.

Cunnadd gets a stack of pancakes.

Cunnadd eats a stack of pancakes.

Wylsin mutters 'What in blazes is happening...'

Solmundi says 'So Ilormie here has been infected by an evil spirit. Possibly by Kali himself.'

Ilromie peers around herself intently.

Valindra says 'Darksworn, call a witness, or I shall allow the defense to.'

Solmundi says 'She has made it her life's goal to throw down the very foundations of Justice.'

Solmundi says 'I am the witness, Your honor.'

Lunaia starts mouthing words to herself and scanning the ceiling with a furrowed brow.

Solmundi says 'Am I not on the stand?'

Valindra says 'You cannot question yourself. At least not effectively.'

Tonke stands up.
Valindra says 'Step down, and call a witness. Or we proceed.'

Tonke opens the door south of you.

Tonke chants softly.
Tonke possesses the body of the brown fox.

The brown fox walks south.

Solmundi says 'I am answering Ilromie's question.'

The door south of you closes.

Ilromie says 'In fact, you are not.'

Solmundi says 'As to why I attacked them, your honor.'

Valindra says 'Too slowly, I think.'

Ilromie nods in enthusiastic agreement with Valindra.

Valindra blinks her eyes as a toad might.

Serra stands up.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.
A stack of pancakes suddenly appears.

Solmundi says 'Okay I'll cut too it then.'

Serra sits down and rests.

Valindra nods at Solmundi.

Kali stands up.

Kali utters the words, 'ouaih ghcandusiohp'.
Kali looks relieved as he begins to manage his belongings.
Kali's eyes tear up from the mist of onions.
Kali's muscles surge with heightened power.

Kali gets a stack of pancakes.

Kali gets a plate of liver and onions.

Kali sits down at the defender's desk.

Kali drinks water from a magical spring.

Solmundi says 'Ilromie has been infected by Kali who's goal is to throw down the hallowed halls of Justice. She is his agent and under his control. I attacked them because I did not have a choice.'

Solmundi says 'It was either those two are me. I'm not good at math, but two is greater than one.'

Serra blinks innocently.

Ilromie says 'Objection. He was under no obligation to strike us.'

Ilromie says 'In fact, I had just paid a fine.'

Valindra says 'Overruled. Let him finish.'

Ilromie nods and leans back.

Kali cannot hold in a bout of incredulous laughter at Solmundi's remarks.

Serra stands up.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.
A stack of pancakes suddenly appears.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.
A stack of pancakes suddenly appears.

Serra gets a stack of pancakes.

Serra sits down and rests.

Solmundi says 'THEY both attacked me perviously through many fights and THEY have made their live's goal to attack me personally and everything I stand for.'

Wylsin raises an eyebrow.

Solmundi says 'They have a lengthy criminal record.'

Serra eats a stack of pancakes.

Cunnadd opens the door south of you.

Cunnadd scans south.

Lunaia coughs abruptly, blinking at the ceiling.

Cunnadd rests.

Shaghroth looks in a Loot Sack.

Cunnadd stands up.

Shaghroth gets a slab of beef from a Loot Sack.

Wylsin closes the door south of you.

Shaghroth mutters something quietly to himself.

Shaghroth eats a slab of beef.

Villidan whispers something to Lunaia.

Lunaia starts tapping her finger tips together in odd patterns.

Valindra nods, her chins wobbling.

Valindra says 'Very well. Let the record reflect the Darksworn's statement.'

Lunaia's hunger wounds her.

Serra stands up.

Valindra says 'Let us continue with the Duchess.'

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.
A stack of pancakes suddenly appears.

Serra sits down and rests.

Ilromie nods.

Lunaia gets a stack of pancakes.

Lunaia eats a stack of pancakes.

Leitha closes her eyes momentarily.

Leitha gets a stack of pancakes.

Leitha eats a stack of pancakes.

Solmundi says 'I really hope the stenographer is good at what they do.'

Ilromie says 'If it pleases the court, your honor, I would like to call Wylsin Plindane to the stand.'

Valindra says 'The Court calls Wylsin Plindane to the stand.'

Solmundi says 'Objection.'

Lunaia drinks water from a magical spring.

Ilromie says 'Commander?'

Valindra says 'Overruled.'

Ilromie smirks.

Wylsin stands up.

Wylsin sits down at the witness stand.

Solmundi says 'Wylsin has a personaly relationship with the defendents council.'

Solmundi says 'Ahem. personal.'

Dogran lets out a hearty laugh.

Valindra says 'I should like to hear about it.'

Valindra says 'Proceed.'

Wylsin nods.

Wylsin says to Valindra 'Thank you.'

Villidan drinks water from a magical spring.

Wylsin sits up straight, awaiting questions.

Serra stands up.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.
A stack of pancakes suddenly appears.

Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound wags its tail and glares at you.

Serra sits down and rests.

Serra sits down and rests.

Gerok thanks Serra heartily.

Gerok gets a stack of pancakes.

Gerok eats a stack of pancakes.

Wylsin says 'Kali, yourself, and I had spent a great deal of effort securing the heads of the five ancient dragons.'

Ilromie utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A raspberry flan suddenly appears.
A raspberry flan suddenly appears.

Ilromie gets a raspberry flan.

Valindra clenches the dais with her stubby emerald fingers.

Ilromie eats a raspberry flan.

Ilromie nods.

Wylsin says 'Upon forging them into powerful armors, Solmundi himself entered the room in which we debated and immediately destroyed them without so much as a request to clear up.'

Ilromie shakes her head.

Valindra utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.

Valindra utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A plate of liver and onions suddenly appears.
A plate of liver and onions suddenly appears.

Solmundi mutters 'Damn right I did.'

Valindra gets a plate of liver and onions.

Valindra eats a plate of liver and onions.

Kali gets a raspberry flan.

Wylsin says 'Naturally we were quite distressed at this act of unwarranted rudeness and chastised Solmundi for his unnecessary acts, but then left and continued on to other adventures.'

Ilromie nods.

Valindra swats at her gavel idly.

Solmundi says 'Objection.'

Valindra arches an eyebrow.

Solmundi says 'That is a personal attack.'

Wylsin says 'Solmundi followed us and continued--'

Wylsin raises an eyebrow.

Ilromie says 'It is the truth, your honor.'

Solmundi says 'Let's stick to the accused.'

Wylsin says 'I am answering the question that was asked of me.'

Valindra says 'You may continue, Plindane, but leave the editorializing to me.'

Solmundi says 'Wait til I get to ask you some questions, gnome.'

Ilromie says 'Commander Solmundi's participation in the events is vital to a complete story.'

A magical spring dries up.

Valindra says 'Proceed.'
Serra stands up.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.
A magical spring flows from the ground.

Valindra drinks water from a magical spring.
Serra sits down and rests.

Ilromie nods.

Shaghroth drinks water from a magical spring.

Wylsin says 'In any case, we moved on to other adventures. Solmundi followed us and continued to pester us, eventually fining Duchess Ilromie for inadvertently wearing a chaotic weapon within Seringale.'

Solmundi says 'OBJECTION!!'

Ilromie says 'In fact, it was likely advertent.'

Solmundi says 'By the gods your honor.'

Solmundi says 'What nonsense is this?'

Wylsin rolls his eyes in annoyance at being interrupted yet again.

Solmundi says 'I can't even pick up a chaotic weapon let alone wield it.'

Valindra says 'Which part is the problem, Darksworn?'

Wylsin boggles at the concept.

Serra scratches her head, looking very confused.

Solmundi says 'Every single part of that, your honor.'

Wylsin says 'What are you on about man?'

Valindra itches under her wig discreetly with the wrong end of her gavel.

Solmundi says 'By the gods.'

Wylsin says 'Can you not hear?'

Solmundi says 'I have heard some crazy stuff in my time, but that takes the cake.'

Serra says 'Which gods?'

Ilromie blinks innocently.

Serra blinks innocently.

Wylsin says 'I clearly said that Duchess ILROMIE was wielding the chaotic weapon, not you.'

Ilromie says 'In fact, I am well known for wielding weapons of chaos.'

Solmundi says 'Oh my.'

Ilromie says 'It is one of the most inarguable facts stated over the course of the trial thus far.'

Ilromie drinks water from a silver chalice ornamented with pearls.

Wylsin says 'If you are so incapable of paying the barest of attention to my testimony, may I suggest that you abdicate the responsibility?'

Valindra strikes the gavel sharply, bringing order to the court.

Kali's hunger wounds him.

Serra stands up.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.
A stack of pancakes suddenly appears.

Ilromie utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A raspberry flan suddenly appears.
A raspberry flan suddenly appears.

Serra sits down and rests.

Solmundi says 'Objection!'

Solmundi says 'Witness is intimidating the attorneys.'

Dogran lets out a hearty laugh.

Kali eats a raspberry flan.

Dogran gets a raspberry flan.

Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound barks loudly.

Dogran eats a raspberry flan.

Wylsin raises an eyebrow at Solmundi's weird actions.

Solmundi says 'Get the fraud off the stand.'

Valindra says 'Settle down. You are all boring me.'

Solmundi says 'We've heard enough about this.'
Wylsin says to Solmundi 'Do I intimidate you, Commander?'

Wylsin says to Valindra 'May I continue, Judge?'

Serra drinks water from a magical spring.

Valindra says 'And quickly.'

Wylsin nods.

Solmundi says 'Only when you lie Wylsin. Was it not you who wished all of Seringale. Including the children die by drowning in the city?'

Leitha drinks water from a magical spring.

Solmundi says 'Specifally yelling "I hoe your city floods?"'

Solmundi says 'Hope.'

Solmundi peers around himself intently.

Wylsin pointedly ignores Solmundi's comment.

Serra coughs loudly.

Solmundi says 'Answer the question.'

Wylsin drinks water from a magical spring.

Valindra says to Solmundi 'Stop interrupting.'

Solmundi says 'You're under oath.'

A bouncer glowers around the room.

Gerok drinks water from a magical spring.

Valindra nods at a bouncer.

Valindra says to Solmundi 'You make this take too long. Let it proceed.'

Wylsin says 'As I was saying, after Solmundi fined Duchess Ilromie for the chaotic weapon, we headed to the Executioner to pay the fine. There were some more quite rude words from Solmundi and eventually Duchess Ilromie had enough of him.'

Wylsin says 'She challenged him to a duel to the stun in the arena to settle the matter.'

Lunaia nods at Valindra.

Ilromie says 'How did you expect such event to unfold?'

Davairus says 'Every juror is sitting here wondering why Kali raided the Justice cabal, just get to the point, nobody can follow all this nonsense.'

Valindra says 'In fact, I dismiss the jury to consider the accused.'

Dogran nods in enthusiastic agreement with Davairus.

Wylsin says 'Solmundi won the duel, but the mustang under his control killed Ilromie as she lay stunned.'

Ilromie says 'The antagonization by the Commander is relevant to that question.'

Valindra says 'Please render your verdict quickly.'

Lunaia blinks innocently at Davairus.

Valindra says 'And then attend me with it.'

Solmundi says 'Get him off the stand. He is only here to attack my character. Which SHOULD be beneath the defense.'

Valindra says 'You may sequester yourselves. But go! And quickly.'

Valindra gestures with her gavel.

Villidan stands up.

Wylsin raises an eyebrow.

Ilromie blinks innocently.

Wylsin says 'But I have not finished my statement.'

Valindra says 'Yes! Go forth, my jury! Render your verdict! I am weary of this!'

Villidan says 'As our Judge abides.'

Valindra says 'Yes! Yes!'

Shaghroth stands up.

Wylsin says 'What..'

Serra falls to the ground and rolls around laughing hysterically.

Villidan says 'Jury members, if you will follow me.'

Lunaia chimes like distant, tinkling bells, 'Wait.'

Kali blinks innocently.

Solmundi says 'But your honor, they have not heard anything regarding the case.'

Wylsin's hunger hits him.

Kali drinks water from a magical spring.

Wylsin gets a stack of pancakes.

Wylsin eats a stack of pancakes.

Lunaia chimes softly, 'We have heard one and a half witnesses from one and a half sides.'

Solmundi says 'Everything for that matter.'

Valindra says 'I have heard enough, and I suspect they have too.'

Wylsin boggles at the concept.

Gerok cheers and sings... he is just BURSTING with joy!

Shaghroth nods at Valindra.

Wylsin mutters 'What in blazes is happening...'

Lunaia chimes softly, 'I do not feel as though I have enough information to comune with the stars for appropriate guidance.'

Ilromie stands at the defender's desk.

Shaghroth gets a raspberry flan.

Lunaia chimes softly, 'We have not heard form the accuse.'
Shaghroth eats a raspberry flan.

Wylsin says to Valindra 'Your honor, with respect, this is most irregular.'

Davairus says 'Exactly, we are here to decide if he is fit to be good or evil, and you are rambling about your dragon heads. Nobody cares.'

Wylsin raises an eyebrow at Davairus's weird actions.

Ilromie says 'In fact, that was not the accusations laid at our feet.'

Dogran says 'I humbly offer my services.'

Dogran bows before Davairus.

Solmundi says 'That was one of the charges Illi, but I know you're incapable of understanding.'

Wylsin says to Davairus 'How can they make a decision to that effect without understanding the particulars of the occasion?'

Lunaia chimes softly, 'Solmundi.'

Lunaia chimes softly, 'Cease your disrespect this instance. My throat grows dry from false coughing.'

Villidan snorts derisively.

Villidan gets a plate of liver and onions.

Villidan drinks water from a magical spring.

Villidan eats a plate of liver and onions.

Leitha closes her eyes momentarily.
Valindra says 'I tire of this farce.'

Leitha closes her eyes momentarily.

Leitha closes her eyes momentarily.

Wylsin boggles his eyes at Valindra.

Wylsin says to Valindra 'This was your idea!'

Solmundi says 'Your honor, obviously this member is biased.'

Lunaia chimes softly, 'The celestials damn this chaos in a vast expanse of entropy so I hope you feel the shame that should bring upon yourselves.'

Lunaia chimes softly, 'All of you.'

Solmundi says 'Lunaia should be dismissed.'

Leitha says 'I believe the story is almost over anyway.'

Wylsin says to Leitha 'It is indeed.'

Lunaia chimes softly, 'The direction of justice and law have fractured into splinters untold through your tangents and disrespect.'

Solmundi says 'Wow.'

Lunaia chimes softly, 'The Celestials are aligned in the house of Retribution on this day.'

Leitha closes her eyes momentarily.

Valindra says 'Such a tragedy indeed.'

Wylsin says to Valindra 'May I conclude my testimony, Judge?'

Valindra closes her tiny, button-sized eyes.

Lunaia chimes softly, 'To mock the stars in distribution of justice, reward and punishment.'

Lunaia chimes softly, 'It is a disgrace.'

Valindra says 'Let it be finished, Plindane.'

Wylsin nods.

Solmundi says 'Take her out of the court.'

Valindra says 'Be quiet, let us finish.'

Solmundi says 'She needs to be removed, your honor.'

Shaghroth drinks water from a magical spring.

Serra nudges Wylsin.

Wylsin says 'As I said, the mustang under Solmundi's control killed Ilromie as she lay stunned. Solmudni showed no remorse for the actions of his steed.'

Lunaia moves her lips with eyes closed, face to the ceiling.

Solmundi says 'I TOLD HER THE MUSTANG WOULD BE PUT DOWN. What more do you want from me?'

Valindra says 'Whoops.'

<HERALD> Odile the Crier: 'Farewell Valindra, may the winds guide you to a swift return.'
Valindra has left the realms.
A tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity slowly disappears.

Now streaming Far Above Serin.

Now streaming Serra.

The People's Courtroom
Stepping into the courtroom, you quickly come to the realization that it
extends all the way up past the fourth floor of the Rest. Thin windows let
in small rectangles of light, which slowly pass over the many rows of seats
as the day grows later. Several rows of fine mahogany benches sit behind
the marble railing which separates spectators from players in the Court. To
either side of a break in the railing sit wide desks where the accuser and
defender may sit while a smaller stand rests against the far wall, where the
witness sits while giving his testimony. A box with cushioned benches rests
to the right, waiting for a dozen bored Jurors to fill it. A final dais
rises nearly to the first story, upon which sits a tall chair with dark
purple cushions for the presiding judge.

[Exits: (south)]
A magical spring flows from the ground here.
A desk for the accusor is set here.
A desk for the defendant is set here.
The witness stand is situated next to the judge's dais.
The juror's box is situated on the eastern side of the room.
A raised dais stands here with a purple-cushioned chair on it.
A gigantic black dragon dripping with blood is here.
Lunaia is sitting here.
Serra is here.
(OUTCAST) Kali is sitting at the defender's desk.
Villidan is here.
Solmundi is here.
Ilromie is standing at the defender's desk is here looking around awkwardly.
(Charmed) A bloated, old bloodhound is here, plodding along beside its master.
Gerok is sitting on a mahogany observation bench.
(Charmed) A burly looking bouncer stands before you, arms crossed about his muscular chest.
Leitha is here.
Wylsin is sitting at the witness stand.
(Charmed) A biting wolf is here, looking hungry.
Shaghroth is here.
Dogran is here.

Kali says 'I would be glad to answer questions.'

Wylsin says 'To complete the story. Kali was overcome with emotion and set upon Solmundi. However, he quickly regained his composure and let the matter rest.'

Kali stands up.

Dogran pulls out pompoms, the head of Rhoa and the head of Thoom and bangs them together cheering.

Kali nods at Wylsin.

Wylsin says 'There was no life lost and all parties left to their own devices.'

Davairus says 'Wylsin if you speak again you will be held in contempt.'
Lunaia's hunger hits her.

Wylsin sighs.

Wylsin stands up.

Leitha closes her eyes momentarily.
An apple crumble suddenly appears.

Davairus says 'Please move Kali to the stand and lets get the questions we want answered.'

Lunaia gets an apple crumble.

Wylsin says 'That concludes my testimony.'

Lunaia eats an apple crumble.

A bolt from the heavens smites Wylsin!
Wylsin yells 'AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!'

Gerok utters in a thick, rolling brogue 'Leitha Ye mindin' ter be makin anudder of those?'

Solmundi says 'Damn right it does.'

Ilromie utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A raspberry flan suddenly appears.
A raspberry flan suddenly appears.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily and nods at Wylsin.

Kali sits down at the witness stand.

Ilromie gets a raspberry flan.

Ilromie eats a raspberry flan.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily and nods at Wylsin.

Leitha closes her eyes momentarily.
An apple crumble suddenly appears.

Wylsin frowns.

Serra sits down and rests.

Leitha gets an apple crumble.

Leitha gives an apple crumble to Gerok.

Leitha nods.

Gerok thanks Leitha heartily.

Gerok eats an apple crumble.

Shaghroth sits down in the juror's box.

Wylsin sits on a mahogany observation bench.

An Immortal arrives from a puff of smoke.

Kedaleam slowly fades into existence.

Kedaleam is no longer cloaked.

Serra stands up.

Leitha closes her eyes momentarily.

Serra bows before Kedaleam.

Serra bows her head in worship of Kedaleam.

Leitha bows her head in worship of Ceridwel.

Kedaleam smiles at Serra.

Serra sits down and rests.

Davairus says 'The defense may go first.'

Ilromie nods.

Ilromie steps off the defender's desk.

Leitha drinks water from a magical spring.

Kali eats a plate of liver and onions.

Villidan sits down in the juror's box.

Tepyr arrives from a puff of smoke.

Ilromie says to Kali 'Why did you attack Solmundi that night?'

Gerok claps at Tepyr's performance.

Solmundi says 'Should't someone call this person to the stand?'

Tepyr sits down on the ground.

Davairus says 'Thats fine, proceed.'

Gerok wears a wyvern's tongue around his neck.

Gerok wears a wyvern's tongue around his neck.

Serra looks at Kali.
Serra's eyes tear up from the mist of onions.

Solmundi says 'I'm sorry your honor, but is Villidan on the stand or Kali?'

Kali says to Ilromie 'When he killed you and did not show a single shred of remorse, I knew he was beyond redemption. I attacked him to show him that his actions would not go uncontested. I had no intent or ability to kill him.'

Ilromie says 'Were you attacked by the Commander before that event?'

Wylsin stands up.

Wylsin bows his head in worship of Denadlyr.

Wylsin sits on a mahogany observation bench.

Serra stands up.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.
A stack of pancakes suddenly appears.

Serra sits down and rests.

Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound pounces around menacingly.

Kali says 'I was attacked by the commander before, North of Seringale, with you.'

Kali says 'When neither of us were criminals.'

Kali says 'And he nearly killed us both.'

Ilromie nods.

Ilromie says 'Do you believe the law serves good?'

Kali says 'When appropriately carried out, the law can be a powerful force of good.'

Kali says 'In the wrong hands it can be a source of pain and tyranny.'

Ilromie says 'No further questions.'

Solmundi says 'Objection.'

Ilromie sits down at the defender's desk.

Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound pounces around menacingly.

Davairus says 'What are you objecting to exactly?'

Solmundi says 'Kali did you or did you not attack me with no provocation? My mustang may have gotten a little out of hand, but I am not a mustang, now am I?'

Ilromie drinks water from a silver chalice ornamented with pearls.

Solmundi says 'Everything about that, your honor,.'

Gerok drinks water from a magical spring.

Solmundi says 'In fact everything he has said is a lie.'

Davairus says 'In the interests of time we will keep moving. its your turn to answer questions.'

Davairus says 'To *ask* questions.'

Davairus says 'Please ask them.'

Kali says 'My attack on you was not an act in isolation. My action against you was a culmination of all of the experiences we had had up until that point - many experiences that showed that you were a paladin in name alone.'

A magical spring dries up.

Serra stands up.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.
A magical spring flows from the ground.

Solmundi says 'Kali did you attack me even though I personally did not attack you or Ilromie?'

Serra sits down and rests.

Kali says 'No.'

Serra drinks water from a magical spring.

Kali says 'I attacked you because you had attacked us and had shown numerous times to be of evil nature and no true paladin.'

Serra glances at Solmundi.

Wylsin drinks water from a magical spring.

Kali says 'You were lost for a very long time before you ascended, Solmundi. We all know it.'

Kali says 'Next question.'

The hairs on your skin rise as a static charge ripples through the area.
You hear the sound of tinkling laughter coming from nearby.

Villidan drinks water from a magical spring.

Villidan gets a raspberry flan.

Villidan eats a raspberry flan.

Wylsin raises an eyebrow.

Ilromie says 'Are there any further questions?'

Shaghroth stands up.

Shaghroth looks more enlightened.

Tepyr gets a stack of pancakes.

Tepyr eats a stack of pancakes.

Shaghroth sits down in the juror's box.

Solmundi says 'There are plenty of questions.'

Lunaia chimes softly, 'May I suggest the leader of Justices step in?'

Wylsin raises an eyebrow.

Lunaia chimes softly, 'As a juror hoping for the truth of the situation.'

Ilromie says 'In fact, I would like to call him to the stand if the Commander has no further questions.'

Solmundi says 'Go for it, Illi.'

Ilromie nods at Kedaleam.

Kali stands up.

Kali drinks water from a magical spring.

Kali nods at Ilromie.

Kali sits down at the defender's desk.

Kali stands up.

Kali utters the words, 'ouaih ghcandusiohp'.
Kali looks relieved as he begins to manage his belongings.
Kali's eyes tear up from the mist of onions.
Kali's muscles surge with heightened power.

Kali sits down at the defender's desk.

Ilromie says 'Sovereign, would you step up, please?'

Wylsin stands up.

Kedaleam says 'Step up to what?'

Wylsin opens the door south of you.

Wylsin walks south.

Wylsin walks in.

Ilromie nods at the witness stand.

Wylsin closes the door south of you.

You hear an intense humming from nearby.

Shaghroth drinks water from a magical spring.

Ilromie says to Kedaleam 'To the stand?'

The hairs on your skin rise as a static charge ripples through the area.

Gerok stands up.

Gerok sits down in the juror's box.

Lunaia glares at Ilromie.

Leitha bows her head in worship of Ceridwel.

Serra stands up.

Serra bows her head in worship of Kedaleam.

Shaghroth stands up.

Shaghroth bows his head in worship of Diocletian.

Shaghroth sits down and rests.

Shaghroth stands up.

Serra sits down and rests.

Shaghroth sits down in the juror's box.

Gerok stands up.

Gerok bows his head in worship of Virgil.

Shaghroth's hunger scratches him.

Kedaleam utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

Kedaleam utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

Kedaleam utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

Kedaleam utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

Kedaleam utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

Ilromie frowns.

Shaghroth gets a magic mushroom.

Shaghroth eats a magic mushroom.

Villidan mutters something quietly to himself.

Kedaleam stands on a dais.

Lunaia chimes like distant, tinkling bells, 'Excuse me. '

Lunaia chimes softly, 'I feel as though things have gotten away from us.'

Gerok agrees absolutely.

Wylsin says 'Is there yet more to say?'

Ilromie says 'Lord Kedaleam, will you stand the stand?'

Lunaia stands and fluffs her feathers.

Gerok says 'Ah be agreein', we go' the fac's, an' the testimony from Solmundi n' Kali of wha' 'appened.'

Ilromie nods.

Kedaleam says 'You'll have to forgive me, walking into a courtroom mid trial isn't exactly the best situation.'

Wylsin raises an eyebrow at Gerok's weird actions.

Lunaia chimes softly, 'Kedaleam. You seam to be the only beacon the stars can find to shine their light.'

Shaghroth nods at Gerok.

Kedaleam says 'For anyone.'

Davairus says 'I'm not ok with this.'

Wylsin bows his head in worship of Denadlyr.

Davairus says 'The jurors have seen evidence and heard the witnesses and defendant examined by the defense and prosecution.'

Lunaia chimes softly, 'I appologize for the light the stars have shone upon you.'

Davairus says 'Let us hear their statements defense declaring why this person should be innocent or guilty respectively.'

Ilromie says 'You said to me only Lord Kedaleam could determine if Solmudni yet truly held the light in his heart at the time.'

Davairus says 'A couple minutes each and then we will have a verdict.'

Lunaia chimes softly, 'The jury must convene. In privet '

Gerok nods in enthusiastic agreement with Lunaia.

Ilromie stands up.

Shaghroth stands up.

Ilromie says 'Members of the Jury,'

Gerok gets a magic mushroom.

Gerok eats a magic mushroom.

Ilromie says 'If Kali is guilty of anything, it is an excess of passion.'

Lunaia chimes softly, 'Stop Ilromie.'

Ilromie says 'He has yet made a vow to maintain the light, and perhaps he has acted against the law in times of strife.'

Ilromie frowns at what Lunaia did.

Ilromie continues.

Lunaia chimes softly, 'The jury must convene in private '

Davairus says 'No more interruptions. thanks.'

Ilromie says 'Know that what is good is to stand against the abuses of the law and tyranny.'

Lunaia nods.

Ilromie says 'To protect those you love.'

Ilromie says 'And to act upon wrongs that you witness.'

Leitha gets a magic mushroom.

Leitha eats a magic mushroom.

Ilromie bows deeply.

Ilromie sits down at the defender's desk.

Leitha drinks water from a magical spring.

Gerok drinks water from a magical spring.

Villidan stands up.

Solmundi says 'Can I speak?'

Davairus says 'Solumdi, yes, please begin.'

Villidan sits down in the juror's box.

Shaghroth sits down in the juror's box.

Gerok sits down in the juror's box.

Solmundi says 'Excellent. Persons of the jury. I have though long and hard about this case. Perhaps Kali is not guilty of the charges. In fact I cannot sleep at night knowing he was found guilty.'

Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound pounces around menacingly.

Solmundi says 'Do yourselves and myself a favor. Find him innocnet.'

Solmundi says 'Ahem.'

Solmundi says 'Innocent.'

Solmundi says 'I officially drop my charges against him.'

Serra blinks innocently.

Shaghroth nods.

Davairus says 'They cannot be dropped.'

Serra stands up.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.
A stack of pancakes suddenly appears.

Lunaia drinks water from a magical spring.
Davairus says 'Shaghroth please lead the other jurors to another room and convene privately.'

Serra gets a stack of pancakes.

Serra sits down and rests.

Serra eats a stack of pancakes.

Villidan stands up.
Davairus says 'Then return with a verdict.'

Shaghroth stands up.

Gerok stands up.

Solmundi says 'Haha, by you sure, but by me? no. I'm not going to prosecute this man.'

Tepyr stands up.

Shaghroth beckons Villidan to follow.

Ilromie stands up.

Ilromie utters the words, 'oculoinfra uizug'.

Ilromie utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A raspberry flan suddenly appears.
A raspberry flan suddenly appears.

Ilromie gets a raspberry flan.
Shaghroth opens the door south of you.

Ilromie eats a raspberry flan.

Shaghroth walks south.
Villidan flies south.
Gerok walks south.
Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound walks south.

The door south of you closes.

Serra nudges Lunaia.

Tepyr gets a magic mushroom.

Tepyr eats a magic mushroom.
Serra says 'Do you not go with them, miss?'

Kali gets a raspberry flan.

Lunaia nods.
Kali drinks water from a magical spring.

Lunaia stands up.

Serra opens the door south of you.

Lunaia flies south.

Serra closes the door south of you.

Tepyr drinks water from a magical spring.

Ilromie lets out her breath.

Tepyr looks at Kali.
Tepyr's eyes tear up from the mist of onions.

Ilromie says 'All will be decided soon.'

Wylsin sits on a mahogany observation bench.

Wylsin stands up.

Wylsin utters the words, 'hzabrag ay zhpzf'.

Serra stands up.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.
Serra's eyes are filled with serenity.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily and nods at Ilromie.
Ilromie's eyes are filled with serenity.

Wylsin sits on a mahogany observation bench.

Serra sits down and rests.

Ilromie smiles at Serra.

Kali smiles at Ilromie.

Kali eats a raspberry flan.

Ilromie glances at Kali.

Ilromie frowns.

Serra stands up.

Serra bows her head in worship of Kedaleam.

Serra sits down and rests.

Leitha bows her head in worship of Ceridwel.

Wylsin stands up.

Wylsin utters the words, 'oculoinfra uizug'.

Wylsin sits on a mahogany observation bench.

Ilromie paces in front of the desk.

Leitha closes her eyes momentarily.

Serra twirls a quill between her fingers idly.

The door south of you opens.

Leitha absent-mindedly polishes off her boots to prevent rust.

Shaghroth walks in.
Gerok walks in.
Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound walks in.
Villidan flies in.

Shaghroth closes the door south of you.

Gerok sits down in the juror's box.

Villidan sits down in the juror's box.

Shaghroth sits down in the juror's box.

Gerok looks in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Gerok closes a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Serra says 'You left one outside.'

Serra chuckles politely.

Shaghroth stands up.

Wylsin opens the door south of you.

Shaghroth walks south.

Ilromie drinks water from a silver chalice ornamented with pearls.

Ilromie stands at the accuser's desk.

Ilromie steps off the accuser's desk.

Ilromie stands at the defender's desk.

Serra stands up.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.

Serra drinks water from a magical spring.

Serra sits down and rests.

Leitha drinks water from a magical spring.

Wylsin drinks water from a magical spring.

Serra says 'She might have gotten lost in the ceiling.'

Leitha chuckles politely.

Gerok opens a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

The door south of you opens.

Gerok puts a lair key in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

Shaghroth walks in.

Gerok closes a Big Ol'Pack Sack.
Lunaia flies in.

Shaghroth closes the door south of you.

Lunaia nods.

Lunaia gets a magic mushroom.

Shaghroth sits down in the juror's box.

Lunaia eats a magic mushroom.

Serra says 'Ah, very good.'

Davairus says 'Verdict please and how many voted each way, no names needed.'

Villidan drinks water from a magical spring.

Leitha drinks water from a magical spring.

Shaghroth stands up.

Shaghroth coughs loudly.

Gerok looks at Shaghroth.
Gerok's eyes tear up from the mist of onions.

Wylsin raises an eyebrow.

Ilromie glances at the Jury.

Shaghroth says while chewing on something vile 'Verdict is not guilty 5 to 0 '

Serra says 'Who was the fifth?'

Shaghroth sits down in the juror's box.

Solmundi says 'Whew, good decision.'

Serra blinks innocently.

Solmundi says 'At least I'll sleep nice tonight.'

Kali claps his hands and smiles at Ilromie.

Gerok drinks water from a magical spring.

The skies turn more peaceful as the surge finally departs.
Event "The Trial of Kali Windbreeze" is over!

Shaghroth stands up.

The many sins of Kali Windbreeze flies from Kali into the hands of Davairus.

A magical spring dries up.

Ilromie smiles at Kali.

Shaghroth whispers something to Serra.

Shaghroth chuckles politely.

Serra chortles mischieviously at Shaghroth.

Davairus says 'Serra can handle your deliverance back to the Light from here.'

Gerok shows his approval by clapping his hands together.

Serra nods.

Wylsin raises an eyebrow.

Kali smiles at Serra.

Serra says 'Very good, sir.'

Leitha says 'So it's not quite over.'

Gerok utters in a thick, rolling brogue 'A trial by combat woulda been more excitin', but no' bad!'

Gerok throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

Shaghroth nods at Gerok.

Serra says 'Lord Kedaleam, I trust this is within your blessing.'

Villidan's hunger injures him.

Serra stands up.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.
A stack of pancakes suddenly appears.

Villidan gets a stack of pancakes.

Villidan eats a stack of pancakes.

Wylsin stands up.
Davairus has restored you.

Wylsin utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

Wylsin gets a magic mushroom.

Shaghroth opens the door south of you.

Shaghroth walks south.

Kali stands up.

The door south of you closes.

Wylsin utters the words, 'qcandusahz gsfuio'.
A magical spring flows from the ground.

Shaghroth yells 'Fist of War, guide my blade for the fallen!'

Gerok drinks water from a magical spring.

Wylsin drinks water from a magical spring.

Gerok stands up.

Gerok bows his head in worship of Virgil.

Kali bows before Kedaleam.

Solmundi says 'An innocent man is free to do as he pleases.'

Kali says to Kedaleam 'Thank you for allowing Serra to teach me.'

Solmundi says 'I'm glad an innocent person stands free.'

Kali utters the words, 'oculoinfra uizug'.

Leitha closes her eyes momentarily.

Gerok yells out his warcry.
Gerok yells 'God of Balance, bless me with your power!'

Gerok looks at Tepyr.
Gerok's eyes tear up from the mist of onions.

Solmundi has left the realms.

Serra nods at Kedaleam.

Lunaia nods.

Ilromie looks at Serra.

Leitha says 'Well, I must rest my mind.'

Leitha says 'It was worth attending this meeting.'

Kali says to Leitha 'Thank you for coming, my friend.'

Kedaleam nods at Serra.

Wylsin says to Leitha 'Thank you for your consideration.'

Leitha nods.

Leitha opens the door south of you.

Leitha waves happily.

Leitha walks south.

Villidan looks at Kali.

A ray of light shines down briefly nearby, then vanishes.

Dogran steps into his own shadow.

Kali rolls his shoulders and sighs deeply.

Ilromie looks at Kali.

Wylsin utters the words, 'tiax aruoiwunsoh'.

Kali says 'A great weight has been lifted.'

Kali says 'Thank you all, truly.'
Serra says 'Kali, are you willing to relinquish the path of Storm and accept the path of Water?'

Ilromie steps off the defender's desk.

Lunaia nods.

Kali says to Serra 'I am, and thank you for speaking to Ceridwel about this. I am delighted that Lord Aberdour would approve of such a course.'

Serra nods.

An Immortal slowly fades into thin air.

Serra offers Kali conversion.

Ilromie draws in an expectant breath.

Kali bows before Serra.

Wylsin utters the words, 'tiax aruoiwunsoh'.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.

Serra smiles at Kali.

Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound wags its tail and glares at you.

Gerok pats Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound on his head.

Lunaia has left the realms.

Serra bows her head in worship of Kedaleam.

Kedaleam smiles at Serra.

Kedaleam steps off a dais.

Kedaleam looks in a bright orange Stryth-O-Ween candy bag.
Gerok drinks water from a magical spring.

Wylsin utters the words, 'tiax aruoiwunsoh'.

Kali drinks water from a magical spring.

Ilromie kisses Kali briefly.

Wylsin smiles happily.

Kali returns Ilromie's brief kiss.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.

Serra closes her eyes momentarily.

Ilromie says to Kali 'I knew the light inside you would shine again.'

Villidan stands up.

Gerok walks south.
Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound walks south.

Gerok walks in.
Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound walks in.

An Immortal says 'There is still the matter of a new name for you.'

Kali says to Ilromie 'I knew that I would find my way back if I would only continue to live in the light.'

Villidan says 'Kali Windbreeze the Repentant?'

Ilromie smiles at Villidan.

Gerok says 'Should be reflectin' 'is new path, iffa be so bol' ter offer a word.'

Tepyr flies south.

Kali taps his chin in thought.

Kali says 'Both given and surname?'

Gerok says 'Any'ow, bes' o luck to ye. Ye ne'er needed em ti'ils any'ow to define ye.'

Gerok gallantly tips his hat.

Gerok opens the door south of you.

An Immortal says 'First definitely, surname optional.'

Gerok walks south.
Nahnum the bloated, old bloodhound walks south.

The door south of you closes.

Villidan whispers something to Ilromie.

Villidan snickers with Ilromie about their shared secret.

Ilromie whispers something to Villidan.

Ilromie winks at Villidan.

Kali taps his chin in thought.

Villidan whispers something to Ilromie.

Kali says 'That is generous.'

Kali says 'Kearic Windbreeze?'

An Immortal says 'You could probably do better, but if thats what you want.'

Kali says 'I'm not sure how much time I have.'

An Immortal says 'Even Kaeric sounds better than Kearic.'

Wylsin says 'He has a point.'

Serra chortles mischieviously.

Ilromie whispers something to Kearic.

Kearic whispers something to Ilromie.

Villidan whispers something to Kearic.

Ilromie utters the words, 'oculoinfra uizug'.

Villidan looks around and whistles innocently.
Kearic says 'Actually.'

Kearic says 'I have a better name.'

Serra lets out a hearty laugh.

Wylsin raises an eyebrow.

Kedaleam yawns.

Serra says 'Well, that concludes the festivities of the evening, I think.'

<HERALD> Odile the Crier: 'Serra is no longer in the limelight.'


  1. Point of order, I didn't recuse myself 'at the last minute.'. I told Valindra that I could not serve on the jury when the trial was first scheduled.

    Thanks for the log, what a night!
      [reply to Wylsin]
    1. This was so much fun. Thanks to everyone who attended and thank you Serra for recording it and writing a summary - you are a saint.
        [reply to Kaelric]
      1. What’s the TL;DR here? He got renamed but what about his align?
        1. I converted him to good at the very end (when I offered conversion). It didn't show any outward sign when it happened but I confirmed with know alignment.
        [reply to Garv]
      2. Summary was a nice touch, for those of us who missed it, ty, and all I could think was "bum bum" like old law and order.
          [reply to Grayden]
        1. In fact, a wish taking fish and a wish giving fish (matched set) was a great bribe! You undersold it!
          1. I mean - OBJECTION!
          2. They just looked like old rotting fish to me!
          [reply to Ilromie]
        2. My favorite part was Shaghroth calling it 5-0 with only four jurors. Fire giant head juror FTW
          1. He's stone, and also since he's a giant he counts twice.
          2. I might have been mistaken regarding the jury members. On review it seems like Gerok went out to convene with the jury and I incorrectly registered him as an Observer, although at the start I asked if he was an observer and he said he was.
          3. Aye, ‘ad no idea ah was a juror me’self until Lor’ Davairus be sendin’ me n’ the udders the fac’s o’ the case! Tha’ poin’ ah pu’ on me airs n’ di’ me civic du’y.
          [reply to Davairus]
        3. Whoops.
          1. There were lots of funny moments that night but the Whoops exit took the cake!
          [reply to Valindra]

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